Life sucks ...

THanks everyone - its a bit strange not hearing her bell around the house whilst she tried to stalk the Lab (surprising she managed it lots!) and having her snuggle on the bed.

Most upset is our son who was only 7 when she came into our lives and had to make the hardest decision yesterday. He has just gone out to buy some plants to mark the spot in the garden where she is now sleeping - her favourite place where she could keep warm and out of the way!
this is Rosie who had been clear of cancer for 15mths sadly another lump was found & tested as being a malignant sarcoma, a totally different cancer to the last one, she had the lump removed on Monday & we are waiting to find out exactly what kind of sarcoma it is


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THanks everyone - its a bit strange not hearing her bell around the house whilst she tried to stalk the Lab (surprising she managed it lots!) and having her snuggle on the bed.

Most upset is our son who was only 7 when she came into our lives and had to make the hardest decision yesterday. He has just gone out to buy some plants to mark the spot in the garden where she is now sleeping - her favourite place where she could keep warm and out of the way!

Its gutting whenever it happens I am so sorry :( we have a cat coming up 19yrs old who is starting to wind down now, he has recently gone blind is getting increasingly thin,
Thanks everyone - well my week off didnt get much better

Saturday - put cat down
Sunday - generally depressed
Monday - had engineer out for 5th visit to attempt to fix boiler, says beyond repair so reports to Housing Office to get replaced
Tuesday - leak again through bathroom/hallway electrics - Housing Office sends out electrician / plumber separately to "fix" - electrician takes down both light units until leak fixed, plumbers turn up and think they have found the leak (4th attempt!) but have to wait on upstairs neighbour to clear out area so they can work on it (lights still not fixed)
Wednesday - set out to drive down to see my Nan (lives near Brighton), gets 1 mile down road before sat nav has a hissy fit and tells me that my 2hr hour journey will now take me 6 - so aborted and spend rest of day trying to get boiler appointment for replacement
Thursday - boiler engineer turns up (frightened of dogs so had to lock ours in garden!) and says that a) boiler is not vented correctly so thats not helped the problems b) its never been cleaned so thats also contributed and c) not only are they replacing the boiler but ALL the radiators so its a two day job...... ARGH!! Then managed to drive down to Nans in pissing rain and finally got home at 5pm to have to cook dinner whilst other half sits there....
Friday - its SOOOOOOO Me time!!! Cinema for Thor2 and then chilaxing (although the way this week has gone I bet the film will break down half way through!)

So much for "holiday"!
Ballydoyle, I'm so sorry about Lady. It must be really awful saying goodbye to a companion you've had around for that long.

We've just had to have one of our cats put to sleep because she was found to have FIPs. It's a ******* of a disease caused by a corona virus (like human SARS) which most cats are exposed to, but only a few who have low immune systems get the full blown illness when the virus is not fought off and it mutates in them. Once it does this there is no treatment and no turning back. Our little cat had no chance. So sad, she was only 6. I now know far more about FIPs than I did before - and it is a true nasty.