Look after this forum

I've been vile to both DO and EC1 in recent months/weeks*, and their both still speaking to me.

Disappointing, therefore, to establish that Slim went off in a big poofy hissy-fit.....though obviously good to see him back.

* I apologise pubiicly and humbly for these trangressions, and will try very hard not be such a nippy cu*nt in future.

I was able to see this because EC1 quoted it so I accept it in the spirit in which it is offered and will therefore take you off ignore, GH.

(I secretly missed your more considered input.)
I can try if you like and if not could change it to something similar Slimchanceisback or something ;)
Just let me know if you want me to

Surely this should go to a vote?

I'd like to offer 'Slimchanceisaflamer' for shortlist consideration.
Busy man yesterday and missed all the live action, great to see the forum thriving and Slimdog back in the gaff :)
Apologies but have been away getting some pre winter sun and only just found this thread!

I would love to contribute more but the following reasons stop me:

1 - too many threads end up as a bi-atch fest
2 - threads are hijacked with personal attacks or posts completely irrelevant to the original start
3 - too embarassed to show my lack of racing awareness as it might set off another bi-atch fest
4 - too busy to post long responses
5 - too busy to get involved in the brilliant competitions (although still a bit cheesed off that I won a Pick A 2yr old comp a few seasons back and never received the prize)

I love racing and joined the forum as I thought it was for similar minded people and on the whole it is, but far too often it gets bogged down with name calling and snide remarks

Maybe we need a new "welcome to the forum" section where we can all introduce ourselves - do we have a facebook page as well?
Ok I have seen the Welcome to the Forum thread but didnt know it was still active.

The FB page looks like a place that is only used to advise of site outages or the ocassional promo for a comp - the three posts on there are dated 28th April re outages, 1st January to wish everyone a Happy New Year and then 28th September 2015 regarding a new comp. 3 in 14 months......

Maybe I need to turn on the notification to a post but I originally turned it off because the way that the threads get hijacked or overtaken......

I would join in some of the political stuff but again it gets out of hand and the debates turn into slagging matches and coherent responses get lost in **** measuring contests!
As Ed alludes...if you need to understand why this forum has survived the answer is in this thread. Forum health, memories of those lost in action, Jam Tarts, Hurricane Fly, Scottish Crime lliterature, 1966 world cup squad and on it goes......

Jam Tarts?? Knuckle Dragging, puddle drinking, sister feckers.
His boy was running the Development Squad at Hibs until recently - made an absolute pigs tits of it.

Thanks, Digger. I suppose I just associated Joe with his very successful time at Celtic.

Strange, 'cos I remember Pat Stanton more for his time at Hibs than at Celtic and Harry Hood for coming from a diddy team like Clyde and Dixie Deans from, I think, Motherwell.
Re: SlimChance

I got s massive pain in my bollocks during the summer when someone on Twitter reproduced something I posted on another forum and accused me of plagiarism. It pissed me right off and I deleted my accounts on both forums In hindsight it was a poor decision on my part to let one moron get to me.

Guesss who's back?

Thats done now, you might get kicked out and have to login again