Matt O'Connor

Can't keep a jockey down, good luck to Matt and hope he picks up where he left off cheers.
I believe he is making very good progress at the moment and will be moved from Cork hospital which is a very good sign. Rehab will be a slow process. Was talking to one of Inca member's wife who works in neurology and she said it's akin to rebooting the computer.......every time you do it you have to go through the same procedure and it can take a while to get the computer up to top speed. So every serious head trauma requires rehab to get everything going again like it was before.
Well, it's good news he's making progress but sounds like a long hard slog for the lad and his family. Just when he should be enjoying a carefree youth, too...:(
I wish him the very best. One of my colleagues had quite severe head injuries from a car smash some seven years ago and recovery was a long process. She had to learn to read again but in the process discovered a talent for teaching others herself. Another friend came back from the dead following a smash and had many years of rehabilitation that culminated in his marriage. He works in the voluntary sector. A third friend whose head injuries were less severe following a car smash has recovered enough to run in the London Marathon this weekend. Go, Trevor, go!
Matt is well enough to wish the syndicate luck tonight with Kimberlite King, a horse he rode to victory twice. He's already given the instructions to Alan for tonights ride!!
Matt is well enough to wish the syndicate luck tonight with Kimberlite King, a horse he rode to victory twice. He's already given the instructions to Alan for tonights ride!!

Cantoris,is there a possibility of a come back for Matty as a jockey or what do the experts(doctors) say?
You're asking the wrong person mate. I don't know what the story is but he has to get over stage 1, 2, 3..........27, before thinking about that.