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McCririck's Damages Suit


My missus prides herself on reading people well and whilst she has no time for sexism she likes Mac. Reckons hes actually an acutely sensitive bloke

The media is increasingly full of dismal drab presenters completely devoid of any personality but programmed to say the right things and hold the just the right views. Think of all those overgrown students on Radio 5 live. its a pretty narrow world where "comedians" such as that cnt Russel Brand are considered "unconventional" whereas he is as deeply predictable and conventional as could you could possibly be

I think Danny Baker is just about the last original left
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On that note, Brand tells the world that when with his wife Fred Perry or whatever her name is, he had to imagine it was another woman blah blah

Now for all Macs daft remarks what could be more vilely contemptuous than that? But he's a media darling of course

Christ you would never get tired of giving him a good kicking would you?
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Russell Brand is a fantastic writer however as his pieces in the Guardian demonstrate (you wouldn't know that obviously).
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This is the guy who spouts extremist, racist and sexist bile regularly on a sports programme. For decades he has been allowed to do so from a soap box provided for him by producer after producer because they presumably felt his presence was important for the success of the programme. So they did nothing to curb his excesses and he got to make a cult of himself.

And he got very well paid for it.

He wasn't sacked. His contract ran out and it wasn't renewed. If he's entitled to some kind of severance pay, fine, that's more than many workers will get.

If he has any case, then so will millions of others. My own contract wasn't renewed this summer. I got no severance pay. For me, age wasn't a factor. In fact, I know they wanted me to stay on but they were obliged to take on someone who was super numere in another establishment within the local authority.

Every cloud has a silver lining, though, and I'm now in a much more satisfying and stressless situation within the same authority. Again, it's a time-limited contract but that's the way it is.

I'm not a Jeremy Kyle addict. I don't sit and and watch the sh1te on morning TV. He doesn't have to either. He has beautiful dogs. He can take them out for long walks and spend more time helping around the house or doing the shopping, like any other person out of work. He can also keep looking for work.

His whole attitude in this matter betrays what a pathetic human being he is.

What drivel. I will of course take this back if you can show where and when McCririck has been racist.

My missus prides herself on reading people well and whilst she has no time for sexism she likes Mac. Reckons hes actually an acutely sensitive bloke

The media is increasingly full of dismal drab presenters completely devoid of any personality but programmed to say the right things and hold the just the right views. Think of all those overgrown students on Radio 5 live. its a pretty narrow world where "comedians" such as that cnt Russel Brand are considered "unconventional" whereas he is as deeply predictable and conventional as could you could possibly be

I think Danny Baker is just about the last original left

Not sure I agree about Danny Baker (a loudmouth for me) but agree completely about Brand - it says more about the society we live in that such an untalented, disgusting oaf is given so much airtime and media space.
I actually declined the offer of being in an enclosed space with McCruick once....never have stairs looked so welcoming......

I met him once when I went up to him to ask if he would sign my racecard (don't ask) his exact reply was " of course young lady " he then went on to ask me how much I went racing & how I enjoyed it etc etc we had a very pleasant conversation, I very much believe that a lot of the so called sexist remarks are just for show, I could of quite happily talked to him for a lot longer but perhaps I just caught him on a good day!
In support of Desert Orchid. He turned up on Irish radio a few years ago with Edwina Currie to discuss 'Irishness.' I haven't the time to track down the audio, but this is a summary from a local discussion board (www.boards.ie), but having heard the interview live this summary a drastic understatement of his vitriol, delivered with hateful tones. I am not sure if the Irish are classed as 'a race', but if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it is probably not a swan.



John McCririck loses it (against the Irish) on Newstalk
McCririck is the idiosyncratically dressed guy who comments on horseracing in Britain, this guy.

George Hook decided to get McCririck's views on the Irish, under the subtext that it's Cheltenham week and coming up to Patrick's Day.

Having said a couple of nice things about the Irish at the outset, McCririck went into a rant par excellence about the Irish being the parasites of Britain and other EU countries and how British taxes have done this, that and the other to help the Irish. Oh, and not forgetting the centuries-long Irish campaign of terrorism against Britain. Of course, being English he didn't let us down and managed to bring up a certain condolence in 1945....(being a good English rightwinger, he of course also forgot all the usual things that any good Tory would forget).

Even George Hook spoke up in defence of the Irish and the EU, that other great bogey of those rightwing loolas. Hook spoke about the signs which greeted him when he arrived in England as a 19-year-old. I felt sorry for Edwina Currie having to share the same interview space with him. And I never thought I'd say that about her.
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That has zero to with "racism" unless you want to lazily throw that word around in response to the (overly harsh and simplistic) political points he has made

He may well have mentioned the disgusting and foul treatment of ww11 veterans from your country. Those that fought against a truly racist idealogy (although one that had the sympathy of a certain leader as Mac rightly pointed out)
I didn't hear the interview, but I like this comment from that board:

The fact that he has a wife disturbs me far more than what he said about the Irish.
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That has zero to with "racism" unless you want to lazily throw that word around in response to the (overly harsh and simplistic) political points he has made

He may well have mentioned the disgusting and foul treatment of ww11 veterans from your country. Those that fought against a truly racist idealogy (although one that had the sympathy of a certain leader as Mac rightly pointed out)

You're quite right clive, I withdraw fully my comments. And I don't resent being corrected by somebody who comes from a country where absolutely everybody who attended public school was homo-sexually raped in the shower, so don't worry too much about it.

[Also, surprised to see there have been eleven World Wars. Must have slept through the last nine.]
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God knows. Seems to have touched a nerve though. Not sure why being homosexually raped in showers is the first thing that comes to his mind... along with a very prim and proper correction of typos

Although then again....
I didn't hear the interview, but I like this comment from that board:

See this is what does get me

How often have we found that wonderfully charming public personas hide complete monsters behind the scenes (Bing Crosby being a famous example)

... and vice versa

Although i do wonder how he pulled in the first place...
quite true Clive..the nicey nicey types are usually a damn sight worse than people who don't pretend all their life

i also think that some of the Mac hate is based on his looks...if he looked like brad pitt i doubt there would be so many personal remarks made against him
You're quite right clive, I withdraw fully my comments. And I don't resent being corrected by somebody who comes from a country where absolutely everybody who attended public school was homo-sexually raped in the shower, so don't worry too much about it.

[Also, surprised to see there have been eleven World Wars. Must have slept through the last nine.]

are you sure it was everybody?
quite true Clive..the nicey nicey types are usually a damn sight worse than people who don't pretend all their life

i also think that some of the Mac hate is based on his looks...if he looked like brad pitt i doubt there would be so many personal remarks made against him

Does Brad Pitt wear 3 wristwatches, a tonne of bling, deerstalker hat, bootlace tie, mutton-chop sideburns, wave his arms about like a demented spider monkey, and pick his nose and chew the product for tv?
Or maybe he doesn't need to. :)
Does Brad Pitt wear 3 wristwatches, a tonne of bling, deerstalker hat, bootlace tie, mutton-chop sideburns, wave his arms about like a demented spider monkey, and pick his nose and chew the product for tv?
Or maybe he doesn't need to. :)

there is nothing wrong with wearing 3 wristwatches
Sorry Clive. I hadn't realised that generalisms and stereotyping upset you so. Must be a characteristic of my whole country. Every one of us.