MCR Hurdle - Leopardstown 9th Jan

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Whats the list of horses that makes him a negative?!

I mentioned quite a few around xmas on here somewhere and others have mentioned the more recent ones.

Anyone can look good sitting still on a good thing; it's the winning of races you shouldn't that makes a good jockey.

Not saying he hasn't got a lot of talent, he has, but that any assessment of him should be a fair one, which would involve praise when he rides well, and criticism when he doesn't.
Townnend makes mistakes, even Federer does it .

about his supposed bad rides recently
he is not guilty of some people backing Mullins hroses at stupid prices

he did nothing worng with Mikael or Zaidpour when beaten
Blacstorm is the only one to argue (I think he did nothing wrong)
and the Tawwaag, Nothing wrong, only beaten by a better horse.

I think he is the best jockey riding now and has the scope to be the best ever.
Blacstorm is the only one to argue (I think he did nothing wrong)
and the Tawwaag, Nothing wrong, only beaten by a better horse.

There is no argument with Blackstairsmountatin, a horse who has stopped before and was not hit once when beaten a short head. It's an open and closed case of a jock trying to give a horse an easy time, looking around and getting chinned. If it was a 7lb claimer there would be plenty more singing and dancing about the ride. Tawaag I admit could be argued but still, he was a speed horse who went for his race far too early. You could argue he gave Golden Silver no chance against Big Zeb at Navan. He's a talented rider but needs to focus a bit more. He either comes too late or goes too early. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I think he is probably the most talented rider I have seen at his age - but even then they will always make some mistakes.

this is like the flat apprentices who everyone hail as 17 year olds and then disappear. I'm not convinced that all jocks improve with age, just like some minor hurlers never make the senior team. He's a talented rider, but he's making what some would consider regular mistakes on high profile horses, something Ruby and Tony McCoy don't do too often.
this is like the flat apprentices who everyone hail as 17 year olds and then disappear. I'm not convinced that all jocks improve with age, just like some minor hurlers never make the senior team. He's a talented rider, but he's making what some would consider regular mistakes on high profile horses, something Ruby and Tony McCoy don't do too often.

I would suggest Townend does not do it "too often". What horses have been questioned, Blackstairmountain, Zaidpour and Golden Silver?

Golden Silver was given a poor ride according to some - for me Golden Silver got within 2 lengths of a horse raced 8lbs his superior and that has beaten him on every occasion.

Zaidpour should have been positioned closer according to some - on the day he was not travelling imo.

Blackstairsmountain - looked like he was riding to orders to give him an easy intro but I agree it was not a good one particularly when he kicked on so early.

But where are the rest of these "often" mishaps. I seem to be missing them between all the Grade 1 and big race handicap successes..
There is no argument with Blackstairsmountatin, a horse who has stopped before and was not hit once when beaten a short head. It's an open and closed case of a jock trying to give a horse an easy time, looking around and getting chinned. If it was a 7lb claimer there would be plenty more singing and dancing about the ride. Tawaag I admit could be argued but still, he was a speed horse who went for his race far too early. You could argue he gave Golden Silver no chance against Big Zeb at Navan. He's a talented rider but needs to focus a bit more. He either comes too late or goes too early. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Go back and look at the Navan race Cantoris - the horse was ridden someway out and blew up before staying on again. Its a nonsense to suggest the horse should have or could have beaten Big Zeb - I thought you above all would see that!

Tawaag was given a perfectly fine ride - but was beaten by a better horse. If McCoy was on the winner we would not be even talking about that one.
He got Golden Silver closer to a horse rated some way ahead of him.
He got Zaidpour within a short head of winning despite not travelling or jumping as well as expected.
Blackstairsmountain I accept is up for debate.

But that's three horses? Where are all the rest?
Go back and look at the Navan race Cantoris - the horse was ridden someway out and blew up before staying on again. Its a nonsense to suggest the horse should have or could have beaten Big Zeb - I thought you above all would see that!

I'm not talking about winning and losing. Of course I don't think Golden Silver would beat Big Zeb, I just don't think Townend gave him a good ride. He already had a run so can't have the "blew up" bit.
Where are all the rest?

Can you provide a list of his rides since October and Hamm and myself will put our Big Zeb differences aside and have a look at it.

And you should know that blackstairs cannot be debated. It was atrocious.
I'm not talking about winning and losing. Of course I don't think Golden Silver would beat Big Zeb, I just don't think Townend gave him a good ride. He already had a run so can't have the "blew up" bit.

In your original posting you mentioned the Navan race - that is why I referred to that one. Again at Leopardstown he got closer to Big Zeb than the handicapper suggests he should I missing something?

I would look at Townends record on Golden Silver in comparison to Walsh's - pretty clear he gets on very well with the horse.
In your original posting you mentioned the Navan race - that is why I referred to that one. Again at Leopardstown he got closer to Big Zeb than the handicapper suggests he should I missing something?

It's easy to look better than you are as a runner up if the winner goes clear and you conserve your energy until the end of the race. That's why it is misleading to assume that a fast finishing second will ever beat the winner. Golden Silver jumped badly at Leopardstown, that's why I ignored it. At Navan he had the advantage of a run over Big Zeb (which you now ignore), yet decided to give Big Zeb a big lead on a horse that stays well.

Your point on Townend getting on well with Golden Silver is valid, the same as some lady riders get on better with horses than male riders, or apprentices get on better with some horses than whip happy professionals.
If you are going to knock a jockey you should at least have the evidence yourself.

I gave you three. Not all his rides are going to be bad, obviously. He's a talented jockey but has plenty to learn.
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You should look at the Navan race again - both were making their seasonal debuts.

Mea culpa. Was mixing up Zeb with Zaarito who Golden Silver beat the next time.

Of course, those seemingly bad rides could all be down to instructions. I liked Tommy Treacy as a rider but he rode to instructions so much that it got embarrassing from time to time. As a result, punters hated him and thought he was useless.