If the word "Muslim" was replaced by the word "Jew" in a lot of recent posts, this place would be in meltdown.
The situation is extremely complex, and - like it or not - it exposes deep-rooted cultural/political positions, which will prove the constraint on European integration. That doesn't mean that the EU is doomed to the kind of calamitous failure suggested by Clivex, but it is another indicator (like the financial/Greek crisis before it), of exactly how far integration can practically be taken.
Insofar as the refugees are concerned, there are almost certainly a percentage of them who are economic migrants. But I believe that we can't continue to deny access based on the few, when the cost to the many is so great.
If every town in Europe of over 1000 population absorbed just one family, this issue would be over at a stroke. Is that a workable solution? I don't known, but the impact on each town would be practically nil; both in terms of cost and intgeration problems (because there woukd be no need to build ghettos to herd them all together).
Whatever happens, something needs to be done to help these people, and ostracising them - or suggesting they are otherwise undesirable because of their religion - is walking a very fine (and short-sighted) line, in my view. A dispersal programme could work, and the problem isn't going to go away in the absence of one.