Millie Dowler trial.... a disgrace

It beggars belief. After having Bellfields lawyers advising their client to "go personal" they now have this to contend with

I see that Rebekak Wade or whatever her name is now, is denying any involvement whereas other stories inidicate otherwise. I dont really follow this end of the press but shes struck me before as being a nasty piece of work. We will see whether thats relevant
The Guardian has claimed private investigator Glenn Mulcaire intercepted messages left by relatives for 13-year-old Milly while she was missing in 2002, and that the NoW deleted some messages it had already listened to when the voicemail facility became full.

Nick Davies, the special correspondent from the Guardian who wrote the story, told the BBC: "This is one of the very few episodes that happened when she [Rebekah Brooks] was editing the paper, and she's clearly going to have to answer some questions about what she knew about what was going on."

She added: "I hope that you all realise it is inconceivable that I knew - or worse - sanctioned these appalling allegations."

Hmmm..this story has some legs. the Guardian will have its own agenda here of course
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It beggars belief. After having Bellfields lawyers advising their client to "go personal" they now have this to contend with

I see that Rebekak Wade or whatever her name is now, is denying any involvement whereas other stories inidicate otherwise. I dont really follow this end of the press but shes struck me before as being a nasty piece of work. We will see whether thats relevant

She and Champagne Charlie B deserve each other.

Hope he's squirming too, although somehow I doubt it's in his make up.
Noticeable that the hacking was barely mentioned in any of the tabloids. Probably they`ve all been at it and only the NoW has been caught. Also, 2 of them are up in court for contempt today. Truly they are out of control and the gutless politicians stand by and do nothing.
Noticeable that the hacking was barely mentioned in any of the tabloids. Probably they`ve all been at it and only the NoW has been caught. Also, 2 of them are up in court for contempt today. Truly they are out of control and the gutless politicians stand by and do nothing.

True, but think this might be a tipping point.

It's uniquely gruesome
If anybody wants Murdoch stopped, or at least a damn good try to stop him grabbing BSkyB, then please go to Avaaz's site and sign a petition to tell Cameron et al how much you feel News Int'l has and will continue to flout all media standards. They're not known for using the highest ethics, but this is a rectum-wiping low.
Amazing news. You've got to wonder just how bad it is for them to go that far in order to stem the tide. Have they sacrificed the NOTW to save The Sun? (edit: or is it to save the Sky deal?) Coulson must be shitting himself.
The editor at the time still has a lot of explaining to do i reckon

It was a build up of advertisers pulling out that triggered this. Papers cant exist without it and it would appear that they had been pulling ads all day

If i was an advertiser, i wouldnt want to go near them

They deserve this but should be remebered that NOTW broke stories others wouldnt have touched. Hard to imagine the Guardian breaking the corrupt pakistani cricketers story and whichever way its looked at, nailing them was vital to the sport.
You criticise the Guardian yet it has broke this whole story! Not a word though about how silent the Times has been.
I get the times and it has reported this in full. Was quite barbed with comments today too
d Miliband, the Labour leader, said on Twitter: “The one person who seems to have kept her job was Editor when Milly Dowler’s phone was hacked and is in charge of NI.”
He added: “It’s a big decision but it doesn’t solve the problem. A lot of people are losing their jobs but one person who isn’t losing their job is the chief executive of news international.”
On his blog he wrote: “People have shown their revulsion at the hacking of the phones of Milly Dowler, the 7/7 victims and the families of fallen soldiers. But the one person who seems to be staying in her job is the woman who was editor at the time of the hacking of Milly Dowler’s phone and who is now Chief Executive of News International.
“News International cannot deal with these allegations properly while she continues to be in place.”

From a headlined article in the Times

Lets face it the times was hardly going to break the story (or be given it..although you never really know the dynamics) any more tahn the observer was going to break the Private eye revelation that the guardian comment page was paying a known Al queada member to write comment pieces not so very long ago
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I get the times and it has reported this in full. Was quite barbed with comments today too


Yesterday was the first time the Times reported on the phone hacking in anything approaching an appropriate amount.

It still (maybe today, I havent seen it) hasn't discussed this in its editorial.

The Times, more than any other paper, filters the world through the eyes of one person.
And which other paper doesnt report with an agenda?

the guardian is the worst offender of the lot imo

The most laughable example was when they published a supposedly comprhenisve list of nobel peace prize winners but deleted all the past israeli winners (of whcih there were a number and from the liberal side too)

The times (which isnt perfect) has reoprted this in full and its leader comment tomorrow is very strong (just read it0
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