Millie Dowler trial.... a disgrace

I like the Guardian because its prejudices fit neatly with my own.

Same as me (same as everyone with their preference for a particular paper I would imagine) - however, to continually slate the Guardian is short sighted in the extreme.
Hugh Grant on Question Time is one of the best things I've ever seen - hilarious and fearless - Clive, he must be a Guardian reader! :p
He was great.

I would strongly advise anyone interested in this story to listen to the Guardian podcast - especially if you believe there is no-one in the current regime still involved in these practices, and more so to hear Brooks comments about Alan Rusbridger.

It fails me how anyone can, or could, buy the Times. Its agenda is not set by its editors, and yes, it condemned the stories, but 3 years after the Guardian!!
Perhaps they should buy the Guardian instead and read journalists strongly backing the iranian regime (and sneering at the protestors). Or claiming that any criticism of the genocidal Sudanese leadership is "racism"

who set that warped agenda?

Its a good paper in many ways, but frequently full of shit too
Clive, I do find it rather ironic that you are offended by being described as "good in many ways, but frequently full of shit too" after some of the aggressive, nay, some would say offensive, posts you have made yourself on here.

What's that old saying .....................................?
im not offended. Couldnt give a fuck what BTB thinks or anyone else. Including you too.

as it happens colin i do not recall a single debate with you on any "offensive" posts (except perhaps when you were dismayed that some welcomed bin Ladens death). so its either put up eh?

But its run its course now.
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Clive, if you would like me to be specific..............your comment about defence lawyers in general................and even more so your repetition of your feelings after knowing that Gus was a member of that fraternity.

But as you say, it matters not now.
Perhaps they should buy the Guardian instead and read journalists strongly backing the iranian regime (and sneering at the protestors). Or claiming that any criticism of the genocidal Sudanese leadership is "racism"

who set that warped agenda?

Its a good paper in many ways, but frequently full of shit too

You are taking 1/2 examples and exaggerating them wildly!

It is better to have their own point of view, even one you disagree with strongly, and one that is well written, than being a mouthpiece for Murdoch (see other thread, Aaronovitch's pathetic piece)..
The joys of cyberspace eh??

Chill out guys..for a bit.... Then carry on round 2!!!!:lol::lol:
Indeed - you would have to hope there is a chance Murdoch and his whole empire could fall.
ex-NOTW journalist Sean Hoare who was the first journo to allege Coulson knew about the phone hacking scandal has been found dead.
Might be that his body just gave out following years of seriously heavy Class A drug taking and drinking nonstop, Martin? His description of life for journos at the NotW sounds horrendous - breakdowns, tears, alcoholism, all in the name of bringing in outrageous headlines. You might earn a huge packet, but in the end, is any of it worth it when everything - health, personal integrity, your reputation, career, relationships, and possibly your life - is compromised so badly?