Net Migration UP!!

Desperate Dan

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
Another Tory pledge in tatters as today`s figures show a 30% increase in the past 12 months. And EU immigration at highest level since 1964!!

What a ridiculous pledge by Dave and Mrs May that they`ll reduce the numbers by 10`s of thousands. The wrath of the Daily Mail will now fall on them and UKIP will get another boost.
They can't stop eu migration.

I don't know what they pledged but regardless of what UKip think, it's a sign of one economy going the right way whist the euro zone continues ( and will continue ) to fail

I wonder how many French too? Massive population in London now and talking about this with a lawyer today. Very good reasons for their entrepreneurs and professionals to come here of course
Spot on, really was ridiculous to make a pledge they had so little control over. It merely gives further ammunition to the "swivel- headed loonies!" Poor politics.
They can't stop eu migration.

I don't know what they pledged but regardless of what UKip think, it's a sign of one economy going the right way whist the euro zone continues ( and will continue ) to fail

I wonder how many French too? Massive population in London now and talking about this with a lawyer today. Very good reasons for their entrepreneurs and professionals to come here of course
I would much rather live in London than some dull condo on a beach.

Must be 600000 French nutters in London. I've met a fair few in business and they love the city (before ranting about how dead things are at home)
They can't stop eu migration.

I don't know what they pledged but regardless of what UKip think, it's a sign of one economy going the right way whist the euro zone continues ( and will continue ) to fail

I wonder how many French too? Massive population in London now and talking about this with a lawyer today. Very good reasons for their entrepreneurs and professionals to come here of course

Surprisingly apt.

Means nothing

Brits can find it easier to work abroad than most citizens of other countries because of the universal language. Also there are more destinations which are culturally similar to the Uk than there are to Germany say

No one would deny that London at least, attracts more of the top talent than most cities. Going more that way too. Google being prime example

But overall the balance is up. And uneployemnt is falling fast. That's what counts
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A few more facts.

Migration into the UK per head of population is not especially high, ten other EU member states have higher rates, eight of them in the eurozone.

Eleven member states have a bigger proportion of foreigners in their population, including Ireland by the way:

The British are themselves one of the largest groups of expatriates in the EU:

In recent years the second biggest group of EU migrants was the British, after the Spanish:
Had a quick look

These stats are ...hmmm

Only 16000 left Portugal in 2009? Really? Less than nearly every other eu country? Not a chance..

Germany emigration went down from 700k to 250k in a year? Really?
Do you have better figures which would give a different picture?

The German figures are footnoted as showing a break in a time series and the Portuguese figure is labelled provisional.
The Telegraph numbers are the closest thing we have to facts, clivex. Better that we base any argument from that starting-point, than from the rumblings in your belly, no?

Politicians in 'tell public what they want to hear' shocker.

Did anyone really believe the Government's claim when they made it? I suspect few did, which renders this story a bit of a non-event.....except for some who want to indulge in mock-outrage for its own sake, maybe?

Edit: as Arthur says, if not these numbers, which numbers?
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The portugeese figures are bullshit. Laughable fir a country with a history of exporting labour

secondly anyone who didnt either question or burst out laughing at them wasnt doing their job or have much of a clue

why not revert for a proper estimate ? They had 5 years to do so

Like a company balance sheet with a clearly unbelievable number the whole thing has no credibility
No numbers grass. Thats the answer . You believe a crooked balance sheet because its the only one you have?

Makes no sense
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The portugeese figures are bullshit. Laughable fir a country with a history of exporting labour

secondly anyone who didnt either question or burst out laughing at them wasnt doing their job or have much of a clue

why not revert for a proper estimate ? They had 5 years to do so

Like a company balance sheet with a clearly unbelievable number the whole thing has no credibility

So we're going with belly-rumblings then?

Fair enough.
Stop being a nodding dog

its pretty obvious comparing spains and portugals figures and respective populations that the figure is crap

and thats before weve started

No credibility so no use to anyone
What are you talking about?

The stats mean nothing to me and are hopelessly out of date. I dont know what point you were trying to make anyway
Facts mean nothing to you? Now, so many of your post begin to make sense... :)
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Trying reading the thread before wasting space

Seems like only dan and an capall understood it

God it's hard work here...

1. High NET migration is a sign of an economy going the right way.
2. EmMigration figures alone count for little when work forces are so much more mobile. The uk workforce is probably more mobile than most (USA , oz etc)
3. Any set of stats that repeatedly reports an unbelievable figure over five separate years does not bear too ,much scrutiny.
4. Prefer stats not to be four years out of date
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I have. Grey provided stats which contradicted your point of view, hence you choose not to believe them. Hardly the first time...
clive.....ffs.....surely even you can see that it's not on to trash published numbers - which are as authoritative as we'll get - when you offer nothing more than conjecture as a counter-argument?

OK, so you're sceptical. We get it. Others, however, are entitled to use the same numbers to expand their discussion, and can consider the debate to carry a degree more weight than baseless rejection of the statistics.
You two really do waste time. Rather than just jumping on bandwagon take a look? Eh?

Emigration from Spain is 383k
Portugal. Is 16k

Spain's emigration is 24 times that of Portugal

Spain's population is less than five times that of Portugal

Portugal. A country with a long history of emigration and a mobile workforce (more than Spain I would hazard a guess...see londons massive population)

Go on ...believe it then

Yeah I also believed the Greek public spending stats published by the eu and so on and so on
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I never said I believed it. All I said was you offer bugger-all in the way of evidence to back-up your statements, and it renders your argument somewhat empty as a result. :cool:
Come off it. It was hardly difficult to see

The evidence of respective populations maybe? Or are those out by tens of millions

Probably would be if the eu were counting
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