Netanyahu's victims

For a start a good proportion of that 2000 are far from innocent.

If you support a ground invasion of Gaza then thats fine. There would very likely be more casualties for sure and a much longer drawn out conflict.

You support the reoccupation of Gaza on what would have to be a near permanent basis
On what basis do you claim that a good proportion of the 2000 are far from innocent when its widely reported otherwise?

And why would it be on a permanent basis? Netenyahu's stated aim is to close down the network of tunnels.
We appear finally to be getting some way towards a resolution to the current Gaza crisis. Inevitably, Hamas have agreed to halt hostilities, in return for an easing of the blockade, and equally inevitably, Israel appears ready to discuss Hamas desire for a seaport and airport - though these subjects will seemingly be deffered until later in the ongoing dialogue......Hamas probably having to demonstrate they can hold the cease-fire on their end.

Let's hope that it does hold, and that there were be further realisations on both sides; with Hamas eventually recognising Israel's right to exist, and with Israel giving real purpose to the development of a two-State solution. If that is the eventual outcome, then perhaps all of the casualties of this conflict, may not have died in vain.
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Will it hold? Doubt it. They've been down this route before. The Islamist morons and their slavering fellow travellers in old Europe can't seem to grasp the very very simple logic that the blockade was imposed because they were ramping up the military attacks
Will it hold? Doubt it. They've been down this route before. The Islamist morons and their slavering fellow travellers in old Europe can't seem to grasp the very very simple logic that the blockade was imposed because they were ramping up the military attacks

You may be right, but best not to pre-judge it maybe?

Technically, Israel's blockade of Gaza started the moment Hamas were elected in Gaza and formed a National Unity government with Fatah (admittedly, that always looked shaky), and not when Hamas started lobbing rockets into Israel, That commenced after Fatah were driven out of Gaza........if we're dealing in facts, of course,
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After they attacked fatah and drove them out. It may be chicken and egg a bit but the blockade was entirely justified, not least by subsequent actions.
But Palestinians will tell you that the blockade was what prompted the subsequent actions.

Like you say, chicken and egg.
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If hamas had taken a non agressive approach how could israel have continued to justify the blockade?

Someone should tell the palestinians that.
And what was the 'justification' for the blockade in the first place?

It was the simple fact that Hamas won the election in Gaza......nothing to do with rockets.
The hamas charter? Perhaps?

Every utterance by hamas leaders and imams?

Just a little bit of evidence that their intentions were nothing about building a state but a complete war against jews who they believed should be eradicated

I think that's enough to go on
My view of the intolerance shown by Hamas and many Palestinians ..................
But I am stunned that a Palestinian himself is brave enough and dares to say it.
I admire his honesty and integrity.
"Over the years, we have taught our people to hate not only Israel, but Jews as well -- as is already cemented in the Hamas charter. We have done this through incitement in mosques, media outlets and public rhetoric. We have now reached the same stage as Germany's Nazis -- the same thing"


Palestinians: We Are the New Nazis

by Bassam Tawil
The Israeli security cabinet unanimously approved new rules permitting police and soldiers to fire .22 calibre rounds when they judge that civilian lives, as well as their own, are in danger:

The timing of the appearance of that article is probably not unrelated. They hate us, they even say it themselves, therefore it's alright to shoot them.
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"[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Meanwhile for Jews like me, there's a sense of something sinister in the air. I'd even go so far as to say that the atmosphere could be likened to how the Jews of Germany felt in the early 1930s".[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This part is hysterical and misleading bollocks, and rather undermines every other point the author goes on to make. [/FONT]
I agree. I thought that too. She overdoes it with that line pretty badly
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The timing of the appearance of that article is probably not unrelated. They hate us, they even say it themselves, therefore it's alright to shoot them.
Shoot them when someone's life is at risk, you forgot to add.. :)
My understanding of the new law is that a 4-year jail sentence for stone-throwing and lobbing molotov cocktails will be enshrined in statute as a temporary measure. Minors caught throwing stones will receive a monetary fine ( or their parents will).

I would ask you to contrast this with the case of Ali al-Nimr currently facing crucifixion in Saudi Arabia as punishment for involvement in a street protest as a seventeen-year-old.
I would ask you to contrast this with the case of Ali al-Nimr currently facing crucifixion in Saudi Arabia as punishment for involvement in a street protest as a seventeen-year-old.

Why? Is that really the benchmark you would choose?
No, of course not. :)
But I thought it noteworthy and telling that you believed the new Israeli punishment significant enough to post about it while simultaneously omitting mention of the far more severe sanction imposed by the Saudi's for a similar but lesser "crime".
yes and it was an irrelevant response to your first post too.

you might have expected some comment in the clear racism of the lefts "friends" but frankly I do not really believe that this matters to them.

on a side note it is unarguable that we have a leader of a major british political party who strongly supports a group that believes in genocide of a particular race
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on a side note it is unarguable that we have a leader of a major british political party who strongly supports a group that believes in genocide of a particular race
Yes, it's scary, isn't it!
FWIW, I consider myself to be Left-leaning and do quite agree with some of Corbyn's economic positions, but I could never support someone such as him who lists Hamas members as his "Friends". I cannot for the life of me square that kind of attitude; how someone who claims Leftist credentials and beliefs yet gives their encouragement to a Nazi-worshippng outfit such as Hamas.
Just to say, not all of us Lefties are anti-Semite or anti-Israel. :)
Why on earth is it telling that I don't mention Saudi barbarity when we're talking about Israeli handling of security? You're being ridiculous
So why don't you -- why don't you mention Saudi barbarity whilst choosing to highlight supposed Israeli "oppression" of dissent.
Failure to do so appears to me that it can only be down to a particular agenda of Israeli-bashing at any opportunity.