New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

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Although just looking at the C4 review of the Ladies' Fashions (and I use that term very, very loosely) I'm afraid the majority need to try harder. Much harder..... <_<
Howdy, young Suerunner - enjoy your forum and do take part in the competitions that go on throughout the year. No, you won't win a £100,000 diamond necklace or a Range Rover, but they're fun to do!

The issue of how to dress for race meetings is quite vexed at times. Once upon a time, it depended on which enclosure you could afford. Nowadays, people with plenty of dosh are just as likely to picnic luxuriously in the centre of the course, but dress casually, when in years gone by, that was for the less well-heeled. I think if people want to dress stylishly and elegantly, they should. If people want to wear clothes that Oxfam would reject, that's up to them - it doesn't matter to the horses, and it shouldn't matter to other people, although I'd draw the line at men not wearing shirts at all. (Mainly because it's never the gorgeous ones, it's always short, fat blokes with hairy bellies and man-boobs.) :(
At last - another Go Ballistic fan!!!

Hello everyone - im not normally ignorant ( well, not very... B) ) ive just not read this one yet!!
Hi all.
Many thanks for your kind greetings. Songsheet - yes I have now had more of a look around, see what you mean! :rolleyes: Krizon, totally agree with you, live and let live attitude. I never win anything, but I'll have a go for a laugh! Trudij, absolutley loved Go Ballistic. A horse who most times gave his all. Occasionally he ran a stinker, but everyones allowed an off day. Can't belive that after coming 4th and 2nd in 2 Gold Cups, 2nd in a Pillar. King George and substitue Gold Cup, how he was still so undervalued. Plus you dont run at 8 or was it 9 Festivals without being a little bit special. Was so glad to see him walk off the track in one piece, was appropriate that his last race was at the CF.
I just always feel a bit sorry for him - hes been a favourite of mine for years ( nothing to do with talent - am a sucker for attitude, and dark horses with facial stripes....) NO - NOT ZEBRAS you lot :rolleyes: ( sorry , get in first on here ;) ...) but its not until i sit and really think about horses ive known ( or seen) that i remember him. Because he was just not quite top top class, a lot of people dont remember him, and i think thats such a shame.Anyone remotely horsey can churn out your best maes, red rums and istagods, but its horses like GB that make jump racing for me. :)
Welcome Suerunner, glad you joined us and let us know about your next run in case any of us are able to sponsor you for your good causes.

Make sure you post some of your photos too.

You've already got some old friends here, and for sure you will make new ones.


Isinglass and Brown Jack

Just joined today and looking forward to learning plenty over the season and contributing one or two things as well.

Best regards

Hi Isinglas.
Thought that was you! Browsing through the list of members, a Brown Jack from Teddington with an interest in aviation and racing photography sounded too much of a coincidence, so hello to both of you!
I will post some photos on here soon, as soon as I work out how to do so. Far too technical for me at the moment. A few from the Lambourn Open Day, an unusual Epsom photo, few more etc.
Hope to make some more friends, people do sound really friendly on here!!
As you mentioned the runs, I have enclosed the below site. Not forcing anyone into anything, but the offer is there. By the way, if anyone does want to sponsor me please DONT donate online. Just send me a PM or something and I'll explain why and further details. I'm not trying to blackmail anyone into donating as only Isinglas and Brown Jack really know me, now it sounds like I'm blackmailing them. Keep digging!! You know what I mean.
Really must get the hang of all this tecchie stuff!!
My Webpage
Im a new member on here and a close friend advised me to join here as it was a good place to find out about racing.
My name is mark ash and I'm a soliciter in Thatcham.
I once had a horse a few years back in a syndicate with Nigel Twiston Davies and want to get into it all again, does anyone know any reliable places to start looking.
I dont want to join a big operation like elite its no value for money.
Hope u can all help me

I'm sure a perfectly competent laywer should be able to spell 'solicitor' correctly.

That or my faith in the British judicial system is failing.

Please sell your wares elsewhere.
Hello Mark - Thatcham is a place I know very well! Used to work there and live about 3 miles away....
Can I ask all new members when they get a moment to read the pinned topics that say " all please read " that will answer a lot of questions about the forum
Hi, I used to post on the Irishracing forum before it went down. I live in Texas and my main interest in Euro racing is following the form of horses so when they race over here, I have an idea as to their class. Many a decent Group 3 horse has come over here and scored big. Knowing a little more than your average US bettor helps me score big at the window! I love turf racing and wish we had more of it here, instead of so much dirt.
Yep, that's me. This forum was mentioned on that forum, so I thought I'd check it out. Happy to find a Euro-based racing forum.
Welcome aboard, Alywow! :) Hope you'll get the info you need from here and enjoy the fun 'n' games, too. We have some good competitions and you have a base of some very knowledgeable people. Feel free to ask questions, and to join in the debates.
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone i havent said helo to yet - I cant spell, my life is chaos, and i can (and do regually!) fit both feet in my mouth,usually any offence is unintentional - promise!!!

hope you enjoy yourselves on here!!
Good day people, i am new here, thanks to a link via Irish Stamp on the Champions forum. :)

I am from Australia and am a pedigree buff. :ph34r:

I have come on board just as the premier European racing is hotting up and am looking forward to discussing all the great racing coming up. :D

Takeover Target has just hit your shores and if you thought Choicer was good he is nothing compared with this bloke.
Heya Djebel, good to see you over here also :)

We welcome all Australians, particularly insight into Falkirk and Glamour Puss who are also over here :)

Glad you found us

Welcome, Djebel. Choisir was pretty special over here so Takeover Target will have to be a monster to be better.
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