New Members- Welcome To Talking Horses

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Hi guys

I'm new to the boards having found it via a google search. I love my racing and used to write for the Betting.Betfair site as 'The Brigadier' 'a layer of cretinous horses'.
I write my own blog each day now (wont put the link up in case it is classed as spamming-not sure of forum rules).
Hoping to read some interesting views on racing and express some of my own.
Hi folks..

I am a Newbie as well..I have also posted a couple of times already.

I have absolutely no backround whatsoever in horses, I just love the game, pure 'n simple..Joined up here to learn a few bits and hopefully make a little contribution from time to time..Looking forward to the days ahead..
Seem to have a good few new members of late. The more the better…all newbies feel free to mention this place to anyone else who may be interested! :)
Wow. Hello the Brigadier!!!!!

WBX is like a graveyard without you!!!!!!

You da man!!!!!!!!

I have tried to lure LayLow over here as well!!!!!
Kathy, judging from your photo you are a cat lover?

One of my cats has has a permanently dilated pupil in his left eye since Saturday. The other eye is fine.

Would you know what might be causing this?
Useful, there was a lovely man called Alan Morgan who was one of the founder members of this forum. He sadly passed away. He was known as Moggie to some of his friends, so I decided to keep the cat avator in his memory, and have never changed it.

Anyway, I do sort of like some cats but prefer horses and dogs to be honest! :) I have one cat who is a sort of rescue cat (she adopted me) and is extremely grumpy but she means well - sometimes. Unfortunately, I know nothing about cats and their eyes as the hint of a problem I usually pop down the vet.
I went there but he said he doesn't really know what is causing it - knob!!
You could perhaps try doing some research on the internet - or change vets!
Yeah, have done that also but nothing has cited an example of just the one pupul dilating.

I am getting quite worried about him.
Found this, not sure if it helps, Useful? shrug::

Dilated pupils

Your pet's eyes are very sensitive to changes in light. The middle part of the eye, called the pupil, is constantly in motion, opening and closing to let in the correct amount of light.

Sometimes, however, the pupils stay open regardless of the amount of light they are receiving. This condition, called dilated pupils, nearly always means that something is seriously wrong. "When one or both eyes dilate in good light, your pet could have something wrong with the nerves connected to the eyes or in the brain or the eye itself," says Erika de Papp, D.V.M., a veterinarian at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in Philadelphia.

Nerves are responsible for sensing how much light is reaching the eye and for relaying the message to (and from) the brain, which instructs the eye to make the proper adjustments. When a nerve is damaged or under pressure because of an infection, for instance, or a growing tumor, the eye may not receive the necessary messages and may fail to work properly, explains Dr. de Papp. A swelling in the brain, which can happen following a blow to the head, can also press on the nerves controlling the pupil.

A fairly common condition called glaucoma, in which fluids accumulate in the eye, can also cause the pupil to stay dilated. (Other symptoms of glaucoma may include teariness, redness, or cloudiness of the eye.)

Pets that eat toxic substances such as antifreeze can also develop dilated eyes. If you suspect that your pet has swallowed poison, get her to the vet right away.

In cats, dilated pupils may be caused by a diet of raw fish. Fish contains an enzyme called thiaminase that destroys thiamin, a vitamin necessary for good vision, says Paul M. Gigliotti, D.V.M., a veterinarian in private practice in Mayfield Village, Ohio. In addition, cats given mainly milk or vegetarian diets may become deficient in an amino acid called taurine, which is essential for keeping the retinas healthy. When taurine levels fall, the eyes may dilate.

See Your Vet If...

You suspect that your pet has gotten into poisonous substances like antifreeze

Her eyes are red, cloudy, or teary

Your cat eats raw fish or is on a vegetarian diet

Your pet won't quit scratching or pawing his eyes

His eyes have turned blue, gray, or cloudy, or he is having trouble getting around

His eyes are frequently bloodshot or dry

There has been a watery or discolored discharge from the eyes for 48 hours or more

Your pet's eyes are bulging

The eyelids are swollen or unable to close

There is a growth on the eye or eyelid

One or both pupils are dilated, or they don't respond to light

Your pet seems very sensitive to light

The eyes are droopy or sunken

The third eyelids are covering the lower parts of the eyes

His eyes are continually moving back and forth

Blood or tiny blood vessels are visible in the center (not the whites) of his eyes

His eyelid appears to be turned inward or outward

Next Steps:

What you can do for your pet

What your vet can do

Find out other causes of dilated pupils
Back to Eyes Main Page
Back to the Symptom Solver Main Page
Copyright 1999 Rodale Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
Wow, thanks Kathy, that's excellent. I shall pass this to the vet and see what he has to say.

BTW, I watched the comedy on BBC2 at 10pm last night about the recovering alcoholic. One of the female characters had a cat with the best name I have ever heard - Chairman Meeow!

I joined the other day, I discovered the site while searching for something else on google.I'm Irish and I love the flat but I also like the jumps.I started a syndicate some years ago. We are on our third horse and the first two where winners.

I now have some flat horses of my own which I hope to sell having raced them.The first horse i sold was placed at two last year and I think she will win this year.

Looking forward to speaking with you all.

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