As it was me who said Griffin should be up to the job bearing in mind Mr GG and four girl children, I am obviously reommending her too.... although I hope she remembers to chek her facts very carefully before pronouncing judgements on here!!
I agree Colin after all if someone was perhaps warned by a mod who maybe was a bit edit/warning happy etc & they knew that warning them would void them from any future chance of being a mod I think that is unfair.Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Feb 20 2007, 08:25 AM
"Moderators - isn't it a prerequisite that nominees are automatically disqualled if they've been banned or warned? It'd seem a bit weird, to be honest, to have moderators who have already breached the rules they'd be trying to uphold!"
If this is the case then I am not sure that I agree with it.
It is down to the interpretation of the Terms and Conditions of this board and the implementation of those Ts & Cs surely.
On past evidence different moderators have interpreted and implented those Ts & Cs in startlingly different ways.
And that is not me saying that I wish to be a moderator and would be disqualified by the foregoing qualification.
I feel too many on the board have an issue with my posts and in return I would have issues with them and be unable to moderate with equanimity. And we don't want moderators like that do we!?
I have to admit not recalling me saying that shrug:: - although very true, so Songsheet thanks for confirming I haven't lost it completely.... yet!Originally posted by Songsheet@Feb 20 2007, 10:03 AM
As it was me who said Griffin should be up to the job bearing in mind Mr GG and four girl children, I am obviously reommending her too.... although I hope she remembers to chek her facts very carefully before pronouncing judgements on here!!
Quality, betsmate.Originally posted by betsmate@Feb 20 2007, 01:41 PM
Posted Edited above.