NH sectional times

... which would be the 5lb fixed penalty on top of the weight already allocated.

In this case it has ensured CTC's place in the race - assuming it takes up the engagement.
Cannot believe the price of that!

& thanks Dan

happy days

4 bets up to press

2 wins...11/1 & 3/1

50% strike rate
+12pts to 1pt level stakes

apart from the money won..this thread gives me the satisfaction of shoving this up the ar$e of two members who dwell here who have and air purposely negative and biased views about my methods..well not so much the methods..more playing the man rather the ball..bullying basically.

i'll let forum members here judge who is right or wrong

I'll tell you something though..if the bullying continues..not just towards me...then the board will be a poorer place..because i know that other members are sick of it too..as well as the recipients

If the majority here want a macho laddish forum where anything away from that mentality is scorned..then keep letting them get away with the digs...its time members here decide what type of board they want..usually the members of a board get the board they actually deserve...what do people deserve here i wonder
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I find it incredible, and rather humorous, that people are so opposed to your methods when the results are so obviously profitable. I guess a couple of our distinguished members must have been spitting with rage as Diamond Tammy passed the post!
Good profit today EC but what's the p/l per point over say 6 months, do you keep records ? I asked the other feller whose name I forget, the WHOSHHHHHHH BAMMM merchant, and he said he doesn't need to as he knows he's in profit which I found a bit surprising.
The selections are clear to follow DG...i made sure of that.

I haven't done it for 6 months solid..so i don't know...there are 3 other races i've noted that have given only one selection up to press..that won at 4/1

I'm not posting those races because of the criticism i am receiving on here..and have no intention of doing so..so these will be the only ones highlighted by me..we still have a bit of mileage with those taht haven't won..lets hope those that have run and lost come back and win at bigger odds

My days of starting threads with anything remotely to do with time or sectionals are done...and along with a few others.. won't really be contributing in a big way here until things change.

Slim has taken his will win thread away as well from what i can see..so the forum now needs a few to step up and fill the void imo.

I'm very busy with lots of stuff..and in the past have used posting here as way of taking a break..but its just too much hassle now with the negatives that I don't find it that pleasant taking part

I'll still post..but nowhere near the level i have done in the past..its time for new members to take the mantle a bit i think..and try and remove the negative elements who are making this not a pleasure anymore for a few here..or maybe more than a few..who knows?
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Another good `un, EC:thumbsup:...I hope it doesn`t provoke another foul-mouthed rant from your, err, "admirers."
Maybe you've noted that (as on so many other threads on this board) his "admirers" haven't even posted on this thread, yet are once again subjected to his unnecessary venom. Check back as many threads as you like, you'll find that 90% of the poison actually flows in the other direction to that EC would have you believe. Only a couple of days ago he was thanking his "admirer" for putting up a losing bet, then followed by another pernicious posting where he denied all knowledge. Not at all untypical of the depths he's sunk to so often in the past either.
Frankly I'm sick to the teeth of it, and seriously thought about leaving the forum after he'd almost ruined the QMCC thread with more of his unwarranted attacks (on other posters, btw) but suffice for now to avoid his malevolence, abuse and chicanery by putting him on the ignore list. Should have done it long ago, on reflection.
Maybe you've noted that (as on so many other threads on this board) his "admirers" haven't even posted on this thread, yet are once again subjected to his unnecessary venom. Check back as many threads as you like, you'll find that 90% of the poison actually flows in the other direction to that EC would have you believe. Only a couple of days ago he was thanking his "admirer" for putting up a losing bet, then followed by another pernicious posting where he denied all knowledge. Not at all untypical of the depths he's sunk to so often in the past either.
Frankly I'm sick to the teeth of it, and seriously thought about leaving the forum after he'd almost ruined the QMCC thread with more of his unwarranted attacks (on other posters, btw) but suffice for now to avoid his malevolence, abuse and chicanery by putting him on the ignore list. Should have done it long ago, on reflection.

Never let facts get the way.

I thanked everyone that put a tip up that day..for actually putting a tip up..about 4 of you i believe..Ricko was one of them. I think its fairly normal to thank people who give their effort.

You made an unnecessary comment ..completely unwarranted..but now are trying to squirm out of it.

Yes i've sunk to really low steps on here..spending hours of valuable life through the years posting hopefully thought provoking stuff amongst the usual chat..goodness knows how many hours.

Ruined the QMCC thread..i don't thinks so..i think you are talking your usual boll0x tbh. You are trying to hide the fact that for about 6 years now you have purposely set out to run any view i have down..but if you agree with me..you just don't post.

I've highlighted a number of posts just in the last week with your constant negativity on aimed towards me..i've purposely highlighted them just so its obvious what your game is. If i had totalled them up through the years..there would be hundreds. The best one you did recently.."you really are pathetic EC"...you now blame on me..htf could that be me??..i hadn't posted on that thread for a few days...are you completely real?

You don't need to leave the forum...i won't be making any posts you remotely need to take an opposite view about in future..they will be minimalist efforts at best.

You and your mate Tanlic..are without doubt the saddest two i've ever come across on forums...you edge it though ... by some margin. He just wants to be top dog..whereas i just find you a bit creepy.

So just forget all about me in future...because my input will be small..and its such as you that has made me make that decision..like DO said in response to you a week back..why post anything decent on here when there is such as you waiting to just to post against it.

Don't reply..thats if you read it obviously.

just forget i post on here..go and find another target
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An easy way to explain to those that don't understand or see the purpose of sectional timings, is to explain that the main use of sectional timings is to actually confirm or reject a fast time. If sectionals show that the other races were seemingly run overly hard and steady, then the fastest time at the meeting may not have been fast after all, it may be possible to quite accurately reduce that SF or at least exercise caution. On the other hand, they can massively increase ones certainty that it was indeed a fast time.

Is that not an invaluable tool? EC is doing the hard work with that tool and was putting his discoveries forward.

As for the 'but if' scenarios, regarding injections of pace etc, well, thats all part of the puzzle as well, and considered along side sectional analysis would be very advantageous. Those that see in black and white are failing to realise this, and instead dismiss and condemn one, in favour of the other.
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Very good topic.

There are people on here who use various sectionals far more than I do so I'd ask, how sectional does your sectional have to be?

Ie. last 2f vs. last 5f vs. last 8f in a 12f race for example. If you only have one (assuming it's taken at the same point for each part of a race on a given card) would you still find that useful?

ps. It's in relation to some P2P times that are published in a formbook I subscribe to.
Hi Martin, I don't want to hijack EC's thread, and others may have different opinions to my own, however.....

If a section were taken every yard, that would be ideal, as the data could be plotted on a graph and it would show all of the injections and steadying of pace. What we have instead is blocks of data, determined by either turftrax at Lingfield using furlong blocks, or from our own reference points. So it's all a bit chunky, but still a great tool to use.

Regarding the best section to use. I can't really speak about NH racing, as I don't follow it. On the flat though, the last couple of sections are the most telling, and assume it's likely the same for NH racing. On the flat, if middle distance runners are finishing faster than sprinters on the same card, then it's pretty obvious the sprinters went too hard to achieve an optimum overall time. They may still have clocked well, just not as well as they could have done.

So by looking at final sections of the races at a meeting, it can help to identify optical illusions, where something 'looks' to have finished with a wet sail, but actually spent it's energy more wisely during the race was able to run out a normal finish while most in the race became one paced/slowed. They can also identify which horses really did finish fast.

They aren't fool proof, but do significantly improve your understanding of how a race was run when comparing with other races at the meeting, therefore improving your overall SF's for the meeting. I feel the benefit is from not following horses which you may have otherwise perceived as being fast (enabling you to sometimes rate an entire meeting as being slow), and what is left as being fast, you can be a lot more confident that they were.