Dormant account
I would just add..if someone came to me and told me he would give me 5 horses a month that definitely have 8lbs in hand of their current mark..i'd snatch his hand off every month
I wouldn't want to bet in a £6k race for six thousand reasons.Astigos might win but I don't imagine it will be because he's 8lbs ahead of his mark. It will be because he's considered a lot better than that at home, but in the absence of that knowledge, I wouldn't consider getting involved at short odds.
tbh..i'm not following much of say..only 8lb above its its nothing..thats an 8 length you only bet horses that have 12lb or 16 or 20 in hand?
you say if it wins it won't be because its 8lb in hand..but it will be because at home it might be 14
how on earth do you ever have a bet thinking like that?
how do you know how much a trainer thinks his horse has in hand in any is it even relevant if we cannot measure it?
to be honest here..i'm reading that bit about if it wins it won't be the 8 in hand..and i'm worryingly getting the feeling you are trying to make a reason for it winning that takes any credit away from it being spotted here on this thread..i hope thats not the case
its no skin off my nose whether these win or not..its just an area of interest to me tbh
I did this race out of curiosity but won’t be having a bet in it. There are too many imponderables.
I left the novice chase alone but I’m taking a positive view of the form, as has the handicapper. The first five all seem on the up.
So much to address in there:
You know exactly which horses I back every week so you should be able to answer the first question yourself but for the sake of others trying to follow the debate:
My default position - which Grasshopper for one disagrees with - is that most handicaps are won by horses that are well handicapped on the day.
thats looks one hell of a guess to me though DO..not saying it is..would be for me though...i couldn't have gone back to 6th + 7th and said they ran to their marks with any confidence whatsover
Right you are......interesting approach.
If you bin your top-weight (e.g. Poole Master), do you dismiss the race entirely at that point, or just the horse?
With the intended selection There’s No Panic a morning withdrawal, I’m having to re-think this race. I’m presuming Poole Master is almost certainly being trained for the Topham so I’m ruling him out. Alan King likes West End Rocker’s chances but at thirteen he can’t be getting better. Triangular (who, incidentally, must be one of the few remaining grandchildren of the great Nijinsky still running) may well have another target further down the line although he did go close in what was effectively his first run of the season for his new yard. If Relax (was 14/1, now 10/1 in the new market, which is quite a cut) can get into a rhythm off a soft lead he might just stay there so he gets the vote. Of the market leaders I prefer the chances to Soll over Fourofakind. He isn’t well handicapped on his recent win but is on his old form and is blinkered for the first time. A good run won’t get him up the weights for the National (for which only he, Poole Master and Tranquil Sea hold entries) but it might get him preference over others on the same rating if it comes to that. I think there’s more chance of Triangular running to form first time up than Tranquil Sea so he’ll carry the saver.
Guesswork? I wouldn't go that far. It's, at worst, educated guesswork but it is based on 40+ years of studying form. It's more about developing an understanding of what's more likely to be the case and then trying to put a meaningful - accurate would be brilliant! - figure on it.
Your approach to time is something I find invaluable as a back-up to my own approach even though I do some time analysis myself. I'd like to think you find my form-based approach a useful back-up tool too.