Nicky Henderson Found Guilty

Surely if Henderson requested this at a pre race check with the vet, then the onus of blame though not in entirety, is on the vet. He administered and controlled the drug, the question then being, who was supplier i.e vet or trainer. I believe his professional standards are in question more than Hendersons. It would surely then have to be proved that Henderson was either aware it had taken place and or, requested it. Or the vet prove he did neither.

Still they could also blame the "anti bleeding fairy" the BHA appear to believe whatever they feel like so I reckon they were in with a chance and would have been their best defence.
At least they could then have pleaded insanity and got their sentance reduced. Maybe that's why it was behind closed doors.
I should think one or two things came out of the woodwork. It is what is not said that I am concerned about, something doesn't seem right about the whole thing and I would hazzard a guess there will be more to come on that basis alone.

I'm inclined to agree with this; nothing has ever quite added up to me.

As for James, I'd have him out to my horses anytime. He is without a doubt one of the best equine vets I've had dealings with and so far as I am concerned the welfare of my horses comes first.

With regards to references to bute made by Grey - anyone can lay their hands on bute. I've plenty of the stuff myself and I've administered it (as have hundreds of thousands of non-vets) and made the decision to administer it, to horses many times. It is an anti-inflammatory painkiller after all, nothing more sinister than that, although a prescription is needed for it, much the same as prescriptions are needed for many painkillers handed out like sweeties by GPs. It is a 'banned substance' the same as simple painkillers like codeine, for example, are banned substances so far as jockeys are concerned. Over the counter painkillers like co-codamol (8/500) would return a positive test for a jockey.
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It wouldn't stop me using the services of either, I'm afraid. Not that I'm ever going to have horses in training with Henderson mind!
The facts are these. Henderson asked his vet to inject one of his horses – a horse owned by the Queen, though that is a side issue – with tranexamic acid (TA) on the day of a race.

If that indeed is a fact, much as I respect and admire Henderson, a lifetime ban should be the decision. I really do hope it isn't a fact. It's a bit like finding out the person closest to you has been cheating on you. Very very hard to forgive.
No-one's disputing James Main's ability as a vet, Shadow, it's just that his behaviour regarding this enquiry doesn't show him in the best light.

NH's blustering about not knowing TA is a detectable drug also gives a very bad impression.
Henderson has got off lightly - he is one of the highest profile trainers there is in this sport and trains Her Maj's horses, ffs...

His semi jusification that the drug was administered for the mare's welfare gobsmacks me.

If he was so concerned for her welfare, she wouldn't be racing in the first place. End of.

Main may well be an excellent vet, Henderson is without doubt a good trainer but all that is irrelevant because rules have been broken that shouldn't have been, without doubt racing has been damaged yet again by people who should know better and a fitting ban would have been one year minimum and Main should be fined and up before the BVA disciplinary also.

Vets are normally paranoid in racing yards about administering drugs to horses about to race and would definitely double check the datasheets of drugs they might use infrequently for withdrawal periods...
Last year during the banned dates he had 13 riunners and that was not an atypical season. The fact that many in racing consuder the sentence to be harsh illustrates what a fkng joke the HRA are.
Steve Mellish was very critical of some media people who were being over-supportive of Mr. Henderson. He didn't mention him by name but it was not difficult to believe that he was referring to McCririck, who has been his usual bombastic self in supporting the Queen's trainer.
Steve has an unusual style..which makes him different anyway..I like him..I believe that having that unique style makes him stand out from the rest...and he doesn't play both sides...he calls it as he sees it.

Big Mac is always accusing Francome of going native..but he himself is guilty of that very thing himself..he is just more selective than Francome when doing so.
Irish,....what part of the world is that then? the one where races are full of Ian Rush lookalikes in Leeds shirts backing sprint handicaps all night long after 20 pints of carling? Before retiring for a fish supper and a fumble with some huge northern bird that looks like billy Bremner?

Would be too much to point out two factual inaccuracies with the post Clive ;)

They're all stunners in the NW - best women in the entire UK IMO.
Steve Mellish was very critical of some media people who were being over-supportive of Mr. Henderson. He didn't mention him by name but it was not difficult to believe that he was referring to McCririck, who has been his usual bombastic self in supporting the Queen's trainer.
McCrirrick is an ape, he's such a hypocrite..Heaven forbid if it had been Charles Byrnes/Tony Martin that got caught..Lifetime bans he'd have been after:mad::mad:.Henderson got off practically scot free (I know he was fined). Point is, he'll miss no racing of any consequense whatever..Blessed he is, a tainted tainted man though..
McCrirrick is an ape, he's such a hypocrite..Heaven forbid if it had been Charles Byrnes/Tony Martin that got caught..Lifetime bans he'd have been after:mad::mad:.Henderson got off practically scot free (I know he was fined). Point is, he'll miss no racing of any consequense whatever..Blessed he is, a tainted tainted man though..
How is a £40,000 fine the largest ever getting off pracyically scot free,

Why was the man who gave it not charged what sort of vet is he if dose not know that giving this was wronge, if Henderson did wrong so did he, if not more so.:cool:
When you look at the total prize money the stable earns every year Andy and the relatively short time he's banned from in relation to the actual offense - administering an illegal drug (the board believed this wasn't the first time he'd done this) and then covered the whole thing up then it does look very very lenient indeed.

He's cheated drugs rules - would be a minimum 2 year ban if he were a jockey (provided the authorities are signed up to WADA - I doubt it, we don't have a drug problem in racing).
When you look at the total prize money the stable earns every year Andy and the relatively short time he's banned from in relation to the actual offense - administering an illegal drug (the board believed this wasn't the first time he'd done this) and then covered the whole thing up then it does look very very lenient indeed.

That sounds very unfair that if you are rich your sentance is longer.
I suppose this would imply the 40k fine was a pay off for short sentance or would appear to be.

Will the owner who at this stage doesn't appear to be involved, be the one who was technically cheated also and therefore reimbersed out of the 40k or is that a matter to be resolved between the two parties.
If the owners are silly enough to have a proven drugs cheat as their trainer then they might as well part with the 40k for the privilege and give Nicky Henderson the proper "ammo" for the new season. He's still training and he should count himself lucky for that - I hope he's learnt his lesson but as with most things I doubt he has.
Have to say I've found the whole episode has reflected very badly on both Henderson and Main. At best, if we are to believe their respective defences, both are guilty of profound naivety of the rules of racing (and some fairly fundamental ones at that). Whilst I'm not familiar with Main, I certainly wouldn't have expected such ignorance from Henderson.
It seems that Nicky had the choice of being seen as a crook or as incompetent.

From personal experience I know that Henderson is capable of telling a lie.(anyone remember the ringworm incident, I do!)

I wonder what the relationship between Mr. Henderson and his vet is like now.
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Rather surprising?? news on the RP site this morning :

BHA will not further investigate vet's records


THE BHA revealed on Saturday that it has no plans to investigate the medical records of horses in the care of trainers connected with James Main, the veterinary surgeon at the centre of the affair that has forced Nicky Henderson to close his stable for three months and pay a £40,000 fine.

BHA director of communications Jon Ryan, who stressed that the Moonlit Path enquiry had been triggered by "a random test and not a tip-off", also disclosed that Main's position on two BHA committees is "under review".

"There will not be a targeting of any yards where Mr Main is the vet," said Ryan. "The proof in the Henderson case came as a result of a random test.

"Chasing possible skeletons in cupboards would not be beneficial - the proof required for a disciplinary hearing would not be there because you need a positive test to start proceedings."

On the BHA's reaction to Henderson's penalty, Ryan added: "It's an independent panel and we absolutely accept the penalty it had handed down.

"Part of the BHA's submission was that costs should be made against Henderson, but the panel chose not to go down that route. Our feeling was that there was a clear breach of the rules, but we accept the panel's decision."

Although the BHA may now choose to dispense with Main's services, Newbury racecourse, where Main is senior vet, does not plan tofollow suit.

Newbury's joint-managing director Stephen Higgins said: "We have had no problems with James. His work is first rate and his relationship with Newbury has always been excellent.

"I spoke to the BHA yesterday and they said they had no issue with James's ongoing appointment. As long as the BHA is happy for James to be licensed by Newbury as our senior vet, he will remain in that position."
Going back to my last input about NH paying for all his runners being dope tested for the next few years.

Expensive for him, of course, but surely when his owners look at those wonderful trophies on their mantle-piece they must sense some unease about their horses and the image of a great sport, a voluntary action like this would go part way to rebuilding his reputation and trustworthiness.
