No ice-cream please

They can be pretty Nazi like at Salisbury - I've watched the women (in particular) on one of the gates a few times when swooping on people demanding to see what is in their bags - "is it a picnic?" God forbid that anyone would be reluctant to pay the exorbitant prices at Salisbury and bring their own food instead! I put a bottle of Diet Coke sticking out of a side pocket a few times hoping she'd accost me and I could tell her exactly why I wouldn't be paying their ridiculous prices for drinks whilst working but unfortunately I've not been accosted by any of them yet!

Do not try this at Lingfield or Brighton Dom. 15000 volts can be a shock to the system imo.
Here's what's really inconsistent about some courses: at Lingfield, picnickers are relieved of any alcohol at the main gate, but in the centre of the course, they can set up a virtual Oddbins with their bottles of wine, beer, etc. The race card - which not everyone buys - states no alcohol to be brought onto the course, so there's a dichotomy there already, but the website says people are welcome to picnic (without any reference to banning booze). Inconsistent messages all the way through.
Yea I have to agree and it hardy gets "new" blood in when things like that go on,

you need to get them young or they will find other intrests.
And common sense has prevailed...

IN response to growing criticism over a ban on ice creams being taken on to its members' lawn area, Salisbury racecourse has announced a change to its policy with immediate effect.

The RacingPost carried a story in its Thursday edition after a racegoer, who claimed to have spent £200 in the members' restaurant, had been refused admittance to the enclosure carrying an ice cream for himself and his 75-year-old mother.

Clerk of the course and racecourse manager Jeremy Martin said on Friday: "Although this has not been raised as an issue before, the message has been very clear.

"We like to think we are a 'listening racecourse' and, from what we have read in the paper and from the e-mails we have received, we will be allowing ice creams in members' from now on.

"We race on Sunday and the forecast is very favourable. I am sure plenty of ice creams will be consumed. In fact, we have decided that the first 99 racegoers in each of our three enclosures, including members, will receive a voucher on entry and be entitled to a free '99' ice cream.

"We won't be coning off any special areas, racegoers can eat the ice creams anywhere."
"We race on Sunday and the forecast is very favourable. I am sure plenty of ice creams will be consumed. In fact, we have decided that the first 99 racegoers in each of our three enclosures, including members, will receive a voucher on entry and be entitled to a free '99' ice cream.

"We won't be coning off any special areas, racegoers can eat the ice creams anywhere."

Just don't try getting into members with one if you're wearing shorts. Golf waterproofs is fine though.

Fkng hoorah henries.
Jeremy Martin has just become the prisoner of his own ice cream. :(Free the "Mr Whippy 1":lol:
I think it's "FAB" that you can now "ZOOM" in there it.s not like "SCREWBALLS" are involved mabey the return of the "BUNNIES EARS" for NH. meatings, and I woul do "OYESTERS" as well.

(Tony Brothers)
For a meagre £30 I used to be able to be somebody. Nobody that I came in to contact with knew for certain that I didn't wear that topper to 24 hours a day. First ice-creams, next it will be Sunny Delight and trousers tucked into your socks. A sad day.
I can see a mass protest of cornet-licking in the Royal Enclosure, come next year! It'll be the thing to do, darling.
Oh, the ice cream hat was fantastic! I'm sure she could've just removed the cornet and worn the little hat which underpinned it. I miss seeing the mad (late) Mrs Shilling with her outrageously crazy creations - they were generally hideous, but good fun.

"Royal Ascot in cornetto protest!" - I can see it now in the Daily Excess. Oooh, as if I'd come up with a smutty euphemism, tracks! Me - a genteel spinster lady? I'm aghast.
I might just make sure my lunch is hanging out of my bag along with diet coke shoved in the outside pockets or something on my way in later....I'd love to have it out with them over paying the price of their soft drinks when working!
I know, but sometimes it has to be done...

I've got some rather nice granary crusty rolls in for luch as well - if I don't move my backside rapidly I won't have time to make them though!
Cob on

I know, but sometimes it has to be done...

I've got some rather nice granary crusty rolls in for luch as well - if I don't move my backside rapidly I won't have time to make them though!
i can feel a hat comming on here' out of the Shadows comes the cob,
a blend of horse and roll,
instead of Rock and Roll:rolleyes:and goodies inside,:whistle:
"We race on Sunday and the forecast is very favourable. I am sure plenty of ice creams will be consumed. In fact, we have decided that the first 99 racegoers in each of our three enclosures, including members, will receive a voucher on entry and be entitled to a free '99'."

Does anyone know any courses where they give vouchers to the first 69 entrants?
Within minutes of walking into the track today I heard a gate person being reminded to check bags to make sure no-one was bringing in food. Unbelievable!
My brother takes packs of sandwiches to the pictures with him. I'd probably do likewise if I ever went.

When I go racing near home I don't eat at the track. Hamilton is only 15 minutes away so I make sure I've had plenty to eat before I go and if I go to Ayr (40 minutes) I usually get there early and have something in McDonalds just outside the course.
Shadz, why are you having to pay for anything? When I saw you at Goodwood, the Press box had a nice old beano laid on - surely the course runs to a few coldies, sarnies and biscuits?
I don't have to pay for anything - however only hot drinks are provided (not even water) and the plate of sandwiches (and cake!!!!!) that all seem to be smeared with tuna mayo doesn't especially appeal!! I'd rather bring or pay for my own!!