No ice-cream please

A good reason

Within minutes of walking into the track today I heard a gate person being reminded to check bags to make sure no-one was bringing in food. Unbelievable!
I can recall a crack down at Wimbledon when they put the food prices up this old guy still always got in with his grub, don't they check your bag I asked oh yes he said but I have to carry food as i'm dieabetic, so you may not need to scatch her eyes out after all.:cool:A good reason
Bring a guide dog and say they are for the dog because he gets hungry licking his lips at the fillys in parade ring as he thinks their walking pieces of steak
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I took a small water bottle into Ascot which had vodka in it. When stopped I said it was needed as I had to take medication - they let it through.
You were lucky to get away with that - I'm surprised they didn't insist on opening it and smelling it once they could see the bottle had already been opened. They had a good inspection of a can of diet coke I took in for the Royal Meeting to see if it had been opened and vodka added! It's mainly alcohol that they are searching for, not bombs or anything else, even on days when the Queen is present. They'll even admit it if you give them enough stick!
You were lucky to get away with that - I'm surprised they didn't insist on opening it and smelling it once they could see the bottle had already been opened. They had a good inspection of a can of diet coke I took in for the Royal Meeting to see if it had been opened and vodka added! It's mainly alcohol that they are searching for, not bombs or anything else, even on days when the Queen is present. They'll even admit it if you give them enough stick!

I had been practising the sick look in their defence.
Actually Grey they seemed quite happy to admit it when I pointed out to them how comforting it was that whilst the Queen was in attendance security were told to look for alcohol being smuggled in and not bombs! They found it quite amusing. Usually you just get filthy looks whilst they're rooting around and you're saying "there's no alcohol in there..." in a bored voice.

When going to a racemeeting that I'm staying up for and I've been up on the train so don't check in the hotel until after racing I do tend to make sure I have black lacy underwear right on the top in the suitcase. It guarantees that they see it, say 'oh, that looks fine to me' and shut it quite quickly!
When going to a racemeeting that I'm staying up for and I've been up on the train so don't check in the hotel until after racing I do tend to make sure I have black lacy underwear right on the top in the suitcase. It guarantees that they see it, say 'oh, that looks fine to me' and shut it quite quickly!
"Rampant Rabbit", shurely?
One tries to please! They came in handy at Glastonbury, when Tom Jones took the stage. All those tiny thongs with "Luv u Tom" squeezed onto them, and mine, with "How Do I Love Thee?" in full, with illustrations. Class, pure class.
Usually you just get filthy looks whilst they're rooting around and you're saying "there's no alcohol in there..." in a bored voice. QUOTE]

If it's alchohol they're looking for, it's funny how they never search blokes' pockets, just our bags.

There is something that gets one through the gates quicker than underwear, but I won't embarrass the sensitive chaps on here. :lol:
Thank God those days are long gone - I'll soon be approaching that happy time in life where I'm more likely to yell, "Quick - let me through! I'm having a Tena Lady moment!"
Shadow - I'm really rather glad to have now discovered you are female. When you first made the comment in regards your black lacy underwear I must admit I got slightly worried there for a minute:whistle:
There is something that gets one through the gates quicker than underwear, but I won't embarrass the sensitive chaps on here. :lol:

At risk of sounding crass, that reminds me of an incident in Gibraltar airport a few years ago. Now, we all know that Gibraltarians were at the back of the queue when brains were handed out, but that still doesn't quite explain how one of the mongs at airport security got completely baffled when finding tampax in my wash bag, waving it about and inspecting it, not knowing what it was....

I expect that after that you're very relieved that I'm female, Toobe! :D