Novice Chasers 2009/10

I think we may very well have seen the Arkle winner today in the shape of Tataniano. As well as Sizing Europe jumped (and don't get me wrong, he was foot perfect once again today), the Nicholls horse is every bit as fluent over his fences and, if anything, a shade quicker than Sizing Europe at them I reckon. It is indeed a pity that Foster's Cross came down but I have a fairly hard time believing he would have troubled the Nicholls horse.

I would prefer to see him learn to settle - though he would need a fair gallop to tow him along judging by today's performance, but I suppose the champion trainer knows best.

I still have a niggling concern over Sizing Europe's ability to find off the bridle, but I suppose there may not be a novice in Ireland that will be able to get him off the bridle!
As he beat FRiday's Grade 2 hurdle winner over hurdles a few weeks back I think Foster's Cross might well have troubled Tataniano .

Cue Nick Dundee /LLT debate !
Does anyone think that while that Nicholls horse and Sizing Europe jumped very well, that you would like to see them get into trouble at one fence, just to see how the cope with it. They are very good standing off them and jumping them clean but it's the getting in close bit I worry about.
Does anyone think that while that Nicholls horse and Sizing Europe jumped very well, that you would like to see them get into trouble at one fence, just to see how the cope with it. They are very good standing off them and jumping them clean but it's the getting in close bit I worry about.

That was what was so impressive about Sizing Europe, he did get in close to a few of them yesterday but is so athletic he jumps them or gets over them as if he was standing off. His jumping really is exceptional - he is like an elastic band.
I was a fair way back from the TV in CHeltenham yest so didn't get a great look but I thought he might have got tight to one down the back straight and while he didn't hit it, his fiddling wasn't great either. Is it that he spends a bit of time in the air?
As he beat FRiday's Grade 2 hurdle winner over hurdles a few weeks back I think Foster's Cross might well have troubled Tataniano .

Cue Nick Dundee /LLT debate !

Wouldn't take that Tipperary form literally, Ardross; two miles around Tipperary on fast ground was never going to suit Loosen My Load. That said, Foster's Cross is a decent animal on good ground (the key to him in my book).

He's certainly not an Arkle winner though, and were he to get within 3-4 lengths of Tataniano yesterday I probably wouldn't be calling him the Arkle winner!
Hezz: BENSALEM saw them off with a bit of a battle. Got to tell you, although the going was given as Heavy, he came bouncing past me down on the far bend, looking alert and interested, where it was absolutely sodden - they went right in, actually pushing well down into the ground without lifting that many divots - it was truly holding, so all placed and winning horses today did exceptionally well in very energy-sapping ground.
Thought he was rather lucky tbh in that the Lavelle horse made a mistake at the last two fences and was a massive drifter pre-shows so someone clearly felt there would be improvement to come from Jack Doyle's mount.
Even with the way King's horses have been running, I was still expecting a bit more from Bensalem today.

I won't judge him solely on that, however.

I think of the English trained novices this season, Punchestowns is the one I'm looking forward to the most. I've got high hopes for him.
Thanks Kri, I didn't realise the ground was that holding. Having watched the replay i thought all round it was a satisfactory debut without being particularly eye catching. He showed a good attitude to get back up but you'd hope he comes on a lot for that run. Wouldn't be screaming out "RSA winner", but that's probably a good thing at this stage of the season. Looking forward to his next run.
I've been alerted a little while back to the chances of Long Run for the RSA. I've been through his form and the more I look at it, I think he may not be too far off already having the level of form required to win an average RSA.

At 14s in places, I can't see a better antepost bet for Cheltenham at this time. On the offchance (very slim as they have stated his first run for Henderson will be in the Feltham) they decide to go down the Arkle route, I've taken 250 on the machine for a few pennies.
Very good Hamm. But average RSA? Do you not think with the possibilty of Punchestowns, Mikael D'Haguenet and Bensalem it could be a very decent renewal?

And what would peoples thoughts be on Mikael - Arkle or RSA?
I think he'll probably go for the Arkle, as he seems to have plenty of speed.

Sorry, I meant an average RSA historically, as opposed to this year's renewal looking like an average one. I also like Punchestowns, and look forward to seeing him jump a fence - I wouldn't even rule out him going for the Arkle.