Thats interesting, Bar.
I class myself as an independant minded U.K voter, who would (in theory) vote for any party I deemed as on-point and progressive at the time.
When the Cameron/Clegg/Milliband era is over and U.K politics reshapes itself properly I will take a fresh look at where I stand.
I am pleased the Amercians are looking at the cannabis issue in America, and hope the U.K follows suit.
I will read any newspaper to get a story I find interesting.
I'm more behind Obama now than I've ever been before, I hope it works out for him. He has to show he has balls now though, and do whatever it takes to get the job done imo.
For example, if that means telling Russia and China where to go, or change his stance on Iran due to a more immediate threat, (just using an example here), then I'd like to see that. Also, representing 'regular folks' as we keep being told he does, won't help in January when the fiscal cliff comes, hence he must be prepared to potentially upset his own supporters and contingent to steer the right course. The stakes are high, but he can turn things around.
Ditto, now its time for the tough and right decisions to be made, and less of trying to be popular for being-populars' sake. I love the speeches but there's only so many hearts and minds the guy will ever win domestically, and actions speak louder than words as they say.
The biggest issue he faces is not what people think of him as a leader now, but how he'll deliver on the economy. He can try and take people with him intellectually, but that will all run out without people seeing real progress.