Only in the Guardian

They did but it was never ever an area dominated by one race. the east end was always a huge mix rather than a ghetto. Surely you know that?

I didn't say it was a ghetto. I said they largely congregated in one area of London, which would seem to fit the original point.
So whats the point you are making? That happens everywhere. so what?

I said it in response to another posters claim about "ghettos"

Its fcking hard work on here sometimes.
It certainly is hard work on here when the person doing most of the pontificating appears to speed read other people's contributions. Nobody, nobody at all, said there were Jewish ghettoes in the UK. Not since the 1290 Edict Of Expulsion by Edward I at any rate.

By the way, why was my footnote in post #67 above 'edited'?
So whats the point you are making? That happens everywhere. so what?

I said it in response to another posters claim about "ghettos"

No you didn't the remark about ghettoes was made after your inaccurate claim that the Jews didn't try to congregate in a single part of the city, which you now appear to have agreed is inaccurate by saying "that happens everywhere".

It's a piece of **** taking your arguments apart because you're so busy trolling you forget what you started trolling about in the first place.
You have taken nothing apart and clearly coming across as a bit thick frankly

there is a bit of a difference between "congregating" and a ghetto isnt there ? or dont you know that?

if you want to believe that New Malden is a south Korean "ghetto" and Stockwell a portugeese "ghetto" then have it your own way
is it really beyond all the left wing dross here (apart from Hamm perhaps) to actually address the article?
You have taken nothing apart and clearly coming across as a bit thick frankly

there is a bit of a difference between "congregating" and a ghetto isnt there ? or dont you know that?

if you want to believe that New Malden is a south Korean "ghetto" and Stockwell a portugeese "ghetto" then have it your own way

lol. you haven't got a clue have you? Suggest you go back and read the thread again before making yourself look any more stupid.
Regarding the article, I think the author is unfairly offensive towards British people. You have highlighted one passage but he is probably being unfair as well when he suggests the possibility of a pogrom in Sheffield.

Regarding the situation, it appears to have been exaggerated by Blunkett and Clegg, and by the author too. If it's true that the main problems are about litter and congregating in the street (begging is not mentioned, and apparently the Roma presence has had no impact on the crime statistics), it should be possible to get the situation sorted.
Fair enough grey. Thats how i see it

A little difficult to tell if its been exaggerated in fairness. I think the fears are that after the end of the year we will have a much greater influx. The difficulty is in assuming that a whole grouping will act in exactly the same way, which is clearly unfair but at the same time there must be a concern that this isnt a community that culturally has a work and self improvement ethic. Thats even admitted by one of their leaders
Some of those interviewed say they are in England to get an education for their children. One of the things happening in other places is they get put in the special needs classes. Some places have whole schools made up mostly of Roma children.

Regarding numbers, they seem to fluctuate. Luxembourg had quite an influx for a while, then they moved on. Brussels has seen large numbers at some times and much fewer at others. Dublin had a wave of them too.

It should be remembered, by the way, that there has been a Roma presence in western Europe from way back, and most of them are are settled. They've made a big contribution to the music, especially flamenco and jazz.
All that is true but i think the specifics of the article were not actually that important, even to the author

It seemed like it was a vehicle (and he clearly hadn't done some research on the the makeup of the area) to sneer at the supposedly hard drinking fighting racist british. A bit rich when its a country with far less far right race driven politics than anywhere else in europe

As i said, amongst no one hates the ordinary workaday white british more than a good proportion of the left
A woman i work with has a sister who lives near the area..its not exaggerated..its a disgrace whats happening there..unacceptable.

when it kicks its guaranteed to ..then maybe something will be done

its nothing to with racism...if someone is anti social..they are anti social
yes EC. But as the author makes very clear, she is a racist who's culture is to drink and brawl at every opportunity
I think i admitted to having a drink once on the forum, the next thing im down as some alcholic!

I'm a strong fella, but more known for breaking up fights in pubs and clubs than starting them. In fact I have never started a fight.

I've broken up a few though, often people that I didn't even know. Praise the lord I've never had an alcohol problem.
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Surely its parody?

Mind you there was a piece the other day demanding that teaching of the welsh language should compulsory across the whole of the UK