
Natalie Rowe

HOLD ON A SEC @BorisJohnson there is NO WAY that your ‘ encounter ‘ with Cocaine was in your University days, you were snorting the stuff up like Nobodies business at the Party in Knightsbridge where you racially abused me and that was early 90’s you absolute LIAR

5:55 PM - Jun 9, 2019

Ooops looks like johnsons been caught out,these tories are a right bunch...
Follow Follow @RealNatalieRowe
Waiting for the Press to publicly ask #EstherMcVey OR #IanDuncanSmith if they both partook in an affair. They can reply Yes or No. SIMPLES

I like this natalierowe she has them all in her cage...:lol::lol:
Can you imagine if corbyn had done anything like this lot,front page of every rag it this country is so twisted these buffoons have been getting away with it for years obviously covered up by the media yet at the same time the media and establishment trying to nail corbyn at every corner even if he has a broad bean out of line in his allotment..Perhaps people will finally wake up and see who the real villiains are,the hypocrisy makes me sick and the perverse media and their agendas,a complete bunch of lowlifes the whole tiry party...See they are trying to destroy baroness warsi as well another that's fought back against them by telling a few home truths,trouble is it will all be glossed over and back to labour party bashing yet again,they are absolutely desperate to destroy the party hopefully a few more skeletons to come from the eaton boys..
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Leaked recording reveals Trump’s plan to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister
Mike Pompeo and Jeremy Corbyn

A leaked recording suggests that Donald Trump’s administration plans to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming prime minister.

“We will do our level best” to stop him
US secretary of state Mike Pompeo told attendees at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that:

It could be that Mr Corbyn manages to run the gauntlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best. It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened

Pompeo was responding to a question about Corbyn and Jewish people:

Would you be willing to work with us to take on actions if life becomes very difficult for Jews in the UK?

The corporate media and political establishment’s propaganda campaign to demonise Corbyn as an antisemite has clearly gained traction overseas. Antisemitism exists in the UK Labour Party. But Corbyn’s political opponents and the corporate media stand accused of inflating the issue to try and destroy his transformational programme for the UK. Antisemitism cases relate to less than 0.1% of the party’s 540,000 strong membership. And Corbyn himself has a long history of fighting for Jewish causes, including signing parliamentary motions condemning antisemitic abuse and campaigning to save a Jewish cemetery from property developers.

Under the cover of stopping antisemitism, Pompeo may have just revealed a little too much about US interference in the UK. A Corbyn premiership would no doubt be a major blow to US foreign policy and crony capitalist interests. And, from 1946 – 2000, the US interfered in at least 81 foreign elections.

In response, a Labour spokesperson said:

President Trump and his officials’ attempts to decide who will be Britain’s next prime minister are an entirely unacceptable interference in the UK’s democracy.

Social media reaction
Given Corbyn came within a whisker of winning the 2017 election, analyst Jonathan Cook suggests the US could well already be interfering:

Jonathan Cook
· 14h
Hmm. Hard to spin this any other way: the US secretary of state secretly promises US Jewish leaders to prevent Corbyn from becoming UK prime minister. Hard too not to suspect that the US is *already* helping to ensure Corbyn doesn't become PM

Mike Pompeo tells Jewish leaders he would 'push back' against Corbyn
US secretary of state made comments in recording leaked to Washington Post.
Jonathan Cook
Because the obvious implication of Pompeo's comment is that the US knows it can damage Corbyn without leaving fingerprints at the crime scene – presumably through black ops, image management etc. The elephant in the room: Why assume the US isn't already using those techniques?
In the UK, we have already seen the state-funded Integrity Initiative smearing Corbyn on social media. The organisation, which the foreign office funds, is supposed to be countering Russian ‘disinformation’, yet it attacks the official opposition.

Because the obvious implication of Pompeo's comment is that the US knows it can damage Corbyn without leaving fingerprints at the crime scene – presumably through black ops, image management etc. The elephant in the room: Why assume the US isn't already using those techniques?
Alex Tiffin
�� US Secretary for State Mike Pompeo threatens to intervene to stop Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister.

This intervention must not be allowed to go unchallenged. The irony of the US wanting to meddle in another country's politics though.

Mike Pompeo Threatens To Intervene In British Democracy To Stop Corbyn Becoming Prime Minister
US Secretary for State Mike Pompeo has come under fire after saying he’d attempt to stop Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime
The US has a long history in trying to oust candidates that don’t serve its crony capitalist interests. We must be wary of dirty tricks and black ops campaigns against Corbyn and continue to fight for a better world
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It's another pointer of america interfering in others politcs more rightwing capitalist corruption to push their **** on us,doesn't matter what anyone thinks of corbyn if he gets anywhere near winning america will be doing everything in their power to stop labour winning,this should be all over the news,not a word said anywhere we just become compliant to anything they sau and do..pathetic..
What an absolutely idiotic remark to make,america interferring in yet another countrys democracy and as though trump isn't one of the biggest idiots to have ever walked the planet,purely for their political and ecomomical gain as well,the sonner they get him out the better..
A good piece of intelligence coming through the Newswires is the Liberty court Case against MI5 where today's findings show MI5 in a state of conspiracy against innocent citizens.

I found the part about citizens being 'Red, Amber or Green' in terms of criminality shocking.

This is what the cashier's in my local bookie shops used to be asked when ringing up head office to see if I could get a relatively small amount of money on a horse.

E.G, 'is he Red, Amber Green'.

Another coincidence.
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Yes lets vote for Boris johnson and more diaster capitalism,besides corbyn won't be around much longer and it will be a coaltion with dems ans snp wil do me fine..
Capitalism and consumerism has gone as far as it can go,it's blatently obvious just with climate and enviromental issues that there cannot be anymore expansion of it the dayds of the big corporates and people like the koch brithers are numbered..
Vote Corbyn and have queues for bread.

People are doing that already and have been for years 14 million in poverty,corbyn is irrelevant as he will only be around for another couple of years tops,once we've had a few years of johnsons buffoonery there will be a coalition,the future for the tories is going to e a gradual decline till the cpuntrys problems have been equalled out..Fortunately the new generations will make sure of this average conservatuve voter now aged 61,good luck with that tory project,,
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A good piece of intelligence coming through the Newswires is the Liberty court Case against MI5 where today's findings show MI5 in a state of conspiracy against innocent citizens.

I found the part about citizens being 'Red, Amber or Green' in terms of criminality shocking.

This is what the cashier's in my local bookie shops used to be asked when ringing up head office to see if I could get a relatively small amount of money on a horse.

E.G, 'is he Red, Amber Green'.

Another coincidence.

No doubt in cohorts with the US we will become the 51st state once we leave the EU,Trump must be loving it and even being condoned on the thread unbelievable shoving more unregulated capitalism up our arses and now even making sure the country votes a certain way,lots of very dumb people in this country and they can't even see it...being played like a fiddle..Althoigh lots fro the right libertarian filth know exactky what they are doing,utter scum...
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We have been the 51st state for years, have you never heard of all the USA Air bases all over the UK ?. You need to wake up pal, try leaving your bunker .
People are doing that already and have been for years 14 million in poverty,corbyn is irrelevant as he will only be around for another couple of years tops,once we've had a few years of johnsons buffoonery there will be a coalition,the future for the tories is going to e a gradual decline till the cpuntrys problems have been equalled out..Fortunately the new generations will make sure of this average conservatuve voter now aged 61,good luck with that tory project,,

Things will go in cycles, they always do. I'm sure within around 5 years there's nothing the Tories can do for another 10-15 years to get back in. Then they will be finished and cease to exist, just like they did when IDS was in charge, oh wait...

There's only one potentially realistic political prospect that terrifies me, and that is a far left government where people don't get opportunities in life. I would leave the country if Corbyn or his ilk got in. I am no Tory but they're a miles better proposition, even now.
Things will go in cycles, they always do. I'm sure within around 5 years there's nothing the Tories can do for another 10-15 years to get back in. Then they will be finished and cease to exist, just like they did when IDS was in charge, oh wait...

There's only one potentially realistic political prospect that terrifies me, and that is a far left government where people don't get opportunities in life. I would leave the country if Corbyn or his ilk got in. I am no Tory but they're a miles better proposition, even now.

What you have written there i have had said to me by numerous tories over a 40 year period,it's a cliche i will leave the country lol,most of the labour policies are very good and innovative especially regarding technology,corbyn and mcdonnell have 2 years left each tops so they are irrelevant just as johnson will be..As for cycles i explained earlier capitlism in its current form has to level off,the resources aren't there anymore effecting the enviroment etc i expect there will be coalitions in futyre bewteen leftwing not far left/greenparty governments is the future..No one will be leaving the country bar the tax evaders hopefully they will never let back in either..