
I know nothing of the idle threats of the people you have heard that from before, but I will be leaving, on the off chance that it happens. Mainly for prosperity and ideological purposes. No country like ours can have a future if there is no incentive or opportunity to succeed.
In no particular order, and I have obviously googled to get a decent list:
Increasing income tax
Increasing corporation tax
Nationalisation of railways
Nationalisation of energy companies
Negotiations with terrorists
Not replacing Trident
Abolishing tuition fees
Removing charitable status of public schools
National maximum wage

There are most likely others, and of course there are a few I agree with. I was a Labour member for some time, after all.
There's only one government that deals with terrorists

Tory leadership frontrunner Boris Johnson recommended that the UK allow Saudi Arabia to buy British bomb parts expected to be deployed in Yemen, days after an airstrike on a potato factory in the country had killed 14 people in 2016.

Campaigners accused the then foreign secretary of showing a “total disregard” for Yemeni civilians by allowing the sales, revealed for the first time in emails disclosed via a freedom of information request.

A day after the sale was recommended for approval by Johnson in August 2016, a village school in Yemen was hit by another deadly airstrike, prompting further complaints that the UK is complicit in breaches of international humanitarian law.

UK arms controls mean that the foreign secretary has to be consulted on whether the Department for International Trade should licence “precision guided weapons systems and munitions that are likely to be used by the Saudi Royal Air Force in Yemen”.

Campaigners head to court to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Read more
An email dated 12 August 2016 to the Export Control Joint Unit, responsible for licensing UK arms deals, says that Johnson “was content” to advise that the licensing of components for Paveway bombs should go ahead.

A few days earlier, on 9 August, the Saudi-led coalition resumed airstrikes on Sana’a at the end of a ceasefire that had held since April. Reports at the time said that more than half of those killed in the strike were women.

Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade accused the Conservative MP of showing a lack of compassion: “For Boris Johnson to approve a missile sale the day after a food factory was destroyed shows the total disregard that he and his colleagues hold for the rights and lives of Yemeni people.”


A day after the approval email was sent, on 13 August, a village school in the Sa’ada province was hit by an airstrike, which killed 10 children and injured 20.

The then cabinet minister has previously defended the arms sales during his time in office, saying in September 2016 that Saudi-led bombing campaign is not “in clear breach” of international humanitarian law.

Previously disclosures show that Johnson also assented to arms sales to Saudi Arabia in November 2016, the month after a funeral was bombed in Sana’a and dozens killed.

The UK is estimated to have licensed the sale of over £4.7bn worth of arms to Saudi Arabia since bombing began in March 2015. The Gulf nation has been the largest buyer of British-made arms for decades.

The correspondence shows that the Foreign Office’s Arms Policy Export Team has a duty to advise whether “there is a clear risk that these exports might be used in a serious violation of international humanitarian law”.

Officials in the export team concluded that “this clear risk test has not been met” in an email dated 10 August.

In another email, dated 27 July, the Export Team declare: “We have increased confidence in the Saudi pre-planned and dynamic targeting processes.”

That was criticised by the academic who originally obtained the emails, following a 20-month battle, Dr Anna Stavrianakis, a senior lecturer in international relations at the University of Sussex.

The academic said: “Coming days after an attack on a food factory, this information that suggests ‘increased confidence’ in Saudi processes is at odds with events on the ground.”

The court of appeal is deciding on a claim brought by the Campaign Against Arms Trade against the legality of the export of UK arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The high court had determined such sales were legal in July 2017, but two judges said that could be challenged in the higher court.

The Saudi-led coalition has been repeatedly accused of bombing indiscriminately during the Yemeni civil war, which is targeting Houthis and allied rebel groups backing the former president of Yemen, the late Ali Abdullah Saleh. Peace talks have led to a partial ceasefire.

Jeremy Hunt, who took over as foreign secretary in July 2018, and another Tory leadership contender, has defended arms sales to Saudi Arabia, arguing that halting them would be “morally bankrupt” because the UK would “surrender our influence”.

Johnson was approached for comment but has not responded
And which country are you off to?

He's not going anywhere,when i go on betfair the amount of rightwingers that say i'm leaving the country i used to vote labour has become a running joke,then they start seething about every single thing about labour,far left he says lol what a joke//I shall not bother replying to anymore of his posts because it's complete propaganda and i have seen it a million times,....
FAO Gigilo

Your frequent cut-and-paste jobs are worthwhile but could you please quote the source of the articles and/or italicize the content

I, for one, find it difficult to know which are your words and which aren't

Quoting sources is good etiquette; not doing so is plagiarism
He's not going anywhere,when i go on betfair the amount of rightwingers that say i'm leaving the country i used to vote labour has become a running joke,then they start seething about every single thing about labour,far left he says lol what a joke//I shall not bother replying to anymore of his posts because it's complete propaganda and i have seen it a million times,....

Still looking for an alternative to capitalism, take your time.
Fortunately up here we have another left wing alternative in the SNP.

I don't see too much that's left-wing about the SNP myself, simmo.

It wasn't all that long ago - before their surge to power round about the time of the financial crash - that they were dubbed up here The Tartan Tories. For me they still are. For me they were - and still are - Scotland's Trump administration. Elected as a protest yet managing to cling to power.

I'll need to look more closely at Drone's 'distributism'. That sounds like the kind of political philosophy that would appeal to me.
I don't see too much that's left-wing about the SNP myself, simmo.

It wasn't all that long ago - before their surge to power round about the time of the financial crash - that they were dubbed up here The Tartan Tories. For me they still are. For me they were - and still are - Scotland's Trump administration. Elected as a protest yet managing to cling to power.

I'll need to look more closely at Drone's 'distributism'. That sounds like the kind of political philosophy that would appeal to me.

They haven't been generally referred to as Tartan Tories for years.

From their election promises in 2017.

  • A living wage, by the end of the next UK parliament, that will be slightly more than £10 per hour
  • Support an increase across the UK in the Additional Rate of income tax - for those earning more than £150,000 - from 45p to 50p
  • Press for the abolition of the two-child cap on tax credits and the associated "rape clause".
  • Stop cuts to the winter fuel allowance
  • No increase in taxation on the low paid, in National Insurance or in VAT.
  • Removal of the 1% pay cap on public sector pay
  • Stand against all of the further planned cuts to social security,
  • Demand reversal of the cut to Employment and Support Allowance that is removing £30 per week in vital support from disabled people
  • Oppose the freeze on working age benefits
  • Always protect free personal and nursing care
  • Continue to extend free childcare
  • No support for further reductions to the headline rate of corporation tax

To that I would add their policy of only increasing council tax for higher band and the continuation of free prescriptions for all.

Looks fairly left wing to me.

It might be interesting to see if the English amongst us would rather vote for these policies, or the "back to the seventies" policies of Jeremy Corbyn.
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Yes, they look 'socialist' if that list is the only agenda.

You probably know I'm rabid anti-right-wing but while never an extreme leftist, I've always wanted the 'fairest-for-all' in my political outlook.

I'm among the minority who support raising taxes in order to help reduce poverty and improve services. I support re-nationalisation of the railways, post office, telecommunications and energy.

So, I am a very infrequent reader of the likes of the Telegraph and would normally not agree with much in it. However, this snippet struck a chord with me:

If you’d like to know a little about life under the SNP, tune into West Sound Radio sometime. It’s the station that I grew up with on the west of Scotland, and to which I still listen sometimes, on Sunday mornings, for that little bit of hometown connection. The programmes themselves are fine. It’s the news and adverts in between that would make English centre-Right hair curl. The preaching on how to live your life is relentlessness. And this is life under an SNP government: it really does know best, knows that it knows best, and if you don’t agree that it knows best, will spend your money to tell you it knows best.

They also want to control the media in Scotland, dilute education to the point that no-one sees through what they're up to and, for me, the real danger is what happens when they eventually have the absolute power that Sturgeon craves?

The list, though, is part of their UK manifesto. They know they have no chance of making any impact on UK politics so they can put out the most socio-friendly soundbites you'll see anywhere as they'll never have to fulfil them.
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Fair enough - we'll have a to agree to disagree on the subject - for me they are a great left wing alternative to Labour and I think that the English would probably love to have something of their like to vote for.

I'm not worried about them getting too big for their boots - this country has a habit of bringing such folk down to size readily enough.
No doubt in cohorts with the US we will become the 51st state once we leave the EU,Trump must be loving it and even being condoned on the thread unbelievable shoving more unregulated capitalism up our arses and now even making sure the country votes a certain way,lots of very dumb people in this country and they can't even see it...being played like a fiddle..Althoigh lots fro the right libertarian filth know exactky what they are doing,utter scum...

Yeah I've done sone work with Liberty before. They've got their ear to the ground on mass survellance. Edward Snowden, who exposed the American spy agencies is a supporter of them. If anyone feels like donating to them its a worthy cause.
Another little beauty today from johnson asked why he said ''Why did you call muslim women letterboxes'' replys after some blubbering britsh people want politicians to say what they mean,the tory audience applauds ffs who are these utter morons!
This is then followed up by Bim afolami tory MP saying anne widdicombes remarks on gay people free speech,we should have the ''arguement'':lol: these people live in a different century,with clare rancid fox nodding in agreement surprise surprise yes we need free speech on a discussion about wehther science could intervene in the future to ''cure'' people of being gay,these people are absolute nutjobs..
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Why did you call Muslim women letterboxes?”
Boris Johnson: “The public feels alienated from us all as a breed of politicians because too often they feel we are muffling and veiling our language."
Audience applauds..

This is what he said today kicking off campaign when questioned by beth rgby,just unbelievable outright bigotry and no one says a word gets applauded by tories,ffs this man is a ******* half witted menace a mini donald trump just saying any old **** intermingled with bigotry and racism...
Why did you call Muslim women letterboxes?”
Boris Johnson: “The public feels alienated from us all as a breed of politicians because too often they feel we are muffling and veiling our language."
Audience applauds..

This is what he said today kicking off campaign when questioned by beth rgby,just unbelievable outright bigotry and no one says a word gets applauded by tories,ffs this man is a ******* half witted menace a mini donald trump just saying any old **** intermingled with bigotry and racism...

Is it true that Beth was boo'd by Johnsons supporters when she asked the question?