
If anyone's been watching Summer of Rockets that made me think of the ERG also. I actually find their name quite chilling; something of the 1984's about it....
This country is absolutely pathetic johnson avoids doing debates with the public on channel 4 as would get slaughtered as he has as much knowledge as a goldfish,then tomorrow gets to speak on The Brexit Broadcasting Company have no public just set questions,doesn't take a genius to see which way that's going to go so transparent getting an easy time while talking ****..Then we have the other fuckwit from the US tweeting about Sadiq khan,saying he should be got rid because of knife crime,this moron has 40,000 homicides a year on his watch it's all so transparent what's going on,already discussed the mike pompeo stopping labour while discussing this with jewish business then we get all this other US garbage being shoved down our throats..On top of that we have the Iran issue,corbyn says the sensible thing about not getting invoved or advocating america but no of course corbyns in the wrong and we must back the US saus glassy eyed jeremy ****,absolutely pathetic **** america,they are so corrupt and devious and we the 51st state sucking off the koch brothers..and kissing trumps exceptionaly big fat arse..
What on earth is the point of holding TV debates - or any other public debates for that matter - to discuss a race whose two runners are to be decided by 313 conservative MPs and the winner chosen by 100,000 or so conservative party members?
Knowing how devious the BBC are it's just to boost jihnsons profile and the only ''alternative,will be worse than question time.
What on earth is the point of holding TV debates - or any other public debates for that matter - to discuss a race whose two runners are to be decided by 313 conservative MPs and the winner chosen by 100,000 or so conservative party members?
Would not some Conservative party members be interested in a public or TV debate? Surely on such an important issue most serious minded people would want to fully consider both candidates policies and views.
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Channel 4, to their credit decided not to play by Boris's rules but treat him as an equal to the rest and he decided to boycott them knowing it massively devalues tonight's show.

So we're now in Trumpland where you have politicians being mini-dictators, only speaking to their chosen friends in the media who give them good press and shout Fake News at the rest who dare to criticise The Brexit Broadcasting Company won't even give him a chance to reveal his stupidity..
Emily Maitlis will give Johnson a hard time, and expect Stewart to go for the jugular, too. If there is any whiff that Stewart is more likely to win an election than Johnson, MPs and the membership will ditch the latter in favour of the former. Stewart was easily the most impressive in the debate last night, but he may have to wait his turn, as he is saddled with the "remainer" tag. I wrote a speech for him once, and he said it was "good" - he's my favourite politician of all time!
Rory stewarts already done a u turn, he couldn't work under johnston 2 days later i would work with him they are all the same tomorrow will be the Boris Johnson show set up by the Brexit Broadcasting Company and then you will get some convoluted deal where stewart gets in the cabinet,laughable's all so contrived!!
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Jeremy Hunt is quite remarkable really. He's been in government for close on ten years now and hasn't got a single achievement to point to. Only the Conservatives could possibly assess this career of non-delivery with being Prime Ministerial material

I'm also laughing at the other side of the coin too of course

Three years ago Boris Johnson could muster only something in the region of the low 30's or high 20's, which eventually led to him withdrawing from the race rather than facing the humiliation of the verdict that his fellow MP's thought he was a useless, lazy, blunderbuss. What has he done in the last three years (other than getting some poor woman imprisoned in Iran) that has suddenly caused this mass re-evaluation of his credentials? Well the answer is nothing. He spent 2 years as Foreign Secretary doing what most observers agreed was a poor job, before finally resigning, yet all of sudden approximately 140 conservative MP's seem to have changed their minds

The reason is simple.

Until 2017 they assumed that anyone could beat Jeremy Corbyn and therefore they could vote for who they regarded as the most capable. Now Theresa May has disavowed them of that notion and demonstrated that Corbyn could actually beat them and they're terrified of losing their own seats.

For the last six months they've been putting party above country, but as the noose tightens they've now moved to the next stage, and started putting self above country

Incidentally, (and this did amuse me), two of the MP's spoiled their paper rather than cast a vote for Johnson, Gove, Javid or Hunt. I mean …. when an MP is offered four choices for their leader and can't bring themselves to endorse any (not even a token vote for the least likely to win) what does that say? It tells me that there are at least two Tory MP's ready to resign the whip and go independent. Boris could lose his majority before he even gets to October at this rate

Another tory tosspot,how to befriend the young vote grabbing a woman by the neck,lets see what happens following the person who milkshaked farage lost his job and got community setvice and a fine this was 10x worse somone shouldv'e grabbed him by the neck of course the twatterati libertarians saying it was fine more ooooopppps to follow i reckon..Lets see what happens to this tory minister..FA..
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I wonder who will win the democratic election to choose the leader between the head boy at Charterhouse and the Eton School Captain in the election between 97% white folk, average age 58.
And following the vote our choice will probably be Mr keep me away from scrutiny lest I show myself in my true light Boris or Mr I'll give you the full details after you vote for me Jezza
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Another tory tosspot,how to befriend the young vote grabbing a woman by the neck,lets see what happens following the person who milkshaked farage lost his job and got community setvice and a fine this was 10x worse somone shouldv'e grabbed him by the neck of course the twatterati libertarians saying it was fine more ooooopppps to follow i reckon..Lets see what happens to this tory minister..FA..

Lol Brendan O'neill writes an article attacking the greenpeace protestors :lol::lol: he really is a lowlife scumbag this bloke,the koch brothers must be proud of him..
And another little beauty looks like being a tory involves abusing and shouting at women,these lot are out of control unreal the stuff that's going on and now we have the police trying to cover up for the tories as well,no record of this incident apparently till the neighbour told the guardian...FFS just one thing after another i'm surprised they're not blaming Corbyn :lol::lol: Looks like the right are controlling everything,they can do whatever they like whenever they want,when are people going to wake up..

Police were called to the home of Boris Johnson and his partner, Carrie Symonds, in the early hours of Friday morning after neighbours heard a loud altercation involving screaming, shouting and banging.

The argument could be heard outside the property where the potential future prime minister is living with Symonds, a former Conservative party head of press.

A neighbour told the Guardian they heard a woman screaming followed by “slamming and banging”. At one point Symonds could be heard telling Johnson to “get off me” and “get out of my flat”.

The neighbour said that after becoming concerned they knocked on the door but received no response. “I [was] hoping that someone would answer the door and say ‘We’re okay’. I knocked three times and no one came to the door.”

The neighbour decided to call 999. Two police cars and a van arrived within minutes, shortly after midnight, but left after receiving reassurances from both the individuals in the flat that they were safe.

When contacted by the Guardian on Friday, police initially said they had no record of a domestic incident at the address. But when given the case number and reference number, as well as identification markings of the vehicles that were called out, police issued a statement saying: “At 00:24hrs on Friday, 21 June, police responded to a call from a local resident in [south London]. The caller was concerned for the welfare of a female neighbour.

“Police attended and spoke to all occupants of the address, who were all safe and well. There were no offences or concerns apparent to the officers and there was no cause for police action.”

Carrie Symonds.
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Carrie Symonds was part of the team involved in the launch of Johnson’s leadership campaign. Photograph: Guy Bell/Rex/Shutterstock
Johnson and Symonds have increasingly appeared together at public events in recent weeks. The former mayor of London topped Thursday’s ballot of Conservative MPs in the party leadership contest and is now the favourite against Jeremy Hunt to be the next prime minister.

The neighbour said they recorded the altercation from inside their flat out of concern for Symonds. On the recording, heard by the Guardian, Johnson can be heard refusing to leave the flat and telling Symonds to “get off my ******* laptop” before there is a loud crashing noise.

Symonds is heard saying Johnson had ruined a sofa with red wine: “You just don’t care for anything because you’re spoilt. You have no care for money or anything.”

The neighbour said: “There was a smashing sound of what sounded like plates. There was a couple of very loud screams that I’m certain were Carrie and she was shouting to ‘get out’ a lot. She was saying ‘get out of my flat’ and he was saying no. And then there was silence after the screaming. My partner, who was in bed half asleep, had heard a loud bang and the house shook.”

Johnson left his wife, Marina Wheeler, last year and began a relationship with Symonds, who has been credited with revitalising his appearance and approach to politics. She was part of his team when he publicly launched his campaign for the Tory leadership earlier this month.

In recent weeks the couple have been sharing a flat in a converted Victorian house. It has been reported that they intend to move into Downing Street together if he is elected leader.

Johnson’s office was contacted earlier on Friday for comment but had not responded by the time of publication
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Tory leadership race day 1

- Police in midnight call to Johnson flat over row with his partner
-Police trying to cover the incident up,till exposed by the guardian
- Minister Mark Field suspended over physical handing of protestor
- Tory whips investigate abusive texts between Tory MPs
- Tory MP ousted by constituents over expense fraud

Plus the recent yougov poll of tory members voting for johnson 61% not bothered about longterm damage to economy just to get brexit through same percentages for no union with scotland ir ireland..:lol::lol::lol:
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