Our Music


Mar 8, 2016
Im interested what our favourite tunes/artists/people/genres are in music past and present.

I've recently been listening to my old vinyls, collected as an enthusiastic and passionate teenager nearly twenty years ago.

At the moment I'm (borderline) enjoying the songs, second time around, more than I did back then. My songs are from the 90's dance scene, I like their authenticity (plenty of white labels in the box!) and urban sounds.

I've bought a CD compatible turntable now which can have them uploaded to CD via computer (don't want to damage the vinyl).

I'm aware there was a thread on this, but nout wrong with starting a new one!

Hopefully some new members can share what they're into aswell.
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I'm trying to have a tidy up at home [which includes shelves and shelves full of cd's] and am listening to cd's that I've bought and quite often not listened to properly [I do that a lot, including buying dvd's that I never get round to watching]. It all depends on my mood, I guess. Whilst cleaning the kitchen I enjoyed listening to Royal Blood; a cd that I'd not been very impressed with when I first bought it. I then moved on to Morris On, a Ashley Hutchins folky/morris dancing cd. I've just bought a new Maranz amp to go with the cd player I bought a while back. Can't bring myself to throw away the old Pioneer amp, though, which is still in working order; I'm sure someone somewhere would give it a home. This is the first time that Glastonbury didn't throw up a new favourite band for me. Last year it was Teleman, and the year before Goat and Django Django. I'm loving the new AltJ and looking forward to the new Arcade Fire. A few months ago I started listening to Al Stewart again and was disappointed to find he was on tour but I was away when he came near to where I live. The only music I can't get on with is jazz, I'm afraid.
My taste runs from relatively normal artists like Tom Waits, Radiohead and PJ Harvey to sort of industrial/avant garde type Black Metal and ambient projects.
Always had a broad taste in music: a good toon is a good toon regardless of what 'genre' it might fall into; but in latter years have found myself listening to much more Big Band, Dance Band, Jazz, Blues, Crooning from the 20s-50s

Youtube has a marvellous archive of this sweet, sweet music

Of what can be subsumed under 'Pop' then Blues-Rock from the '60s and '70s remains as gut-wrenching and sweat-inducing as it always did

Well, baby, baby, baby, you're out of time
I said, baby, baby, baby, you're out of time
The last 3 concerts I attended were Don Henley (turned 70 yesterday), Brian Wilson (75) and Jackson Browne (68 and was close friends with Warren Zevon, still playing his songs in concert). All were excellent but it tells you all you need to know about my view of most music since the advent of punk.
Saw a programme about world music on BBC4 last night so now catching up on Tinariwen [sp]; and need to find out more about the politics of the area...[think Goat are heavily influenced by them]
Drone's right, a good tune is a good tune so I again like a lot of different music
Trance, Hard House,Rap,Rock, All sorts of pop music but my favourite bands would be what you would term indie music I suppose.
Favourite and most important bands to me are:
1. The Music
2. The smiths
3. The manic street preachers ( early albums)
4. The stone roses
5. R.E.M.
6. Rage against the machine
7. Kasabian
8. Oasis
9 Arctic Monkeys
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I've just come back from the annual trip me and a few friends having been doing for the last ten years or so to the Perugia Jazz festival. Highlights for me were the recreation of the Miles Davis/Gil Evans album Sketches of Spain with 30 musicians, Wayne Shorter performing his latest album with a similar orchestra, and two concerts by leading Italian performers Paolo Fresu and Giovanni Tommaso with Rita Marcotulli.

A concert by two Cuban pianists, Chucho Valdes and Gonzalo Rubalcaba sounded great on paper given what we know from the likes of Ibrahim Ferrer and Ruben Gonzales, but I didn't like it. They took some of the best music there is and proceeded to denature it by ignoring the rhythm and the melody and instead sent a sackful of mice running up and down the keyboards as they tried to outdo each other's cleverness.

I like plenty of other music too but not much of it is recent. I'd like to know more about what's out there at the moment that is good.
5. Electric Ladyland: Hendrix
4. Wheels of Fire - Cream
3. A Place Among The Stones: Davy Spillane
2. Dark Side
1. Blood on the Tracks: Bob
I have a very broad taste (I think) but struggle to see what people like about heavy metal and the like. I suppose I'm much more into melody and good lyrics so am vulnerable to being pigeon-holed as liking middle of the road stuff (not Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep).

As others have said, if I like it I like it. It's a bit like art, I suppose.

I don't have an ipod (is that what it's called) so change the CDs in the car every so often. The current batch (which i'm about to change) wouldn't necessarily be my favourites, just what I thought I'd give a bash since I hadn't listened to them for long enough are:

1. my own compilation of 'easy listening' for the mother-in-law for when she happens to be in the motor with me featuring Perry Como, Matt Munro, Bing Crosby (with Louis Armstrong and Al Jolson on a couple) and Kenny Rogers.

2. Beatles 1 album

3. Elton John's greatest hits, vol 1

4. Eagles, Greatest hits

5. Abba Gold

6. Frank Sinatra (not sure of the name of the album)

I don't have a big collection of music (100 CDs maybe plus a few I've compiled myself) but am not that heavily into it anyway. I'm more inclined to listen to stuff I might end up attempting to murder at a karaoke event.
I say I don't like jazz, but I do love music that has unusual rhythms; stuff that changes direction or key unexpectedly, so maybe there is a bit of a jazz lover in me.
1 Radiohead - OK Computer
2 Guns 'N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction
3 Metallica - Master of Puppets
4 Slayer - Reign in Blood
5 Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
6 Led Zep - III
7 Beck - Odelay
8 Husker Du - Zen Arcade
9 PJ Harvey - Let England Shake
10 Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
I've recently been listening to my old vinyls, collected as an enthusiastic and passionate teenager nearly twenty years ago.

Just buying something to clean up the vinyl's to reduce static. Spin Clean is the product to go for I think.
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Just buying something to clean up the vinyl's to reduce static. Spin Clean is the product to go for I think.

A few years ago I copied all my Vinyl - around 250 LPs - to my PC's hard-disk; time consuming but worthwhile as I then flogged what I could of my cherished collection on Ebay. There's a big market for original 60s/70s 'rock' LPs in the old Eastern Bloc, presumably because they were denied the pleasure of listening to music from the decadent West back then. If memory serves, the remotest spot I posted to was Irkutsk in central Siberia

If you're interested in copying Vinyl to PC then I used a very good free utility called Audacity, available here:

A few years ago I copied all my Vinyl - around 250 LPs - to my PC's hard-disk; time consuming but worthwhile as I then flogged what I could of my cherished collection on Ebay. There's a big market for original 60s/70s 'rock' LPs in the old Eastern Bloc, presumably because they were denied the pleasure of listening to music from the decadent West back then. If memory serves, the remotest spot I posted to was Irkutsk in central Siberia

If you're interested in copying Vinyl to PC then I used a very good free utility called Audacity, available here:

Cheers, will take a look at this.

Does the software help to reduce static I wonder?
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Does the software help to reduce static I wonder?

There's all sorts of Filters that can be applied, many of which require a Degree in Signal Processing to understand, but amongst them is a good one to reduce aberrant noise e.g those from surface scratches
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Radio 1 Xtra been celebrating Uk Garage this weekend, with the well-known Dream Team presenting just now.

My Vinyl are all from this genre.

Some of the more well known ones I have on vinyl are.

Nightcrawlers - Push The Feeling,
Shanks & Bigfoot, Sweet Like Choclate
Na Na, Let The Body Groove (All Garage fans know this),
Azzido De Bass (more of a house record).
Luck & Neat, With A Little Bit Of Luck.

The others are what I call bangers.
Good for clubs and loud speakers. :)
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Rather enjoyed the Scott Walker prom the other night, but then again, I was madly in love with him [along with all of my friends and just about every girl in the world]; thought he just started doing 'chanteuse' sort of music [whatever the male version of that is] but hadn't realised his stuff was quite political as well.
Look them up mate and press play! :) Nightcrawlers, Push The Feeling was a hit in the clubs in the U.K and America in the 1990's. That would be my favourite of the five I mentioned.
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Like those links Gigs. I was/am more of a mix and blender myself but always got time for proper scratch DJ's. I might put something on you tube myself, I'll upload it here when I do.
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