
[/quote] As Rory says, I think you can assume that Fallon's connections are slightly more scary than any two bit players associated with Rodgers.[/quote]

bennet looked to me alot less scary, so he swung a kick at kenyon and gave it some cockeny bullshit to the camera. the people connected with rogers, kinahan family, are people i wouldnt want to cross.
Posted on the RP site 15 mins ago

I'm assuming this is reference to the Lynch/ Rogers discussion?

I find it implausible that the CPS never enhanced it. To be honest it was my first reaction when they played it originally. You could hear a voice on the other end, even if you couldn't distinguish what it was saying. I immediately thought it would be interesting to get that enhanced and discover what Lynch was saying. I'm sure if I could work that out, then surely the police could? The only thing I can conclude is that the CPS weren't sufficiently au fait with racing parlance and didn't recognise the significance of "that cost me winner" in the context of what had happened? Could they really be that ill prepared to undertake such an investigation?
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one thing is for certain...had it been Fallon on the end of that call...they would have enhanced the f*** out of it

they were not really bothered about the others...this whole issue was about nailing Fallon...thats why they didn't give a monkeys about enhancing it.
EC1 I think you may haver hit the nail right on the head.

The police have become as infected with the 'celebrity culture' - for which read 'obsession with celebrity since kultcher has eff all to do with it - as anyone else who reads the tabloids!
EC1, we must have been watchign different programmes. i thought the programme was focused on rodgers. Fallon was mentioned, but the fact rodgers was at a loss on his lays of which fallon rode suggested there was no involvement from fallon with this man. The authorities have had it in for fallon for some time, and when the relations with Bennet were revealed & that he had laid 26 rides of which fallon had rode, and onyl one had won. it became clear why they have benn on his back. this does not make him guilty, but explains the hunt.
i wasn't really commenting on the programme...but the fact that a vital piece of conversation ..that an 8yo would have spotted could have been really relevant ...was completely ignored by those carrying out the investigation

They must be really dim...or the conversation was not being had by the one they wanted the most...the big headliner himself.