Poker shares

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I think your username sums up the betting industry your involved in
or maybe you was giving too much credit to it and should have called yourself nochance

Theres no point showing me a winning selection instead show me the mathematics of how this type of bet cant lose over a 1000 times invested and how your going to place bets when all the bookies have banned you

I'm bored of you.

To summaries.

You're a dinosaur who doesn't understand the basic mathematics of betting despite being a poker whizz. Go hook up with Roy Brindly another braindead betting poker star.

Now **** off.
I apologize if the truth hurts

but look your money didn't go to waste Michael Tabor bought a nice Yacht with it and might give you a spin one day
My dad paid for a few of the windows

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I can buy in to this tournament no problems but i'd rather you paid 70%

look its only 7 investors @ £110 that will get £10,000 each when i take it down like a boss

And you also get to watch it on tv and say hey look theres the W-stain from talking horses we invested in

proving everyone wrong

You know it makes sense
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Open up a Bet365 account with £1k in it and I'll spin it up to £5k for a £500 fee.
This individual is either (a) demonstrably naive on betting mathematics, or (b) a troll.
If the former is the case, why are you people wasting your time trying to educate someone who is deaf to logic?
If it is trolling, why are you feeding it?

Why not just ignore him, then, he and his begging bowl might go and pester somewhere else.
Ok so lets just agree that were all degens and im probably the only one on this thread that is making a long term profit
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Not good results against mug punters, but nevertheless I think this lad has got something. He's learnt some life lessons from his father, and he's made his own mistakes by throwing money away at the high street bookies. Crucially he's been strong enough to turn his back on it.

He's smart enough to reinvent himself as an online poker player and is asking for a leg up to the big leagues. That's to be admired. As such I feel a few of you are being too harsh and you should give him a chance. We all have a bad run, and sometimes it's just one minor adjustment that makes all the difference. In Markus's case, after that minor adjustment is made it's just possible he could become someone who can mix it right at the top end. I admire his confidence. He's not afraid to stand toe to toe with some of you guys without blinking or breaking sweat. And if he fulfils his expectations you're all going to be looking pretty stupid and you won't all be coming back with your smug comments then will you?!

Maybe I've been in Australia too long now, but Australians always go out of their way to give a bloke a chance, and they don't jump all over him for trying to make something of himself. Maybe some of that has rubbed off, and that's why I'm prepared to step up to the plate and do the decent thing and give Markus the impetus he needs to fulfil his potential and destiny. He's worked hard for it and he deserves it. So, while at this stage I won't be investing any cash, I am prepared to offer Markus game changing advice as he reaches this crossroad and critical stage of his online tournament career. I suspect this advice will be the most significant and far-reaching advice anyone has given him so far, and if he'd received it sooner his online poker results would already be much better. in fact I'll go as far as saying that his chances of winning online tournaments will increase exponentially.

'Markus. Take your sunglasses off'!
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I've been in Australia a long time now as well, and yes, good on him for having a go. I'm all for someone making something of themselves, but he's wanting other people to make something of him. The only thing that springs to my mind at the moment would be a fuckin hamburger.

Real sound advice. Get your tourney buy ins via local cash games if you're really that desperate to play with the big boys.
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Maybe I've been in Australia too long now, but Australians always go out of their way to give a bloke a chance,
One thing I know for certain about Australians is that they are certainly not naive or gullible. Those are traits you must have acquired before you emigrated to that country.
An individual whose first post to a forum is a begging appeal for cash, whose second post is an attempt to flog an alleged signed photograph of a racing icon. An individual whose "links" don't work, and whose subsequent screenshots could just as easily be a copy 'n paste job. A poster who has not disclosed his less-than-encouraging record against mediocre players.
And you intend to give this person unconditional support and help. Good luck with that project.

if he fulfils his expectations you're all going to be looking pretty stupid and you won't all be coming back with your smug comments then will you?!
There's no smuggery about it. If anyone here is being smug, it is you with your self-righteousness. No stupidity on display either. I'ld rather be stupid and solvent anyday rather than be sanctimonius and broke.

I am prepared to offer Markus game changing advice as he reaches this crossroad and critical stage of his online tournament career.
Good for you. It's a free world; you're entitled to do what you want. I just hope it doesn't all end in tears ( for you).
When the recipient in this case has proven that he is heedless to all advice, I think you are misguided. But you have to do what you want to do.
I would ask, however, that you dispense this advice and help via private messaging or email to spare the rest of us from this ongoing pantomime, and to spare yourself the blushes and egg-on-face that will inevitably follow.

Slightly different sense of humour down here as well, Jack.

You planned your responses to hastily. ;)
I wouldn't consider investing in it because I simply don't but the hysterical reaction here came across as a bit childish pack mentality which has long been a feature of this forum

He posted his idea. Seemed to have logic (although boasting about sluts in transits lessened credibility and belief frankly)

Also if it was serious he should have simply said "pm me for more info" rather than over justifying. Never debate with those who are never going to be interested

Don't like it, then move on. So what?

If I get a prospectus asking me to invest in some fund I don't ring them up screaming about how much better I could do and why their fund is a shambles
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Someone knocks on my door or phones up asking for cash, they get a right ******* verbal going over. Same if I read that **** online.

Hey, don't like it, then move on. So what? :D
I havn't got any poker account with username markus100 , someone presumed that i have the same poker accounts as my forum name which is wrong.

He posted his idea. Seemed to have logic (although boasting about sluts in transits lessened credibility and belief frankly)

Im not in a relationship or looking for one or to spend a single penny on a women ever again so it makes sense to use my van .
If i get bankrolled for a Uk tour i will buy a camper van to reduce fee's and start ballin.
Whats wrong with that ? Thought it was standard !
btw im a live poker player not online . I play online to see hands and practice strategies but generally its not for me
Just because i offered shares im my action dont mean im begging or going to take insults from degens
i ignore insults at poker tables because it just means they are tilted but off the table if im insulted i have the right to say go f*** yourself.
I asked for a stake .. i did not say my life depended on it
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What's wrong with it?

Have you ever really tried chasing even pretty dismal women with the promise of a shag in a transit van?

It reads like something out of viz frankly

Oh and one other thing

Guys that genuinely pull and are pretty nifty at enjoying themselves have one characteristic in my experience..

They .. Never say a word
After a 19 year relationship my ex wife ran off with her boss and then i met a money grabbing tramp and wasted another 5 years
I was never unfaithful to either and got shafted so dont expect me to respect women because its not going to happen.
I will quite happily promise them the world and then say gtfo my van.
She was a "money grabbing tramp" ?

That's not nice. Did she rip you off with some investment?

Sorry couldn't resist

Word of advice. When punting elsewhere for this, keep personal life out of it. Sounds amateurish. Bit like me brokering finance for a client and telling them "I need this for my holiday!"
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