Political Compass


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005

Ok, each of you, like me, fall into the green square, but how do we find suitable candidates to vote for?
Not much funnily enough. We did this before on another forum... Both libertarian (i was at the extreme end of that) and not far from the middle politics...


Some of the questions (especially the economic ones) were not too clever frankly. The direct correlation between inflation and unemplyment (as a single choice) is naive and silly. Its not always either/or by any means and both are often driven by other factors
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On the green square, I'm 5 down, 3 across. Economic Left/Right scale: -6.75, and Social Lib/Auth -4.97. Much further left on the green, and I'm off the paper and onto the desk.

Bets: yeah, you and Vlad the Impaler!
One... in photoshop!

I actually came out very libertarian, but right of centre. Free market, small government, personal responsibility and reward for enterprise.
A lot of the questions were heavily judgmental with words like 'always', as in 'XXX is always wrong', etc., that while the answer I'd have preferred would've been 'not every time, but sometimes', one was driven to answer 'disagree' rather than temper extreme positions (whether for or against the subject) with a middle way.