Prix Jacques le Marois

She's really quite good in any case. Can't have been too many open Group 1s where fillies filled the first three places.
What an incredible flash of speed from IMMORTAL VERSE! GOLDIKOVA ran her heart out, almost nabbed for second, but held on. Superb mare - probably a world best, considering that, unlike ZENYATTA, SEA THE STARS and FRANKEL, two who won't now prove and one who has yet to prove, she has travelled to other countries to win and has lasted more than one season. Also, comparisons to MIESQUE are faded by the fact she's simply outwon her in the Breeders. She really is a career racehorse - whether she'll ever take to having babies, who knows, since she's so focussed on this life and on trying to win everything she competes in. What a horse!
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Those two group races were a right and decent hole opener for a wet and miserable Monday. Its going to be a very long week by the looks of things!!:surrender:
That 2.20 race is a Gr 1 masquerading as a Gr 2. There's a lot to look forward to in both races.

If the Diane turned into a sprint, in which Golden Lilac was able to do Galikova for toe, will today's race, with its shorter distance and level finishing straight, be any different?

Waldpark and Dunboyne Express are an interesting addition to the mix. The German Derby form passed a little test yesterday in Cologne, and Dunboyne Express may be about to find his niche at 10f.

Definitely a no bet race for me, but one to look forward to.

The big race also looks exciting. Given the conditions it will be tough for Goldikova, which is not to say she can't win, but I wouldn't take a short price about her today. There are plenty of dangers, but the one I'm going to take a chance on is Immortal Verse, who is probably still improving and will cope fine with any cut. These three year old French fillies are good this year.

Why didnt I listen to uncle Grey????
Goldikova is outstanding for her quality, consistency and durability. Today's conditions were against her but she still ran a terrific race.
She's clearly not as good as she was, I just hope they manage to keep her going for the BC Mile.

There were some shocking rides in behind, Tin Horse typically a noticeable one! :mad:
Did Peslier just get mugged there? Not sure he saw Immortal Verse until it was too late.

I think she was definitely blind-sided, and produced more when her jockey realised, though still not enough.
The ground favoured the winner more though, and Goldikova is far from a write-off just yet.
I thought the field looked to get in each other's way, Gamla. The two pace-setters out front possibly didn't help matters as they faded, but it looked a bit of a scuffle in the last couple of furlongs.

I'd settle for a horse that was 'not as good' as GOLDIKOVA is now! In fact, I'd be delighted with one quite a lot less good!
Tom Segal at it again with Immortal Verse. Making this flat lark look really easy is Tom.:)
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I remember strongly fancying a Balding horse in the Coronation and was surprised it never even made the three, knew then it was good form for the winner to win by over 2 lengths and in the decisive fashion it did that day, although the form of the race overall hasn't worked out a peach it should be said. Always remember Prince Kirk (25/1) beating the 8/11 fav in Sex Perfections a few years back in France.
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Fair enough, but using the "the trainer thinks he's the best he's trained" cliche as a cornerstone for a selection strikes me as a tad lazy. You can tell he prefers dissecting handicaps.
Well done Grey.

I see no evidence that Goldikova is necessarily on the downgrade . It was no disgrace losing to Canford Cliffs and she was beaten far more easily by Makfi last year .

This ground really does not suit her and the proximity of Sahpresa who she beat cosily in the Rothschild was telling.

Immortal Verse however is clearly a very good filly and has a terrific turn of foot - let's hope she comes for the QEII .

Interesting to see Dick Turpin confirm the form with Cityscape - the latter I thought was given a pretty poor ride though.
Well done Grey.

I see no evidence that Goldikova is necessarily on the downgrade . It was no disgrace losing to Canford Cliffs and she was beaten far more easily by Makfi last year .

This ground really does not suit her and the proximity of Sahpresa who she beat cosily in the Rothschild was telling.

Immortal Verse however is clearly a very good filly and has a terrific turn of foot - let's hope she comes for the QEII .

Interesting to see Dick Turpin confirm the form with Cityscape - the latter I thought was given a pretty poor ride though.

About right. Goldikova same as ever, Sahpresa showing the ground made rhe difference.
Cheers, Ardross.

I agree with your assessment of the race, Goldikova wasn't suited by today's going.
Surely the proximity of Sahpresa in her two most recent starts prove she is on the downgrade?

Sahpresa was only a 119/120 horse last year and most on here agree that Goldikova was a high 120s horse last year. Unless Sahpresa has improved from 5 to 6 then the evidence surely suggests that Goldikova is on the downgrade given her proximity to horses who have been rated lower than here in the past?

The ground is a total red herring too, it was officially Good to Soft (times today suggest it was this description at absolute worst) and she won the Marois in 2009 (possibly one of the greatest performances by a miler of all time) on soft ground then.

It's always hard to accept these legends are regressing (look at Kauto Star over jumps) but in my opinion, she is slightly. Not to say I don't think she can't win another BC Mile though where conditions and opposition will be very much in her favour.
Goldikova is regressing and the ground wasnt a help either,

today she is a 120-123, while at her best was 9 pounds better.
Goldikova could havevbeaten Sahpresa by any distance she wanted lto - Peslier stopped riding a furlong out and was never serious with her. Today is similar to her performance in this last year. I wonder would 2s be available for the Breeders Cup?
Goldikova is regressing and the ground wasnt a help either,

today she is a 120-123, while at her best was 9 pounds better.

Agree with this bar the ground, it simply wasn't that soft. Even if it was Good to Soft ground, she's put much lesser opposition to the sword in impressive fashion on ground which has been to Good to Soft or worse.

I think she will win the BC Mile and I desperately hope she will but they should be looking to give her one more run before bringing the curtain down in Kentucky.
Goldikova could havevbeaten Sahpresa by any distance she wanted lto - Peslier stopped riding a furlong out and was never serious with her.

I didn't think you normally subscribed to the idea of horses potentially having more up their sleeve than they showed?

The ground was way way softer last year, it literally threw it down very heavily for about 30 hours before the race, I've never experienced rain like it.
I also agree with Ardross re GOLDIKOVA not regressing. We all know the ground didn't suit her and so what if X or Y gets close to her? They didn't get past her, bar IMMORTAL VERSE, which is all that counts. You can slip a few pounds, you can get challenged more seriously, but if you continue to win or place very close, you're hardly on the downgrade. And she's now six, for God's sake. Let's see how many of today's wunderkind will still be as professional and enthusiastic with even one more season's work, let alone her back catalogue! She might continue until she draws a pension, like THE TATLING, especially if she refuses to kowtow to domesticity.