Prix Noailles & Prix D'harcourt

What does this cosy ride proove though? they still haven't answerd the question they were asking at 2. If the horse was given a more positive ride it would not of hinderd his chances for the Derby at all and you would know how strongly he saw out the trip unless the know this?, regarding his run I thought he had an awkward headcarage and never found the gears, with 2 furlongs left to go in the Derby on todays evidence would you fancy him picking up stylishly or staying on the one pace?

I see him more as a St Ledger horse personally

Horse was not wound up, and not asked to concentrate and quicken. It looked almost as if Murtagh wanted that gap not to open immeadiately so he could teach the horse more. Loads of examples of Ballydoyle horses that have looked slow/awkward in trials but different animals on the day that counts....even more evident in the type of horse they send to the French trials..Septimus,Aussie Rules, Landseer, Astronomer Royal all well beaten in trials in France only to come out and win on their next outings. The last three all went on to win the French Guineas after been beaten in their trials. It's not a co-incidence, its getting to the stage where O'Brien is sending horses to the early British Classics with the idea to win (obviously) but also to improve for the run.
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how have some of the bookies shortened him up for the derby though, disgraceful, he was still beaten almost 5 lengths from a comfy winner. Im on him for the derby and i thought i may top up after chance given by the turf accountants.
Probably because they saw what Gal saw, beardo! - or maybe the4y read this forum LOL
It seems a long way to go for an 'educational' unless they have a French target in view for BBI, which may well be the case early season. The horse didn't run at all after mid-summer in 08 and loooked pretty green today, I'd guess they have had to start all over with him this year
nope after, but would certainly agree he looked very green still with his head carriage and the way he looked like he was lugging right im not ripping up my antepost bet just yet.
I am not saying he is a Derby winner or even the Ballydoyle number 1 but history has told us it's impossible to judge the Ballydoyle horses first or even second time out these days.
Anyone who thinks that Longchamp is far to go for O'Brien to give one of his classic hopes a gentle prep hasn't been paying attention for the last few years.
It's an opinion, not a lack of notice of recent events.

If you are going to bring an early season 3yo to France, it is a waste of time if they're not there to win.

imho :)
A waste of time as opposed to what? Keeping them at home where they'll learn nothing and not get any fitter? The only downside is the cost, but that's obviously not a factor here. Sure they're probably back home asleep by now.
It really makes no difference to your point Gareth, but it takes almost 24h to travel horses from Paris to Ireland.
I know O'Brien has had a policy in the past of getting his horses home the evening of a race when they run in Britain. I'm not sure whether that extends to France, but it should be doable.
How ? They don´t fly for those travels. It´s road and Ferry for them. Grab a map and think for yourself. There are a few thinks O´Brien is not capable to do, you know?
I don´t wanna come across rude at all, Gareth.

By flying them back.

They don´t fly for those travels.

You should have said!

Grab a map and think for yourself.

I did, I even figured out that getting the hour back on the way home from France would be handy. If they flew. But you say they don't. So it's a moot point, right?

There are a few thinks O´Brien is not capable to do, you know?

Except he probably could fly them back and get them home before the night's out if he really wanted to, do you agree?

This story:

reckons Footstepsinthesand was back at Ballydoyle around 6 hours after winning the Guineas. Maybe that's part of the plan though - win, or come home the long way ;)
I might be wrong, but I don´t like bbi´s action for Epsom. I don´t think he is gonna gallop T.Corner at all.
I'd be interested to know how much of the interest in Black Bear Island is based on who his brother is, bearing in mind that none of High Chaparral's siblings have set the world alight; indeed I'm not sure any of them who have come along since HC have won outside of maiden company
Just the Ferry trip Holyhead-Dublin takes 3h plus shipping. Newmarket-Holyhead (425 km ) and Dublin port-Tipperary (200km?) in less than 3 hours?
And of course, the Ferry is just waiting for Mr. O´Brien´s horses before it leaves....
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Just the Ferry trip Holyhead-Dublin takes 3h plus shipping. Newmarket-Holyhead (425 km )and Dublin port-Tiperary in less than 3 hours?
And of course, the Ferry is just waiting for Mr. O´Brien´s horses before it leaves....

Hence my assumption that they flew him back...
I seem to remember AOB saying they don´t fly for those trips to Paris.
I am prepared to stand corrected tough. Anybody know? Galileo?
I´ve been involved in a stallions trip from Ireland to Paris (one was a Coolmore stallion)and it is really non-sense having the horses travelling for 24h when it could only take a few hours by plane, but that was the case.
I don´t think is a cost related issue.
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They fly them everywhere outside of Ireland don't they?

Remember them trying to bring George over to Southwell through Doncaster airport but fog scuppered that.