QM Champion Chase betting

With what Moehat told me in a PM the other day we had a good idea this would be the case.

Unfortunately the monkee I had on him has gone bye bye

That is of no real concern to me having had worst days but what does bother me is if Nicky Henderson is misleading people.

Sprinter Sacre is the best thing to happen to NH in 40 years and racing fans should be told exactly what is what.

If you are right and there is a chance he may never run again then Henderson should hung strung and quartered.
And now everything shortens up for the QM and procrasting punters miss out. You've got to fire on these things before the information is in the public domain. It's been clear for s week he wouldn't run at Sandown.
Had a small punt on Champagne Fever at 14/1 for this. With major doubts about those at the head of the market, Balder Succes could line up as the horse to beat. I'm have slight doubts about Champagne Fever as a staying chaser given he can be quite keen and likes to get on with things and should he get beaten in the King George, the QM could look very attractive to connections.
Relativity positive Hendo quote on ATR:
Speaking at Newbury, Henderson said: "It would be a tall order for Simonsig to go to the King George, wouldn't it? But I can't say 'no he won't'. It would be a lot to ask him to miss the season then come into a three-mile chase having never been three miles before.
"He had been in really good order, and it has been frustrating. He's missed 10 days and he's perfectly fine now. He had a splint on a near-fore before and his problem is nothing to do with that. He was a bit lame behind. He's always a horse who you have to be careful with, with his constitution. He wouldn't be the most robust and if you bully him, you can push him the wrong way very quickly.
"Sprinter Sacre is the opposite, I've got to push him through this. There aren't many options. You come to the Victor Chandler next or the Desert Orchid and we will keep everybody posted.
"We are conscious of where we are and where everybody else is, as well. It is disappointing with Sprinter out, Sire De Grugy out - everybody was looking forward to it, well, I don't know if I was, actually!
"Nobody wants to see Sprinter more than we do. It is tough to say 'no' when you know you want to run. We are not running on Saturday week because of the ground. The horse is 101 per cent and we ummed and ahhed all morning.
"He wouldn't be in training if we didn't think we would get there with him. He is in full exercise and work, but we are not going to take chances and push him. You can't force it to happen. It will if we let it, but if we push it - wheels will fall off these horses."
"Nobody wants to see Sprinter more than we do. It is tough to say 'no' when you know you want to run. We are not running on Saturday week because of the ground. The horse is 101 per cent and we ummed and ahhed all morning.[/COLOR]
just smacks of them being petrified of sending him back out there incase he's not the same horse. bad ground (how likely is it anyway? it's still 9 days away) was never an issue for the horse previously. obviously it's not ideal after such a long time off but it feels like henderson just doesn't want the horse to face any kind of adversity.
When was it that Henderson started telling us that Sprinter Sacre was in great form -maybe July or August.Is it all PR bullshit.Personally I think if in doubt say nothing.
Even in those quotes from NJH above, It's all cushion and fluff! And he contradicts himself.
He begins by saying 'I've got to push him through this' But then remarks that SS is in full exercise and work and that he is 101% fit!
But then at the end he reverts back to 'we are NOT going to take chances and push him' and 'if we push it - wheels will fall off these horses'!
I really worry for the horse........ Lets just hope it's NJH being ridiculously over cautious and we will see the Black Aeroplane again.
To be fair, these two horses are too good to take chances with.
NJH has been through the mill with See You Then and managed to win 3 Champion Hurdles with him and got a champion out of Binocular .
Heavy ground is no place to run horses after a lay off; remember Denman at Kempton , so hope and pray they can come good for Christmas or early Spring.
Otherwise the ghost of Monsignor will have struck again !
I detect that he's over pressurised himself, what politicians call 'bunker mentality' and the chances are its an infectious caution that's running through the yard now, as it transfers from trainer to staff, to owner. He could really do with someone saying stop faffing about and run the horse, what ever will be, will be. It's as if he's wanting to have everyting spot on. How often do you ever get that in sport? He says the horse is 101%. Well to be honest Nicky, make hay whilst the sun shines. Send for Jim Bolger, he wouldn't hang around if he had a top horse 101%

I think Nicky knows he has an obligation to racing and the fans etc and is struggling to balance it at the moment with obligations elsewhere. I sense he's scared himself into a state of paralysis
Was just looking at the QMCC market there, looking for a potential angle with the possibility of SS & SDG both absent.
I thought Western Warhorse was a particularly big price for an Arkle winner......
It obviously looks like he stays further so I assumed the price was so big here because he would be aimed at the Ryanair or Maybe even the Gold Cup.However, he is not in either of these betting markets. Then I went to look at David Pipe's stable tour for some info, but WW is not listed in it..Then I went to David Pipes official website, where there is a full list of all his horses in training, and WW is not listed there either?? Did I miss something here or has anyone any further information about Western Warhorse? Thanks
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How unfair is it to the AP punters who had backed Balder Succes to reopen the Tingle Creek?

Fine for the course and I suppose for racing in general but bookies imo should have 2 books when this happens. One including only the original line up and one including the new entries and pay out should one or more of the new entries finish in front of the horse you backed.

Doesn't affect me as I backed Sprinter Sacre who I am assured is perfectly fine and will be back.......That said I was told the same thing a month ago so I ain't uncrossing my fingers just yet.
Not at all - it's one of the risks you take when you bet AP surely??

Races with few entries get reopened all the time, everyone knows it happens. Wish we were still in business ,you can guarantee we would have taken half the yard for a day out and everyone would have been happy!!!!
Saw that coming the way Nicky was talking..who knows but the man definitely has more patience than we have so I wouldn't give up.........simply have to wait and see
Nicky letting himself down these past few seasons with 'reports' on various beasts in his care. Between Binocular, Sprinter and Simonsig punters are being led up the garden path. I know that training horses is not an exact science but can't trust the 'reports' anymore.
That is BS........Binocular put Nicky away Nicky never put anyone away. To this day it is a mystery what was ailing binocular when Nicky announced he was out of the CH but something was.

Unless you think it was all BS him going to specialists and it was all a ploy so NJH could get 26 quid on a 1000 between him and 59 staff and in the meantime upset his CH prep.

He has been 100 % honest with SS and S he is just not prepared to run them in desperate conditions which could undo all his hard work

I have been fed some bullshit about SS only to find out from an excellent source that he is absolutely fine and looks as good as ever.

Lets not turn this into a conspiracy forum and be patient the SAS duo will be back
Nicky Henderson has come forward and confirmed that Sprinter Sacre has given him the impression that he is back to his very best.

He wants to give him a good blow and has contacted Newbury racecourse among others to get a racecourse gallop into him.

He looks certain to be back yet punters seem uninterested in grabbing the 4/1 the likes of Corals are still offering.

Punters are of course a suspicious lot but surely it's time to throw caution to the wind...After all this is the best chaser since himself graced a racecourse back in the 60's we are talking about.

Hard to believe punters have more faith in trusting their dosh on the unproven Mullins trio than backing the best chaser in the country.

Considering that even if Sprinter Sacre ran 10 lbs below his best at Cheltenham he'd still win I have come to the conclusion yer all mad..or I am:lol:

Don't say I never told ya
Nicky Henderson has come forward and confirmed that Sprinter Sacre has given him the impression that he is back to his very best.

He wants to give him a good blow and has contacted Newbury racecourse among others to get a racecourse gallop into him.

He looks certain to be back yet punters seem uninterested in grabbing the 4/1 the likes of Corals are still offering.

Punters are of course a suspicious lot but surely it's time to throw caution to the wind...After all this is the best chaser since himself graced a racecourse back in the 60's we are talking about.

Hard to believe punters have more faith in trusting their dosh on the unproven Mullins trio than backing the best chaser in the country.

Considering that even if Sprinter Sacre ran 10 lbs below his best at Cheltenham he'd still win I have come to the conclusion yer all mad..or I am:lol:

Don't say I never told ya
Too easy for people to run to conspiracy theories but it's probably more down to the nature of the bulletins depending on whether it's first or fifth bottle of wine that day.