R Walsh v The Last Fence

Len Madeiros

Oct 15, 2012
Didn't someone post up quite a damning stat against the great jockey recently? Something like his combined last fence falls over the past x years is greater than the combined last fence falls of all other jockeys in racing. Stuff like this is always useful ammo for Cheltenham, where the likes of UDS, Douvan, AP, Faugheen and Vautour will all be leading coming up to the last fence/hurdle.
Even if that is correct LM would it make me fancy one of his mounts but think to myself "what if he falls at the last fence" so back something else instead ?

Absolutely not.

and I've seen this mentioned before (admittedly without the combined part) but here's a thought; is it not possible that due to a) the quality of rides he gets and b) the man's brilliance, that the number of horses he is on that come to the last fence with a chance of winning far outweighs that of any other jockey ?. In which case, would it not make sense that the number of fallers would be higher as he goes for the potentially winning jump - as opposed to allowing some back number to pop over in their own time ?
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He's going to have quite a few rides at the festival where he's looking like the winner coming to the last. Could be some tasty prices about if you lay in running at that point but it's not my game. Wishing a horse to fall is just beyond my moral compass.
From my read on it Ruby seems to let a horse do it's own thing approaching the last, be that when he's well clear or when there's something bearing down to the last with him. He tends to stand up in the saddle in the last stride or 2 where as you'd often see the likes of Davy Russell, Geragthy etc make up the horses minds for it by hitting it a few taps down the shoulder & driving it into the obstacle.

Ruby by standing up is breaking communication with the horse through his knees and I can only imagine the horse is literally in 2 minds in that last second and often blunders his way through the last fence.

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Best comment of the lot came from Ruby's daughter as told by Ruby on ATR Sunday to Gary O'Brien.
Ruby watching the replay with his daughter listened as Des Scahil said " Ruby not moving a muscle on Valseur Lido..... Oh he's down; Ruby has fallen "
The little girl looked up and said "Daddy; you should have moved a muscle !"
Out of the mouths of babes...

I always thought that many of Kauto Star's last fence errors came from Ruby sitting leaving the horse to his own devices.
Had he given him a squeeze the horse may not have erred.
One of Ruby's at wpm's David Casey must have had one of the worst last fence fall records of all especially when leading... it prompted one serious punter to tell WPM's mother "tell that son of yours he will break the country trying to make a jockey of David Casey !
But isn't it a case of thinking the horse has jumped well to this point with me sitting still so why change it for the last fence ?.

If it aint broke then why fix it?
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It's a thread that needs meaningful stats to prove anything.

Even that would be an irrelevance.

I mean? If everything else stacks-up, who is not going to back one ridden by Walsh, for fear he might come off at the last?

It just isn't a consideration when it comes to making a selection, is it?
If you're factoring in what Ruby Walsh will do at the last into your selection process than chances are your suffering from paralysis by analysis.
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thats it Len..the two big guns have squashed the thread..pointless carrying once they start sh1tting on a thread. In fact..any thread that don't suit the TH police..always get same treatment

its getting very negative on here...there is no point starting threads unless you run em by grasshopper or Slim first to see if they pass muster

i'm sick of it..no one else will say so..but i've had enough of it
What a load of old fu*cking nonsense.

You seem only to be happy when people are agreeing with you, and any dissent from your viewpoint is not permitted.

Seen it a thousand times before from you - get over yourself. It's a fu*cking forum, and people will have their say, whether you personally agree or not.
thats it Len..the two big guns have squashed the thread..pointless carrying once they start sh1tting on a thread. In fact..any thread that don't suit the TH police..always get same treatment

its getting very negative on here...there is no point starting threads unless you run em by grasshopper or Slim first to see if they pass muster

i'm sick of it..no one else will say so..but i've had enough of it

FFS man -get a grip-can you not deal with dissent.
Best comment of the lot came from Ruby's daughter as told by Ruby on ATR Sunday to Gary O'Brien.
Ruby watching the replay with his daughter listened as Des Scahil said " Ruby not moving a muscle on Valseur Lido..... Oh he's down; Ruby has fallen "
The little girl looked up and said "Daddy; you should have moved a muscle !"
Out of the mouths of babes...

I always thought that many of Kauto Star's last fence errors came from Ruby sitting leaving the horse to his own devices.
Had he given him a squeeze the horse may not have erred.
One of Ruby's at wpm's David Casey must have had one of the worst last fence fall records of all especially when leading... it prompted one serious punter to tell WPM's mother "tell that son of yours he will break the country trying to make a jockey of David Casey !

I remember Casey coming down in a maiden hurdle in Mallow one year 30 lengths clear.

It's not that many years ago that Barry Geraghty had similar forum post about him about him after some high profile calamities at the last.
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He's going to have quite a few rides at the festival where he's looking like the winner coming to the last. Could be some tasty prices about if you lay in running at that point but it's not my game. Wishing a horse to fall is just beyond my moral compass.

In running at the festival is notoriously difficult-I'd say if you were laying odds on the field in every race you would definitely have made a loss over the last 5 years.
here comes the cavalry..lmao..p1ss of Luke..another one who only has anything to say in my direction unless its in a negative..get f00ked lad..keep your beak out

Grasshopper..i haven't passed an opinion the thread..so its f all to do with agreeing with me..you have no idea what i think about the topic

you don't like people posting what you don't like on your cliff horses thread..oooh don't post that EC..its not what i want..but throw your weight around on other threads..belittling the point of them etc

you are strangling discussion....its you who don't like people disagreeing with you
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here comes the cavalry..lmao..p1ss of Luke..another one who only has anything to say in my direction unless its in a negative..get f00ked lad..keep your beak out

Grasshopper..i haven't passed an opinion the thread..so its f all to do with agreeing with me..you have no idea what i think about the topic

you don't like people posting what you don't like on your cliff horses thread..oooh don't post that EC..its not what i want..but throw your weight around on other threads..belittling the point of them etc

you are strangling discussion....its you who don't like people disagreeing with you

So we're strangling discussion by having a differing view?

Have you ever considered a political career in North Korea?
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here comes the cavalry..lmao..p1ss of Luke..another one who only has anything to say in my direction unless its in a negative..get f00ked lad..keep your beak out

Grasshopper..i haven't passed an opinion the thread..so its f all to do with agreeing with me..you have no idea what i think about the topic

you don't like people posting what you don't like on your cliff horses thread..oooh don't post that EC..its not what i want..but throw your weight around on other threads..belittling the point of them etc

you are strangling discussion....its you who don't like people disagreeing with you

Utter fu*cking drivel - every word of it.

For one thing - you did pass an opinion. The opinion you passed was about me (and Slim) killing the thread-off.....which is sh*ite anyway. I was merely passing my opinion that Walsh's performance at the final fence is not really relevant when you decide who you are going to back.

Secondly, it's perfectly clear what the Cliff Horses thread was for. There are already plenty threads for what anyone fancies that particular day.

The only person throwing things around is you - mainly toys out of yer pram. As for your talk of cliques, you're the only one that sees them, which says more about you than it does about anyone else.

You've been on one since first thing this morning, though fu*ck knows why. Fu*ck off and take some meds or something, and come back in better mood tomorrow, because I'm done with your sh*it for today.
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So we're strangling discussion by having a differing view?

Have you ever considered a career in politics in North Korea?

no its nothing to do with a differing view..its the ..wtf is the thread about..what can it achieve..what you going to do..not back walsh etc

its the belittling attitude i'm tired of seeing

it was the same with the making a book thread..it won't work ..its sh1t..i know it won't work so you are wasting your time attitude

i'm tired of it..and am saying so..

thats all

i'm sick of people who only open their trap in the negative when i disagree with certain members ..same old same old.
More balls.

Try asking Len Maderios if he feels he or his thread is being belittled, before you start giving out with your usual para bollocks. The only one acting like they are the Voice of the forum here, is you.
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I'm on holiday so not getting involved in anyone's squabbles but there was a stat up to last year indicating that you couldn't back Walsh over fences. That one soon disappeared