R Walsh v The Last Fence

Utter fu*cking drivel - every word of it.

For one thing - you did pass an opinion. The opinion you passed was about me (and Slim) killing the thread-off.....which is sh*ite anyway. I was merely passing my opinion that Walsh's performance at the final fence is not really relevant when you decide who you are going to back.

Secondly, it's perfectly clear what the Cliff Horses thread was for. There are already plenty threads for what anyone fancies that particular day.

The only person throwing things around is you - mainly toys out of yer pram. As for your talk of cliques, you're the only one that sees them, which says more about you than it does about anyone else.

You've been on one since first thing this morning, though fu*ck knows why. Fu*ck off and take some meds or something, and come back in better mood tomorrow, because I'm done with your sh*it for today.

oh ..so thats how you disagree is it..utter drivel..this morning it was ..bullshit...i thought it was me who didn't like people disagreeing with me..seems you don't much
Racing is always good to debate because people come at it from different angles. Mind you I had no problem telling a guy in a bar last year that he was a ******* idiot for suggesting that place laying Annie Power was the 'correct bet' in the mares hurdle after she fell at the last.
oh ..so thats how you disagree is it..utter drivel..this morning it was ..bullshit...i thought it was me who didn't like people disagreeing with me..seems you don't much

You've been on good form the last few weeks EC1....this is a very strange change in posting style. You Ok Hun?
I just like to engage in debate, and learn from the more informed others' points of views. I don't take sides because you are all better-informed than I.

I was just looking for an angle, I suppose, however obtuse, but I'm not sure there really is one, tbh. I have a feeling he will tip up at at least one final fence, though, but because I don't lay horses, I just hope it's not one of his that I back!

I don't feel belittled at all, but I wish you fukcers would stop squabbling all over my thread.
In running at the festival is notoriously difficult-I'd say if you were laying odds on the field in every race you would definitely have made a loss over the last 5 years.

Tuesday 2.05
Gods Own 1.23

Tuesday 4.00
Annie Power 1.05
Polly Peachum 1.6

Tuesday 5.15
Horizontal Speed 1.88

Wednesday 2.40
Zabana 1.58

Wednesday 4.00
Any Currency 1.65

Thursday 2.05
Unique De Cotte 1.24

Thursday 4.00
Monetaire 1.34
Make A Track 1.59

Friday 1.30
Top Notch 1.42
Dicosimo 1.51

Friday 4.40
Noble Endeavour 1.07
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oh ..so thats how you disagree is it..utter drivel..this morning it was ..bullshit...i thought it was me who didn't like people disagreeing with me..seems you don't much

If I'm going to be grossly misrepresented by someone who should know better, then yes, I'll reserve the right to get pissed-off and verbalise that fact.

There is absolutely no need for what you've been posting over the last while on this thread. No-one has attacked anyone else, and Len sees the posts for what they are - opinions, which suggest that his angle on Walsh is probably fruitless. You going off on one as you did, was completely unnecessary and completely out of order.

I've nothing more to add, other than I'll have forgotten all about it soon enough.
Tuesday 2.05
Gods Own 1.23

Tuesday 4.00
Annie Power 1.05
Polly Peachum 1.6

Tuesday 5.15
Horizontal Speed 1.88

Wednesday 2.40
Zabana 1.58

Wednesday 4.00
Any Currency 1.65

Thursday 2.05
Unique De Cotte 1.24

Thursday 4.00
Monetaire 1.34
Make A Track 1.59

Friday 1.30
Top Notch 1.42
Dicosimo 1.51

Friday 4.40
Noble Endeavour 1.07

1.23 for Gods Own???
Then what did UDS go out to?
The topic is of wider interest than just the betting angle.

Is this happening to Ruby more often than it should? Do other jockeys fall just as often when in the same position? But I agree that hard data would be the only conclusive way to find an answer.
The topic is of wider interest than just the betting angle.

Is this happening to Ruby more often than it should? Do other jockeys fall just as often when in the same position? But I agree that hard data would be the only conclusive way to find an answer.

Exactly. Because Ruby is so high profile people remember his last fence mistakes. The exact same questions were being asked of Geraghty in the Moscow Flyer era.
I agree, Arthur.

My reference was specific to Slim's suggestion about the stats. My response was around their worth, in terms of finding a betting angle. That was it.

I made no mention of any wider discussion around whether RW has an Achilles Heel at the last fence. In fact, I remember a long while back (maybe after Kauto's first KG) that I made a comment on a thread, about how Walsh appeared to let his horses make their own minds-up, and that I'd prefer if he took charge a little more. I was in fact looking for that very thread, when EC1 decided that he knows me better than I know myself, and I got distracted telling him how it really is.
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Does Ruby rides more horses in contention when jumping the last than most others? If he does, would he be going full speed more times than jockeys just getting home or resigned to a place? Would there be more chance of a horse falling when at the end of a race jumping the last at full pelt
Just a thought!
Does Ruby rides more horses in contention when jumping the last than most others? If he does, would he be going full speed more times than jockeys just getting home or resigned to a place? Would there be more chance of a horse falling when at the end of a race jumping the last at full pelt
Just a thought!

I'd have thought this is as valid as the argument against Man Utd at their peak being awarded more penalties than other teams by biased referees. If you're in an attacking position more often than more penalties is correlated.
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Funny how opinions change after one fall. It was only a couple of weeks ago that everyone was praising Ruby for his sit on KV.
here comes the cavalry..lmao..p1ss of Luke..another one who only has anything to say in my direction unless its in a negative..get f00ked lad..keep your beak out

Grasshopper..i haven't passed an opinion the thread..so its f all to do with agreeing with me..you have no idea what i think about the topic

you don't like people posting what you don't like on your cliff horses thread..oooh don't post that EC..its not what i want..but throw your weight around on other threads..belittling the point of them etc

you are strangling discussion....its you who don't like people disagreeing with you

EC -I have praised you often enough for some of the winners you have picked but you have just gone into meltdown mode here.You really should apologise to everyone.
Tuesday 2.05
Gods Own 1.23

Tuesday 4.00
Annie Power 1.05
Polly Peachum 1.6

Tuesday 5.15
Horizontal Speed 1.88

Wednesday 2.40
Zabana 1.58

Wednesday 4.00
Any Currency 1.65

Thursday 2.05
Unique De Cotte 1.24

Thursday 4.00
Monetaire 1.34
Make A Track 1.59

Friday 1.30
Top Notch 1.42
Dicosimo 1.51

Friday 4.40
Noble Endeavour 1.07

If you laid the field at 1.07 in every race you would have made a loss after commission and that's with the benefit of hindsight.
Personally I think it's got to the point where Ruby should work with a sports psychologist about this. I'm not joking.