Racing cancelled?

I agree Slim. Someone emailed racing radio the other day and said they suffered from either anxiety or ocd and during lockdowns racing radio was a complete lifeline. I have to agree: as someone that has been shielding for months I was overjoyed when racing started again, especially as I used to know some of the people on racing radio from the old racing club days and it was so good to hear their voices. My heart sank yesterday when I thought racing might be cancelled again.
Cheltenham are resigned to the fact this year’s Festival will be held with only around 2,000 people present each day — at best.
Now the country has been placed back into full lockdown the track must make some key decisions over the next couple of weeks about the meeting, which starts on March 16.

Normally, the biggest jumps meeting of the year welcomes 250,000 spectators through the gates over the four days, 70,000 of them on the final day to watch the Gold Cup. Those scenes were condemned by some last March when the Festival was the last major sporting event before the Covid-19 crisis plunged the country into lockdown.

Cheltenham’s meeting last month had a crowd of 2,000 a day made up of owners, annual members and paying spectators.
Officials must also work out how to sustain the traditional challenge of Irish runners, with travel restrictions and isolation protocols still likely to be in place.
Ian Renton, the Jockey Club’s regional managing director, said: ‘We’ve accepted that it is going to be a different Festival this year. We have to be realistic that it is likely only small numbers of people will be present.
‘Let’s see where we are by March. We are focused on setting the stage for four world-class days, which are vital to many livelihoods in the British racing industry and will be enjoyed by millions on television.’
Jockey Club Racecourses, who own Cheltenham, have insurance which covers the majority of lost revenue, but not all of it.

Marcus Townend
Snowflakes all over the interweb and social media lambasting the government for allowing sports to go ahead. It’s getting quite the momentum as well.

People need to get a life. If they cancel sports I’ll be locked in the house with my two 1 year twins, and a 5 year old with absolutely nothing to look forward too.

I can’t even take my kids out to the park in this weather, let alone any soft play centres etc. People need to be careful what they wish for. People out there who’ll be somewhat worse off than me, and something simple like a football match or a horse race could be something literally keeping them from going insane.
Snowflakes all over the interweb and social media lambasting the government for allowing sports to go ahead. It’s getting quite the momentum as well.

The very same Snowflakes who turn up on a beach and are outraged that others are doing the same thing!!!
People will always find reasons to criticise racing these days. Oh for the days of my childhood when everyone loved and took an interest in it. What people do tend to forget is, and I think I’m right in thinking this, is that it’s one of the biggest employers in this country. They cite mental health as a major concern when lockdowns are imposed but ignore the fact that watching/listening to sport makes people happy. If only the Festival had been held behind closed doors last year: they wouldn’t have been able to continue blaming it for the spread of the virus. I bet there’s be a public outcry if Netflix was closed down for the duration.
Listened to something yesterday, if Irish horses can’t travel one book have already said they’ll refund all Irish horses. ‘Justice refund’ guessing that’ll be Paddy’s, they’ve also gone NRNB today.

What will happen with Irish horses in multiples? I’m sat on some very nice bets, tempted to bite the bullet and get rid though. Unfortunately with my SkyBet ones I can’t.

I’m saying all this, I still think it’ll be good to go. Terrible times though
We need to look for the positives.

Late last March we went into complete lockdown. No football, racing, nada, zilch, rien.

Now we know so much more about the virus we can at least manage some things, despite the utter incompetence of the government whose focus seems to be on killing as many people as possible and making a financial killing for their families and cronies.

We can see sport on TV, at least 'elite' sport.

We can meet another person as part of a 'bubble'.

We can go out for a walk or exercise.

We can go to the shops for essentials.

Idiots aren't stockpiling bog paper.

Supermarket deliveries are doing a great job.

Firms like Amazon are doing a great job (in my experience).

We have two vaccines and a fair chance more are on the way.

Trump has been kicked to fvck.

Hospitals - so far - are trying to get on with non-Covid appointments. (I have three appointments this week, none of which has been cancelled.)

Opticians and dentists are open (with restrictions).

From a purely personal perspective, I don't feel too badly affected by it all. I'm retired and my pension is enough to keep the wolves from the door. I don't feel the urgent need to go out, especially in foul weather (although the weather up here has been pretty nice for a couple of weeks, which helps, with very little in the way of wind and snow instead of rain, which I always prefer).

The only thing I really miss is my monthly snooker and lunch with my also-retired brothers. We haven't played since the first week of March and I haven't seen most of my nieces or my nephew in all that time but we're all still alive and relatively well. One death in the family in all that time wasn't Covid-related.

But we've all been pretty careful about keeping within the guidelines and instructions.

What we thought might be short-term pain for long-term gain is turning out to be not-so-short-term pain for uncertainty about the level of gain further down the line but most of us now will qualify for one reason or another for a relatively early vaccination.
Now we know so much more about the virus we can at least manage some things, despite the utter incompetence of the government whose focus seems to be on killing as many people as possible and making a financial killing for their families and cronies.

Plus the £7800 state benefit payments that would have been paid over the next 10 years, to the 50,000 or so, over 65's that have died.....£390,000,000 and counting...not to mention the cost of all the free prescriptions and treatments to the most users !!!
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Plus the £7800 state benefit payments that would have been paid over the next 10 years, to the 50,000 or so, over 65's that have died.....£390,000,000 and counting...not to mention the cost of all the free prescriptions and treatments to the most users !!!

You sound as cynical as I do [at times], Maxbet.

I actually got the calculator out last night and did the same calculation, out of curiosity, regarding state pensions, and imagined a cabinet chat:

-How much does the State pension pay?
-How many over 65s are there?
-How much will we save if we let them all die?

I certainly wouldn't put it past some of these cabinet minister at least to think along those lines.

Other possible questions:

-How many teachers are there?
-What if we say children and young people don't spread the virus, how quickly will this lead to 'herd immunity' once all the above scroungers have been eliminated?
You sound as cynical as I do [at times], Maxbet.

I actually got the calculator out last night and did the same calculation, out of curiosity, regarding state pensions, and imagined a cabinet chat:

-How much does the State pension pay?
-How many over 65s are there?
-How much will we save if we let them all die?

I certainly wouldn't put it past some of these cabinet minister at least to think along those lines.

Other possible questions:

-How many teachers are there?
-What if we say children and young people don't spread the virus, how quickly will this lead to 'herd immunity' once all the above scroungers have been eliminated?

The second part is a conspiracy theory I could get behind :lol:
I'm hearing a rumour that there is a meeting tomorrow about racing being called off for three weeks.
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There's no reason for it to be. Elite sport remains. Racing is in that category. And it's one of the safest sports around.

It'll be some idiot trying to make a name for himself online.
There's no reason for it to be. Elite sport remains. Racing is in that category. And it's one of the safest sports around.

It'll be some idiot trying to make a name for himself online.

Slim is not everyones cup of tea, but that seems unduly harsh Maruco :lol:
There's no reason for it to be. Elite sport remains. Racing is in that category. And it's one of the safest sports around.

It'll be some idiot trying to make a name for himself online.

It's come from a stable.
Wouldn’t suprise me. French banning cross border elite sports. On about shutting nurseries and and making face masks compulsory even outdoors now in England.

Rumours Champions League and Europa league will be a summer tournament again with the Euros being scrapped.

Not sure what price people would lay the festival being on at. I wouldn’t be laying more than 2/1 myself if in the position to do so. Could get a whole lot worse again.
Is that why on ITV racing yesterday they asked people to email them and explain how being able to watch/listen to racing helped them cope with lockdowns etc. It did cross my mind at the time that racing was under threat of closing down. I must make a point of emailing them as I’ve been shielding for months and racing is an absolute lifeline.
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Twitter is in full flow tonight. Might be took out of racings hands anyway, Boris could be announcing a circuit break to elite sports as early as tomorrow.
Is that why on ITV racing yesterday they asked people to email them and explain how being able to watch/listen to racing helped them cope with lockdowns etc. It did cross my mind at the time that racing was under threat of closing down. I must make a point of emailing them as I’ve been shielding for months and racing is an absolute lifeline.

Would think that is just them doing their job of selling racing.
Ambulance crews in Britain and Ireland might be needed elsewhere over the next few weeks if the respective health services are facing overload.