Racing cancelled?

I know. I’m the biggest pessimist in the world but even I didn’t think we’d be facing another year of this.
A lot of it will come down to football i reckon, If that can’t go on they’ll scrap them all. Positive signs though
I thought only elite sport was being allowed anyhow :ninja:

Regarding Celtic, I'd had a message earlier that their squad is heavily affected and if tonight's game goes ahead it'll be a shadow team. Have had an account closing bet on Hibs at 11/2
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[Probably for another thread.]

It's likely to be more of a case of 'close contacts' having to isolate rather than lots of players having the virus but the net result is likely to be as you say, wilsonl, a second XI having to be selected.

Being a fan, I tend to be defensive of the club but the trip to Dubai was a huge error of judgment and a PR disaster waiting to happen.

Needless to say, the anti-Celtic media and establishment up here took full advantage of it to [rightly] hammer the club for posting photos of the players poolside, having a beer.

From the pictures I saw, there was probably at least a metre between those players but when they're playing a match, all players in all teams are jumping on each other when they score a goal.

Nothing was said about the Scottish national team getting together to do 'Yes Sir I Can Boogie' or doing a big team conga after qualifying for the European competition. In fact, it was seen as a great laugh and retweeted by the poisoned dwarf herself.

At their training complex in Lennoxtown, players are tested twice a day, on arrival and departure. There hasn't been a positive test result for months.

Why on earth they put that at risk by fvcking off to Dubai I just cannot fathom.

But it's just another unfathomable decision by the top people at the club.

I've given up on securing the ten. It will cost me a fortune in losing bets. We are by far the best squad in the country but poor management at board and team level sees us well off the pace. It's so bad I wonder sometimes if it's a deliberate move to keep 'Glasgow Big Two' rivalry thing alive.

I might claw back some of the losses by opposing us in future matches until the end of the season but the damage is as good as done.

But I won't back Hibs this evening until I see the Celtic team. If we get enough of our main squad on the park we're playing well enough to win.

Edit - just read an unconfirmed report that Christopher Jullien is the player who tested positive (missed the last couple of games through injury and out "for months" according to a recent update so why the fvck was he anywhere near Dubai??) with 13 players and 3 coaches (including manager Neil Lennon and assistant John Kennedy) identified as close contacts who have to self-isolate.
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Punchestown, while retaining faint hopes for some spectators, are expecting to be and planning for their festival behind closed doors.
Punchestown, while retaining faint hopes for some spectators, are expecting to be and planning for their festival behind closed doors.

We really wantedon't know where we stand until the end of February. I'm more positive about the vaccination situation than I was but we'll be doing well to have nursing homes sorted by the end of February. That means May is just too tight. Royal Ascot must have a good chance
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We really wantedon't know where we stand until the end of February. I'm more positive about the vaccination situation than I was but we'll be doing well to have nursing homes sorted by the end of February. That means May is just too tight. Royal Ascot must have a good chance

Point of order: no-one gives a fu*ck about Royal Ascot.
Going into today he was 1/29 winners and 6/58 with places. He was 0.29 A/E. All for the last 28 days.
Understatement of the nascent racing year award goes to the Leopardstown chief exec; Tim Husbands following his startling observation that it’s highly unlikely any British trained runners will be attending this year.

“Husbands, however, does not think the lack of overseas runners will take anything away from the occasion.”
Not sure if an appropriate thread so putting it in here.

BBC have gone with the headline’Newbury racecourse temporarily closes a vaccination hub to allow horse racing to go ahead’

Causing quite a stir on social media and some people are seriously unhappy. Do the BBC have an anti horse racing agenda now they dont have the rights?

They were the forefront of Cheltenham being the cause of the spread last year an all.
Without knowing the details there has to be some kind of organisational ccok-up here.

Surely it would be possible - since crowds aren't allowed into the course - to keep vaccinations going while racing is taking place?

Also, surely when they volunteered the premises to be used as a centre they would have clarified that/whether it would close on race days.

The chances are it's mischief-making on the part of the BBC.
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Newbury released a statement clarifying the NHS knew they’d stop for 2 days out of the next 42.

One doctor commenting as well they can’t vaccinate with no vaccine :lol:

BBC very much causing mischief. Could be anti Tory, anti racing, or probably both.
Doctors say they used up all their supply of vaccine yesterday and don't have another delivery until tomorrow so no vaccinations haver been held up fortunately.