Racing For Change

Poorly worded no doubt, but I ask again (and not facetiously, honest) why do forumites specifically respect him? In all my time here and on TRF etc, I don't believe I've read a single post praising him.

Well, most of the time he's sat next to Francome so he seems wise in comparison.
I think he should be applauded for at least standing up and saying I don't agree with some of these ideas RFC think are clever instead of going along with it just because it is the easy thing to do. Can anyone on this forum with their hand on their heart give me one good thing RFC has achieved?
Any chance of them looking at when the weights are published for big handicaps? I believe they are out for the Paddy Power today but imo ten days is way too near the race for such a big contest.
It seems nobody else thinks it worthy of comment but for the record I consider Gearoid's post at 11.32pm last night pathetic and juvenile. It won't bother him but it should.
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No, they're not. So much for that 'initiative'. Typical, somehow, isn't it? Let's make an inane gesture and then let it wither on the vine.
Honestly! Is there anyone on tv that this forum respects? Pretty much every race caller, presenter, pundit, talking head, is slated as useless, bar St. Gary of Leopardstown. I'm thinking of getting Il Papa to have him consecrated now, rather than in 500 years' time.
He's very cute, Sheikh - looks small, but perfectly formed. Fight you for him! And Sean Boyce - calm and reasonable, got a very nice interview out of Mark Johnston, I thought. He also responds to most e-mails, while only Darrell Williams does out of the others. (Not, I hasten to add, that I send them that many!)
More than ever I wish they would divert some of the absurd amounts of cash they are throwing at the new Champions Day to this day at Donny .

A Group 1 sprint would be a terrific end to the season . Moreover, the Breeders Cup has plainly lost its allure for Euro sprinters who have no G1 race in the UK for them after early Sept and none in Europe since the Arc.
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What did we make of Jim McGrath's interview in the RP today? Talked alot of sense though I do wish the interviewer had tried to at least question some of McGrath's reasoning as it came across as the interviewer agreeing with every word he said.
If you have a link to it, Gal, it'd help to know what was said. But sycophancy? In racing reportage? Surely not!
I have written an article on the subject of Racing For Change and Betting Rings, it was published a few months ago in Racing Ahead. I have set up a blog site so thought I'd publish it on-line as my first blog. Let me know what you think if anyone cares to read it.