Racing Post: Amateurs

Because we're sensative. The way I was brought up if you had beef of this nature you got pissed on in highgate cemetary.
I do too, Gareth!! :D

DO you really think that everyone is so sensitive that hatred has to be dragged into trivialities? It's a word I hesitate to use; I reserve it for a select few only! (that could be counted on one hand I hasten to add)

It's not just you Martin, I've had to correct one of the people I'm closest to several times recently for saying I hate someone who I merely dislike intensely and think is a useless bitch who annoys me in a huge way and shouldn't be allowed near horses - or near me, come to mention it! :D
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Gareth, for the record that once happend to me. I was told to fetch the ball by the older lads and the next thing I knew whilst 50 feet down from them searching for the ball I felt a trickle against my head, yeah you guessed it. Some of you people haven't lived in the same world as your average lad, coming from a working class single parent background. I don't appreciate people acting big on racing forum towards other people. It's all about debate, and the type of bitching with regards to Kathy (which i've tryed to refer to) should have been sorted out a long time ago. It's incompetance.

I don't object to anything you've ever said Shadow, or rory for that matter, I just think you are lowering your standards the way your going on.
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Oh trust me, Kathy can hold her own and some. No need to worry about her, she's more than capable of attempting to defend her corner.

I can only imagine that you believe I have a beef with Headstrong which leads me to criticise her. That's completely untrue ~ I'm always happy to meet up with her at the races and think she's a perfectly nice lady. I also know that she's big enough to deal with me disagreeing with her without seeing it as a personal attack. I happen to believe her comments on this thread are hogwash, but will doubtless share a glass of champagne with her at the track within the next few weeks.

As regards Kathy, I doubt that the same will ever apply now, although it has in the past; maintaining relationships with disparate people is difficult when some of them mutually dislike others, and sometimes those of us caught in the middle feel compromised. As SL says, Kathy is well capable of defending her corner.
Thats fine Rory, but don't think everyone who wants to participate in this forum is on the same wave length as you. It can only be described as selfish to contually talk to and about people in a disrespectful manner. As regards to third parties, that sounds like the aristocracy in motion. This is not the place for me!
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It's Dubai Dolly - doing very well, 2nd in a hot race on her 2nd run
Litenup - satisfactory first run this week, still a bit weak

I must say, the first race was far from a hot race, it was bar one horse La Adelita (an 80 - 85 filly) was a shocking maiden. She came 2nd clear of the remainder so fair run, but calling a maiden hot because the winner is useful is not technically true.

As for Litenup, yes it was a fair run on debut but the first four were in a completely different postcode and having paddocked the race they were the only 4 with any scope. Litenup did look weak and ran okay, but it doesn't look a 2yo to me.

Leave the personal stuff out of it.

Also, it doesn't help to have constant references (positive even more than negative) to the fact you know someone outside the forum; it creates the impression (whether true or not) of Talking Horses being clique-y which doesn't help.

Just let it go - I won't close the thread as spotlights topic is worth discussing further.

I've pm'd those involved so lets leave things off the forum.
Well said.


Leave the personal stuff out of it.

Also, it doesn't help to have constant references (positive even more than negative) to the fact you know someone outside the forum; it creates the impression (whether true or not) of Talking Horses being clique-y which doesn't help.

Totally agree, I often say to clivex, Rory, Shadow Leader, Chris Beek and EC when they come round for tea.
Now that I really don't understand.

We're supposed to keep it a secret that some of us know each other? That we've made the effort to meet up in the real world rather than just in cyberspace?!
Now that I really don't understand.

We're supposed to keep it a secret that some of us know each other? That we've made the effort to meet up in the real world rather than just in cyberspace?!

That's a debate that's well worth having in my opinion, but not here and not now. Perhaps the moderators could open a debate on what constitutes acceptable references to those we know and what is potentially cliquey and/or divisive, with a view to issuing guidelines to posters. But as I say, it's an argument for another day and another section of the forum.
Meeting up in the real world? That comment made me smile as the way certain people act on some racing forums - so confident and so willing to stir up a row and put the same people down presumably just to show off to their "mates".

When you then meet them in person or bump into them on a racecourse they can't get away from you quick enough or actually hide.;)

Why is it some people don't realise if you lambast individuals on a racing forum, they are hardly going to go out their way to be nice to you in the real world either are they?