Racing Post: Amateurs

Meeting up in the real world? That comment made me smile as the way certain people act on some racing forums - so confident and so willing to stir up a row and put the same people down presumably just to show off to their "mates".

When you then meet them in person or bump into them on a racecourse they can't get away from you quick enough or actually hide.;)

Why is it some people don't realise if you lambast individuals on a racing forum, they are hardly going to go out their way to be nice to you in the real world either are they?


Just let it go - I won't close the thread as spotlights topic is worth discussing further.

I've pm'd those involved so lets leave things off the forum.
The bottom line is that we have over 600 members and that racing attracts opinions.

It's inevitable that with so many people expressing opinions therefore, that people will fall out or develop a dislike for each other. Although that's not ideal, it would be silly pretend that it isn't inevitable given human nature. I think it's fair to reflect that the internet affords people a degree of anonymity and the opportunity to behave in a certain fashion that they might, or might not do so otherwise. However, this the media we use, and we therefore all accept its strengths and weaknesses as a method of communication.

Some of the anomousity amongst members is doubtless quite sincere and quite deeply engrained, and again it would be silly to try pretend that everyone can be fluffy and lovie dovey to each other (apart from anything a forum of such nature would lose its edge very quickly) and frankly wouldn't be terribly interesting.

I guess its a bit of an old appeal and I realise that people will trespass into areas of sensitivity (my God I've done it enough myself) but it's probably the personal slants etc of things that lets us down. By all means kick off at each other if you vehenmently disagree with someone, that's fine, that's called passion and no one would seek to deny anyone who holds an opinion (within acceptable reason) a platform to shout from. The more passionate the opinion is expressed the better imo, that makes for a better a forum, but it also needs to be kept within a confine that doesn't deteriorate into personal abuse.

I accept there is a grey area, as there is with any debates, where people might need to take a certain line of defence/ attack in order to establish a point of advantage etc and that this itself is something of a debating skill if employed appropriately. I think the bottom line however, is that even though a spat can be quite amusing to the spectator at times, it will ultimately drag the forum down, as people will tire of it and eventually retreat from contributing, electing instead to just periodically look in to see the latest installment of 'mud wrestling':)

I'll give Rory's sugestion consideration and take a view back to the other mods when I think I've got something worth contributing. My initial reaction is that people who know each other shouldn't have to operate in some kind of closed society and communicate in a code known only to they. I'm equally conscious however, that many people who've I've tried introducing to the forum have tended to 'walk' as they regard it as too cliquey. On balance, I'm inclined to think that it is a strength of the forum that it has brought people together, and that some have been able to form friendships beyond cyberspace. I think we can be kind of proud of that, as it has clearly performed a service beyond that of mere chatter. At this precise moment though I'm struggling to reconcile posting guidance about references to people we know. My first reaction is that it may not be possible, nor enforcable, but I'd be happy to stick a thread in chit chat, (provided we can keep it sensible)

What I'd ask contributors to consider, basically revolves around the idea that we might be in danger of forming silos of friendships that excludes others? Is this desirable? is it undesirable? is it unavoidable? Is it even policeable? Does it run the risk of exclusion? does it alienate new members? Is there a danger that a culture of pack hunting develops?

For the mean time however, back onto subject please, and I'll take the risk that the debate that has been asked for, can be conducted sensibly in chit chat

I entirely agree with all the posts you have made on this thread regarding the standard of journalism in the Racing Post.
Too right, it has Colin and no absolutely prizes for guessing who is usually the hunted.

Sollozo the Turk from Godfather Part 1??

The occassional good barney is part and parcel of any forum, and it is to be encouraged imo. It's cleansing, and does no real harm whatsoever, you shower of sanctimonious electronic knob-ends.

:) (Just in case)
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I am sure I am among the referenced clique Kathy and indeed I deserve to be. I don't know why it is but you seem to get on me nerves sometimes and I react. Its my deficiency, not yours. I will try be good, but don't trust my nature to give you a gaurantee. What I will gaurantee is that if we ever turn up at the same race meeting I won't hide and hope you'll accept a fine glass of Blossom Hill at my expense

That's about as soft as I am ever going to get.
An, I have always considered you to be a gobshite as well you know and often with good reason. That said, I am two faced enough (where a nice glass of wine is concerned) to accept your kind offer should our paths ever cross.

If you even dare to offer me a glass of warm Blossom Hill, I am afraid I will not be responsible for my actions.

I thank you.

PS. That's as soft as I am going to get too.

PPS If it helps, I get on my own nerves sometimes:cool:
Ah thanks Kathy. I haven't felt this warm and fuzzy since you believed me when I wrote that JP had admitted on RTE laying Istabraq not to finish in his last Champion Hurdle.
Ah thanks Kathy. I haven't felt this warm and fuzzy since you believed me when I wrote that JP had admitted on RTE laying Istabraq not to finish in his last Champion Hurdle.

Being a gentlewoman, I was quite happy to let that particular subject rest, An.
Dearie me, we ARE sensitive, aren't we? Headstrong, you started ripping into a spotlight writer for being wrong when you in fact were the one who was wrong. You simply can't expect people to constantly ignore inaccuracies like that, not least when it was the base of your initial criticism in the first place! These mistakes posted by you as absolute fact are getting to be bit of a habit, aren't they? (as I've already pointed out to you once tonight)

I wasn't 'wrong'. You can choose to make words mean something they don't mean, if you like. I chose my words carefully, and explained why *I* felt those of the Spotlight writer were possibly careless. I'm entitled to my opinion.

And I didn't 'rip into' the Spotlight writer at all, I merely remarked that they "come out with some very odd things", and made a general point. *I* didn't name the trainer, Rory did, in some effort to discredit what I said. I'd also said I realise the job is a hard one as it's done under pressure. But 'yard' does not mean 'trainer' however much anyone tries to make it so.

I still think the remark made by the Spotlight writer was potentially damaging to a small yard, given *I* would understand it to mean, written about some yard I knew nothing about, that the yard can't train 2yr olds. I've given my reasons at some length for thinking that is unfair and I stand by them - esp as the yard in question is in fact changing its modus operandi to some extent, to move to training more 2yr olds, which it has NOT done to any extent before. I emphasise THE YARD and I've explained why.

There was no need whatever for you to put your oar in SL, trying to deride me as you do at every opportunity. You might think I talk a load of crap; I'm prepared to defend my opinions. I might think you talk a load of crap a lot of the time, but I don't jump up and down saying so - I let others make their own minds up.

And Colin is right - people do already hunt in packs on here. They always have, at least since I've been a member. It's not only unattractive to newcomers - as noted, many have come and gone very fast - it's also unattractive to a lot of members, and I'll include myself in that.
Headstrong, what you said was factually wrong and the figures back it up. Statistics are pretty cut and dried, these ones are factually correct nevermind what you think they should mean or how you personally choose to interpret them. Whether you like it or not, a trainer's statistics will be for the length of time they held a licence in their name, who they are or are not financially backed by at the time is wholly irrelevant and does not affect the black and white stats.

For the third time now in recent times, I am pointing out to you that I correct you when you are factually incorrect, which happens with amazing regularity; this is not personal, merely in the interests of accuracy and not to do with whether I think you are "talking crap" as you so eloquently put it. If you don't want to be picked up on factual errors, don't post them as facts in the first place or make the effort to research them properly before posting - it's simple really!
I wasn't 'wrong'. You can choose to make words mean something they don't mean, if you like. I chose my words carefully, and explained why *I* felt those of the Spotlight writer were possibly careless. I'm entitled to my opinion.

Headstrong said:
Then they said apropos a debut 2 yr old, that the trainer hadn't had a winning 2 year old in 5 years. He's only been training on his own account for 4 yrs max, [he's held his licence for far longer than that, as detailed previously] and the horses are mainly NH/dual purpose or older handicappers. There have only ever been four 2yr old runners from the yard [as has also been detailed, the trainer has sent out more than 4 2yo runners trained in his name, none of which have won] , one of which debuted today, another of which was 2nd, 2nd time out, a fortnight ago in a hot race, and another of which ran very well a few times at 2 a couple of years ago (the fourth 2 yr old was no good anyway)

To refresh the memory of what was posted and why I remarked that it was indeed wrong (see notes in bold included in square brackets plus previous posts with detailed stats included within for clarification)

NB - when stating "from the yard", a writer does not literally mean "a yard" geographically; they mean from the yard of the trainer in whose name the licence is held, ie "from this trainer". I'm surprised that needs explaining to be perfectly honest.
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Ok so how about the positive...anyone we do like in the RP?

James Willoughby is always a great read, Mr Down can go OTT at times - but when you agree with him sometimes he really hits the nail on the head - while I think the bloodstock team in particular Rachel P and Tony Morris are top class.
Ok so how about the positive...anyone we do like in the RP?

James Willoughby is always a great read, Mr Down can go OTT at times - but when you agree with him sometimes he really hits the nail on the head - while I think the bloodstock team in particular Rachel P and Tony Morris are top class.

Some fecker had to drag this back on-topic, didn't they? :cool:
My opinion is that it is very good as a rule and we have ridiculously high expectations because the bar has been set high. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the current editorial leaning, but I can happily ignore this.
Do you really think that, Rory? I feel that the paper is on its way down the pan, to be quite honest.

Graham Dench is a RP journalist I respect a lot, he is one of the good 'uns.
I like it in general but feel given it´s the main source of racing form this is the one area they should really really focus on, even if it means cutting out the ".... who rode x in the 50´s is 95 today" bit or the "chatroom" which has the same people writing in each week or the "letters" page which seems to be turning into a racing version of "Hello" with jockeys wives slinging mud at each other regularly.
Do you really think that, Rory? I feel that the paper is on its way down the pan, to be quite honest.

Graham Dench is a RP journalist I respect a lot, he is one of the good 'uns.

Oh.Are you asking if I think the journo's are top notch? If so then of course not ~ they are the usual mixed shower, but that's the name of the game surely. I've already mentioned that I'm not a fan of the editorial content per se, but I don't buy it to find out what I should be thinking. Don't forget that the RP sells the vast majority of their output to bookmakers and the latter group have a strong hand in the setting the agenda as far as content (but not editorial) is concerned. I know that a minority of those bookmakers would like equal space given to South African racing and other live content provided by SiS (even virtual?!) in the paper as the domestic cards are given; that would mean getting no more than two form lines appearing for each runner and other content lost. Thankfully, that is not a concensus view but we shouldn't be blase about the quality of service we do get. As I've said it's far from perfect, but it still aims high