Racing Post Charge

Maybe they only take positive suggestions or only accept the forms with "excellent" in at least 3 of the tick-boxes?

I told them that I wanted a serious service not entertainment and that I didn't care if one of their bloggers made himself so sick on meat pies and beer the night before Cheltenham that he missed a longshot in the handicap. Who the hell wants to know that? Much more useful if he'd told us who the longshot was - the day before!
I really wish they'd get rid of that yellow triangle that keeps popping up everywhere with that 'No Data Found' message.
Also, is it possible to stay logged in? If it is, I can't find how to do so.
"..... I don't think that I was that critical.

I can't help it, I'm a Virgo!

It's interesting to see that they are only going to charge for the useful stuff.

I certainly won't be paying to read some pillock who thinks his beer-fuddled ramblings are either witty or entertaining and who wouldn't know which end of a horse was which, even if it bit him. Presumably that's free because they have trouble giving them away without a superior package attached.

I did suggest that they incorporate some of The Weekender's writers such as Ken Pitterson, Andrew Barr and Nick Mordin, all of whom are worth reading - even if you don't agree with their views.

If the service is worth paying for I will, but if we have to suffer some egotistical prat's wafflings as well, I won't.

Value for money is all that I want.

I can't help it, I'm a Scottish Virgo! :whistle:
Mordin's okay for an alternative view of things, which I suppose is the whole point of his Systems column.
Hopefully they'll give more time to Matt Williams in the revamp and less to Nick "have I really tipped 5 in this race?" Mordin.
Matt Williams is bloody crap.

KP definitely should get more time, knows his onions and a top bloke too.

Mordin, for all his critics probably puts more work in than Williams, Pyman, Winstanley and co. combined. It's easy to pick fault with his systems but he's picked some bloody impressive winners over the years.
First survey appeared and then diappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Second one seemed to be an invitation to comment, I input my email address but had no feedback.

This last one was much more substantial but, on completing it, told they had enough input so thanks anyway.

Their customer relations strategy seems pretty sh*** to me.

MW is the one good thing to come out of the Trading Post - Innocenzi, Rodway (mainly Betting Bureau but same thing) and Pyman produce too much waffle. Would give more time to Kevin Pullein in the football section and Steve Palmer's diary is getting a bit boring - it reads:

Monday: Did my brains on football match
Tuesday: Looked and bet on golf
Weds: Bet on football - lost again
Thursday: Looking a bit bad - thank god i had £2000 on Taylor in the darts, level on the week.
Friday: Good start to the golf
Saturday: Did brains on football, racing, greyhounds
Sunday: Phew - 20/1 shot won the golf and i'm break even on the week.

Repeat that 52 times a year and you get the Betting Diary.
I think Innocenzi is alright, Pyman just tells us what we already know without insight.

Can't stand Williams, he basically goes "here's some positivies; ground suits, distance suits, yard in form, good jockey, track suits, good draw, on a good handicap mark but I'm going to go against it" and then opposes the horse!
I log on just now and discover that Winstanley has like four video thingies for each of the big races tomorrow. This, i'm sure will be as informative and intelligent as a fucking Lorraine Kelly column in the Sun. Sort it out RP. No more shitehawks.
Ah the Winstanley things are just hilarious. Absolutely pointless. He makes the same cheap gags over and over again and he knows absolutely shag all.
I'm with you on this GS.

Just as I thought things were improving slightly with the disappearance of Winstanley from The Weekender, he pops up on the RP s*ite.

How do people like that a: get such jobs and b: keep those jobs when their record is so poor?

The Post and Weekender only have a few writers that I actually bother to read because the rest know b*gger all.

The problem is that we are telling them what we want and they don't appear to be listening, just intent on foisting second-rate hacks on us and charging us for the privilege.

I don't know about anyone else but I prefer to be provided with the information to allow me to make my own decisions, not rely on third- or fourth-hand information regurgitated by some egotistical halfwit who revels in being seen with trainers or jockeys and can't be bothered to get off his/her backside and research something for themselves.

If they want to be taken seriously, they should drop the attempt at being a source of entertainment and concentrate on providing the service that we need.

The racing itself is entertainment enough, surely?
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I'd rather have Winstanley or Mordin than Matt Williams - he just brings pointlessness to new levels. He's so predictable too, as GS says he'll run through all the reasons why this 1/4 shot should win but at the end states that he's going to lay it, seemingly just to be contrary. He doesn't half come out with some rubbish in his analysis and reading of races as well.
The tipping stuff on the website - Pricewise Extra in particular at the moment is in a league of it's own compared to the various shisters who advertise tipping lines in the paper.
I thought it was just the Wifi in this hotel, very annoying that I can't login!

Got the majority of my bets for tomorrow sorted but I'll try again in the morning to try and see if Record Breaker really is a mental 18/1 shot!