Racing Post Charge

What I do find absurd is forcing contributors to join their Members' Club in order to post a comment on various news subjects. It won't reduce idiotic postings, if that was one of the reasons for the move, as can readily be seen. I just think that's really cheap and nasty - you can put up comments on most news websites, for example, and not have to pay.
When did the RP start offering the one-day Advantage membership? It is exactly what I want. I have no qualms about paying for content - as long as it is only for when I need it. Good stuff RP.
I just don't get the days to dedicate to following racing that I used to, but when I do, I have always thought I should be able to purchase access to the website in exactly the same way as I could go to the newsagents and buy the paper. I'm using it today and it's excellent.
I know the feeling. I had the Ultimate Membership grandfathered in last year because I had already paid for an RUK stream, but it's up for renewal next month. Currently trying to figure out what the best way to go is.
The ultimate membership is effectively the cost of one hundred 24-hour periods of access. If I can get smart and plan the purchase to cover Saturday and Sunday's research through the summer plus a few 'extras' for the big meetings then it will definitely work out better for me. It is not as though their free offering - or that of their competitors - leaves me completely blind on the other days too.

Is it sustainable for the RP? I don't know, but today they have gone from 'no revenue generated' from me to 'some revenue generated'.
The Racing Post application for the iphone is excellent in my opinion -considering its free.

I have only started using it proper over the last week or so and it really is class...has it being updated recently? The results section is brilliant, letting user going in and seeing the breeding etc. Lots of detail but very useable.
Their news stories are so slow to update - the Irish Leger still has just a paragraph on it with "more to follow" below it. Regularly occurs..