Racing Post Charge

Do you not think that pushing other areas of gambling will attract interest to racing?

Could you imagine a WSOP sponserd by RacingPost, think it would bring in big money for them personally then we'll see how committed they are to Racing
They've been pushing poker via a double page spread towards the front of the paper on a Saturday particularly, since April.
It's not so much their endorsement or even promotion of poker that I find a little bit unedifying, it's their hypocracy.

At one level they like to position themselves as the voice of the racing punter (their core customer) and then go round promoting alternative modes of gambling which if they continue to grow, will continue to take money out of racing. They don't mind fronting campaigns against the BBC removing free to view coverage, and then introduce a charge of their own (and don't be under any illusion, this is just a tester for a 100% subscription site)

They'd probably argue that they're providing a service that their customers want and where as i can see that there might be some overlap with golf and football, I'd be surprised if they've got any substantive market research that suggests their customers are crying out for poker. In any event their golf and football pieces are still based around discussion and looking for betting angles etc Do their poker articles discuss how to play certain hands etc? No. They're basically glorified 'advertorial' so far as I can make out, and running on a paralell course to racing, which if the authorities can't rescue the sport from the crossroads that its at, will continue to lose market share
By including lots of stuff about poker and football, they're increasing thier potential circulation. Whether it would be by enough to pay what they're paying to the journalists, I have my doubts.
You mean they're becoming a paper based on 'sports betting':whistle:
Have we not seen this somewhere before
By including lots of stuff about poker and football, they're increasing thier potential circulation. Whether it would be by enough to pay what they're paying to the journalists, I have my doubts.

With racing relegated to the back pages over time, no doubt.
Remember too how much space they devoted to spread betting when it became popular. It doesn't get a mention these days.

I can't remember the last time I had a spread bet.
Today was the first time that I used the Timeform site exclusively and did not look at The members club banners just always felt like they are in my eye-line. Most of my horse betting is done on Betfair anyway so the direct links to the markets are helpful too.
I really like the format and layout. It is really nice and fast. I accept that I have to pay for their ratings, but at least they give the OR. There is no login needed. I like the historical IR highs and lows from Betfair. I like the integration with Betfair. I trust their database.

The 'Timeform says' and 'Timeform view' are succinct but useful.

Their free site has everything I want with the exception of race reports.
I've been updating Customer Services every few days. They have finally cracked and are going to 'phone me.
Their racecard for the 4.25 missed out a horse.

The commentator kept referring to Firehawk and I looked at the colours, only one with a white cap, according to the RP, no colours with a white cap.

Looked a bit closer no number 2, checked on the database for the horse, checked his entries and yes there he was No. 2.

Not very good, is it?!
I have, in the past, found a whole race missing from a horse's profile. Bloody annoying when it happened just before a big race as it was usually a recent run that had quite strong bearings on the race in hand.
What concerns me, is regarding access to the stories which are indusrtry based and as these articles do not then appear as a press release for the organisations involved, mainly the BHA, then surely the lower end in the racing employment chain who find the "making ends meet" part of life, one of the attributes to the job, are most affected by this. Is the BHA selling the articles which, they should be posting on their own site, so as those in the industry can be up to date.
It is a shame that people have lost faith in the Racing Post and are trying to kick them down to the ground, thats the problem you see, people love to see failure in this sport maybe it comes from the introuction of the "LAY" bet...?
Every time I go onto the site and see a great big Poker advert, it becomes a little less likely that I'll renew my sub when it comes up next year...
Even more irritating are pointless are the countless blogs that accompany everything. I don't want to know what Dave/Steve/Jessica et al had for breakfast before blowing a week's salary on some insider tip or cheering home a big-price winner that they have failed to inform their customers about.