Here is the response to my complaint to the owners of the Racing Post about the quality of their product (specifically speed due to adverts).
Dear Mr Simpson,
I hope you are well.
I have been passed on your details by Peter Crowley from FL Partners and I would like to try and respond to some of your issues. I am really sorry for the poor experience you have had using our website, it is always dismaying to hear negative feedback but we would like to use it to try and improve our products in the future.
I have spoken with our Customer Services team and while I know you are unhappy about their response, I do feel that they have done their best to show empathy with your situation and offer you advice on how to improve the loading speed of our site.
As I am sure you are only too aware, we are a commercial enterprise and we need to maximise our revenues, though without damaging the customer experience, of course. Unfortunately, in our case as with many publishers, we just could not operate as a business and provide our services without the revenue we receive from advertising. We have recently conducted some customer research to assess its impact and while no-one was in favour of advertising per se, they were not so disturbed by it that they would stop using our site. In the arena in which we operate - betting and publishing - advertising is commonplace and there are, rightly or wrongly, plenty of publishers who combine a subscription model with advertising. I am not writing any of this to say that you are wrong and to annoy you further but rather to try and explain why we persist with advertising on our site and to demonstrate that we have tried to take an objective view of the impact on our customers vs the commercial benefit.
We are hugely aware of the impact advertising can have on the speed and usability of a website and that is why we are on the brink of launching a new responsive site. Addressing the loading issues has been one of the main objectives and we believe that this has greatly improved, we have removed some advertising but I can't pomise that it will be gone completely! The issue with the current site is that the code base is old and it can't cope as well as we want it to with the quantity and depth of the content, data and messages we are delivering. Having said that, over the years we have not received a huge number of complaints about the speed of the current site which, I guess, is why the Customer Services team tried to suggest some practical solutions to improving the loading speed in your particular case - speed is not an issue for everyone.
I would like to invite you to join our beta launch programme as a friend of the Racing Post. This means you will get a first glimpse of our new site and have the opportunity to feedback to us about any aspect of the site you wish. If you just let me know you are happy to be included in this, we will send you an email, hopefully in the next week or so, which will give you access to the new site and a log in you can use to access Members' club. Clearly, if you would rather not be involved, I understand.
I apologise once again for your poor experience on our site and hope you will allow us to try and convince you that we have taken your feedback on board and are trying to address the issue. We really appreciate you taking the time to contact us in the first place.