Racing Post website and newspaper

The RP gets less useful daily, and though they promote their tipping, news and replays (all of which are frequently bettered elsewhere - and f.o.c) they continue to neglect their only real, marketable asset; their form database, which is still the most comprehensive on the net.
However, even this becomes less reliable, and the number of "no form for this horse'' and "no result available" seem to increase exponentially. Time they woke up, or it really could be 'Goodnight, Vienna'.

ps to Granger This "holier than thou" attitude of yourself, and a few other jump fans, does the future of this forum few favours - and then, where would you martyr yourselves?

can't even get their horses right (top left is Crystal Ocean not Stradivarius)

Been trying to access today's cards for 4 hours now, and all I'm getting is yesterday's results. Tried clearing cache, rebooting etc. but still no joy.
Anyone else having similar problems?
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Thanks, guys. Just rec'd the following from RP.

Will Pepper (Racing Post)

Aug 30, 09:41 BST

Thank you for contact Racing Post.

Please accept our sincere apologies, as we can confirm that we are experiencing some technical problems which we are working on as a matter of urgency.

You can access today's cards from the home page in the interim (link below) and we will provide a further update upon resolution of the issues.

We are grateful to you for your patience and very sorry for any inconvenience.

Kind regards,
Will Pepper
Racing Post Customer Services
Been trying to access today's cards for 4 hours now, and all I'm getting is yesterday's results. Tried clearing cache, rebooting etc. but still no joy.
Anyone else having similar problems?

I can't get Saturday's cards to come up. I'm getting the race titles but underneath just the RP logo and 'no runners'.
The RP gets less useful daily, and though they promote their tipping, news and replays (all of which are frequently bettered elsewhere - and f.o.c) they continue to neglect their only real, marketable asset; their form database, which is still the most comprehensive on the net.
However, even this becomes less reliable, and the number of "no form for this horse'' and "no result available" seem to increase exponentially. Time they woke up, or it really could be 'Goodnight, Vienna'.

ps to Granger This "holier than thou" attitude of yourself, and a few other jump fans, does the future of this forum few favours - and then, where would you martyr yourselves?

The only person with a holier than thou attitude here is you, reet.

How many competitions have you sponsored? How many times have you sent Colin money for the upkeep of the site?

I’d bet good money the answers are ‘none’ and ‘never’, so fu*ck off with this supercilious fu*cking attitude.

The Jumps season is the life-blood of this forum, whether you like it or not. Get the fu*ck over it.
Other sites are available :)

If that's addressed to me, DG, you should know that I started a thread on this some time back and how the old RP cards page was the only one I could copy & paste on to a Word document to enable me to annotate with my own ratings and notes prior to tabulating everything the way I sometimes put on here.

When they changed to the new format that facility went and I cancelled my subscription.

The other sites are no better.

Thankfully wilsonl was able to devise a spreadsheet for me that could migrate the new RP cards in a format I could use but it's still a fair bit more unwieldy than ideal and takes me probably twice as long to create as the previous ones.

Without it, to be honest, I'd probably have packed it in by now.
The only person with a holier than thou attitude here is you, reet.

How many competitions have you sponsored? How many times have you sent Colin money for the upkeep of the site?

I’d bet good money the answers are ‘none’ and ‘never’, so fu*ck off with this supercilious fu*cking attitude.

The Jumps season is the life-blood of this forum, whether you like it or not. Get the fu*ck over it.

I know from past experience it's pointless trying to reason with you, and I don't need teaching how to curse, so my answer will be necessarily brief.
I have no interest in competitions; don't recall even entering one, here or elsewhere. My donations to the site are my business, and should remain so, though you might try asking Col.
Posters are the lifeblood of this forum, though they're unlikely to be attracted by constant belly-aching about NH racing being the only pure part of the sport, or streams of invective such as the above.
Now wind your neck in, and go back to whatever it is you've been drinking.
Website all over the show this morning and they've failed to provide today's newspaper in the iPad app.

That is/was all I used them for but that's discontinuing from end of September and I'd need to switch over to the digital newspaper version. They can feck right off with that idea.
If that's addressed to me, DG, you should know that I started a thread on this some time back and how the old RP cards page was the only one I could copy & paste on to a Word document to enable me to annotate with my own ratings and notes prior to tabulating everything the way I sometimes put on here.

When they changed to the new format that facility went and I cancelled my subscription.

The other sites are no better.

Thankfully wilsonl was able to devise a spreadsheet for me that could migrate the new RP cards in a format I could use but it's still a fair bit more unwieldy than ideal and takes me probably twice as long to create as the previous ones.

Without it, to be honest, I'd probably have packed it in by now.

The cards here are based on the RP, don't know if it suits your purpose ?
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