Retirements & Departures 2011


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
Be nice to record the happy retirements of the horses we've got to know, especially those lucky boys and girls going off to luxuriate in studs, and record those who've left us for other reasons. I'm sorry we've got to start the new year with two 'other reasons' already:

JOE LIVELY, Cheltenham, broken leg.

LETHAL GLAZE, Cheltenham.

Let's hope someone can record a 'happy retirement' soon!
Yes, TARANIS just fine, as were all other fallers today, and that's good news about MY WILL. Dims - you going to see if you can take him home?
Poor Joe Lively. Commiserations to connections.

I'm glad they've retired My Will. Just a few signs of late that he wasn't quite what he was. He was one of my favourites. Very game and genuine.
Absolutely gutted. I loved that horse and he looked really well going out to race. I was standing near the fence when he broke his leg. Poor Joe Tizzard was in floods of tears all the way back up the horsewalk.

What an absolute b#mm#r of a start to the New Year, to lose the horse who put the stable on the map.

Hell's Bay must have given some small consolation in winning immediately afterward, but that empty box is going to take some filling.

RIP Joe Lively.
I was chatting with the owners of MASTER OVERSEER after his gallant 2nd (last time 1st) in the Sussex National today, and they have four horses with Colin (and four with David Pipe). They were due to lunch after the race with the Dimonds, who were too upset to stay at the course, and went home in great distress. Apparently, they turned up to see JOE LIVELY every single morning - they adored the horse to bits. As you say, Redhead, Joe T was sobbing after the horse's death, too. Everyone loved him at the yard.
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Particularly bitter pill there, Rory - just a 4 y.o. filly trying hurdles for the first time. She wasn't that bad when with Elsy (although presumably he'd have wanted bigger guns) on the Flat and on synthetics, poor mite. A wretched end to her first start.
That's very sad about Natureofthebeast if you are right, Rory (you did say it 'looked like' he broke his neck) who was a lovely promising young horse, unbeaten in his two point to points, then won a bumper and a novice hurdle before losing his unbeaten tag. He was very much a young horse to follow :(
That's very sad about Natureofthebeast if you are right, Rory (you did say it 'looked like' he broke his neck) who was a lovely promising young horse, unbeaten in his two point to points, then won a bumper and a novice hurdle before losing his unbeaten tag. He was very much a young horse to follow :(

Would love to be wrong - he did indeed look a promising sort.
I'm very sorry to say that I've just checked the RP online, and he's confirmed 'fatally injured'. Wretched result for one so promising, as you say, Shadz.
Thanks for looking it up Kri, and for reporting, Rory. Very much a shame, he could have been a very nice horse.
What's always saddening is all that careful work which has gone into nicely producing a horse with a real potential future - is undone in a moment. It's got to be gut-wrenching for those who've schooled the horse, identified its raw ability, and got it that far to see all those real hopes crushed and finished in a flash. That's one of the main reasons I never think of a new horse's death in action as 'just one of those things', Shadz - that's easily said by anyone who's never had that real thrill of schooling a talented horse (and God knows, there are enough where you know it isn't going to happen!) and seeing it start out well. When I see some of the stable lads and lasses so enraptured by their horses when they're racing, fussing them in the parade ring, and yelling them on as they close on the finish, my heart really does truly go out to them or those concerned with bringing on the newbies when they win, as it's hard work rewarded, but much more when something like a career-ending injury or worse happens. You know they'll be shredded by emotion, and I can never 'just' dismiss that.
Light Dragoon, didn't see it so don't know what the injury was but he was pulled up

I hope Pepperoni pete is ok as he was pulled up sharply
ELLIE WIGGINS might be another goner, too: was being PU as commentator thought she was going wrong, when she suddenly crashed through the inside rails at Towcester, sent the jock skidding on the grass (fortunately not on the inner chase road), and took off wildly for the infield. Reported on Atacanta that she collapsed on this road (used by the doc and vet cars), but nothing in the RP or on ATR to follow on.
ELLIE WIGGINS might be another goner, too: was being PU as commentator thought she was going wrong, when she suddenly crashed through the inside rails at Towcester, sent the jock skidding on the grass (fortunately not on the inner chase road), and took off wildly for the infield. Reported on Atacanta that she collapsed on this road (used by the doc and vet cars), but nothing in the RP or on ATR to follow on.

Definitely dead - apparently heart attack rather than a leg injury.
Ahh, poor wee mite. I did wonder, in fact, if she'd had something like that or a brain haemmorhage, as in the few seconds where she plunged about, couldn't see any limbs gone wrong. Yes, awful to see, as the animal doesn't know what the hell's happening and looks to go wrong, where it's actually the action becoming disunited. The one good thing about today's falls - apart from whatever happened to LIGHT DRAGOON, which didn't seem to be a fall, according to the reports - is that it was so soft, horses and jockeys slid on impact. I thought for the most part they went off at a tanking rate of knots, regardless of the deep going (especially at Taunton, where rain and high wind added to the rigours of the day). That seemed to lead to a load of PUs and some serious straining to get over the last two for most fields.