Retirements & Departures 2012

A media luz has retired to be a broodmare, can't remember who she was going to see, but hopefully she will have lots of opinionated stubborn babies for years to come ;)
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Spellchecker couldn't be saved at Warwick yesterday despite the vets trying for over an hour according to a report I read.

Will Scarlet of Arthur Whiting's also lost at Exeter last week. Bankers Beauty at Gowran Saturday broke a leg.
A media luz has retired to be a broodmare, can't remember who she was going to see, but hopefully she will have lots of opinionated stubborn babies for years to come ;)

She's a granddaughter of Sadler's Wells, so that will presumably exclude a few of the more commercial NH sires - Oscar, Yeats, Milan etc. Personally I'd send her to Midnight Legend (but then I'd send just about everything to Midnight Legend because he's my favourite NH stallion by miles).
Scotsirish put down after breaking down in the cross-country race. Lovely horse, class on his day in earlier times, he didn't deserve that.

Garde Champetre pulled up injured too in the same race.
Not good. Not least cos we were just saying that we hadnt spotted any fallers or pulled ups to then...

So unfair (well any horse its unfair!) that two horses who have done so much for racing have it happen in the same race. :( Still - its what we ask them to do - and **** happens.

RIP Scotsirish and Garde - thankyou for the memories
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We saw what had happened to Scotsirish, but it's a shock to hear about Garde Champetre. It was a concern to me that they aren't able to water the cross country course. Very sad.
Sad start to the week. It was a bit of a shock too, I always think the Cross Country is one of the safer races of the Festival - it was a surprise to hear they don't water the course there.

RIP Garde Champetre and Scotsirish
Sad to hear that, I thought something had gone wrong with Scotsirish but didnt see Garde Champetre. Educated Evans one was nasty. RIP :(
Ruined the day and for all the guff about trainers being happy with the ground no race at the festival should have firm anywhere in it's description . If they cannot get good ground the race should be abandoned .
At the Cheltenham weights launch, Phil Smith had a go at UK trainers about not running proper horses in the Cross Country, and was met with a stinging response from Hen Knight that the state of the ground was the reason why trainers like herself wouldn't consider it. I think most people took the view that Hen was being precious at the time, but today's events make her look rather prescient.

On a point of accuracy, the Cross Country course does get some watering, but it's sheer size means that it can't be covered in its entirety.
Featherbed Lane and Abergavenny both put down after Coral Cup. Very sad to see two good looking and fairly young horses end up like that.
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I couldn't work out what had happened. At fIrst I thought that perhaps he'd ran out at the fence because he'd had a seizure of some kind and then collapsed [or had hurt himself as he jinked but then carried on running]. Turns out [I think] that he just slipped up but was ok. Must have been very distressed, though [and thank goodness the jockey was ok]. I was listening to the radio when Palawi broke down. Made me hope that the Quinn horse would do well in the Fred Winter, but it wasn't to be.
I think he was going to run out but thought he couldnt so jumped it in the end but Denis had already gone. They're only reporting 2 deaths yesterday (I know that's still too many) so I think hes ok
Sad to report that we had to have our syndicate horse Aim For The Stars put to sleep last night after he developed a very bad infection last week.
