Road to the Champion Hurdle 2023

Can't help but think, JP must have really fallen out with Barry Geraghty over this!
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Even off a steady early pace the Supreme was more than 5 secs slower than CH's last year - on reportedly the same soft ground.
As years go by their ratings have less and less credibility.

I did hear the COTC say the ground was tacky on the hurdle course but it never stopped Constitution Hill clocking 39 seconds from 2 out in a canter which is ona par with what the likes of Istabraq clocked on good ground.

I suggested before the race that State Man would make it a strong gallop and Nico would make his move right after they jumped 2 out and leave him and the others for dead.

In my opinion Willie Mullins has thought if we do that it could cost us 2nd place so lets run a normal race and accept the fact 2nd is the best we can hope for.

As it turned out the race was run at a normal pace Nico just sat there dawdling along like he was out for a Sunday drive round the park and still pressed the button 2 out and won as he liked.

I find Timeforms lack of imagination very poor saying he is still only a 177p horse because it was not a record breaking time.

I defy anyone to name a horse that would live with Constitution Hill from the second last no matter what the gallop or overall time was.

Anyway I doubt if he will ever get that top spot in their list of the highest rated hurdler of all time because after Aintree I doubt if he will ever jump another hurdle.

Little doubt in my mind Nico , Nicky and Michael will all agree he must go chasing next season, do a Mastermind going straight for the QMCC
So what we need now

Barry Connel to run Marine in the Punchestown champion and Michael Buckley to demand his blood

Not going to happen though Aintree test re 2m4f and then roughed off in prep for his chasing career next season.............damn well better be

Now I'm betting in tenners for the rest of my days it's not worth backing him for next seasons QMCC to win 100 quid but the 10/1 on from PP is very tempting.
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Not going to happen though Aintree test re 2m4f and then roughed off in prep for his chasing career next season.............damn well better be

Now I'm betting in tenners for the rest of my days it's not worth backing him for next seasons QMCC to win 100 quid but the 10/1 on from PP is very tempting.

I got enouch worries anyway waiting for Galopin De champs
Lovely article by Brough Scott today:

History is now his for the taking. Constitution Hill did not just beat Ireland’s champion State Man, he toyed with him. Heaven help me I recall every Champion Hurdle since 1953, and have been at Cheltenham for every one since 1963, but I have never seen anything like this.

Unbeaten and unextended in all six of his races over hurdles, Constitution Hill now heads into a future where forbidden phrases such as “the greatest ever” beckon up ahead. But he has to get there. What he has done so far is flawless, yesterday, bar one “hold your breath” moment at the final hurdle, was one of those extraordinary events where the very best of wishes are delivered.

Constitution Hill is not a flashy horse. As his groom, Jaydon Lee, leads him out of the stable block towards the buzzing stands over the rise, the dark bay coat shines with health but the stride is steady, the eyes next to the white-starred forehead as calm as though he was walking across the forecourt of Nicky Henderson’s stable at Lambourn.

“He’s never any bother,” says Lee, a tall smiling, smart-suited 21-year-old from Leamington Spa whose other horse at Henderson’s is the star chaser, Shishkin. “He doesn’t worry, so I don’t either.” These are delicious moments in any sport. The walk behind or beneath the arena with the knowledge of the huge stage where your destiny awaits. We pass daffodils and first blossoms, dip through a tunnel and then down into the saddling paddock to join six rivals already stalking the circuit.

Michael Buckley, the owner, has a grey scarf above his suit and a frown of tension on his face. He has seen triumphs and disaster for five full decades and knows just what this day could bring. Henderson arrives with the saddle, and owner and trainer have a quiet embrace. Words are not needed now.

Save for the splendidly named Jason The Militant, Constitution Hill’s six rivals have decent scores on their shields. Not So Sleepy is getting on a bit but he was once a tearaway winner on both the Flat and the jumps. Shiny-coated I Like To Move It has won three times on the Prestbury Park track. Zanahiyr passed the post third in this race last year. Vauban looked a monster when he won last year’s Triumph Hurdle and his chestnut stable companion State Man paces round lean and ready as befits a Willie Mullins contender. No one wants to allow Constitution Hill an exhibition round.

Nico De Boinville, the jockey, is well aware of this. Legged up in the saddle, he has his game face on beneath the goggles. He leads the field off from the parade and on the canter down to the start. The horse they call “Conrad” may be dozy at home but power now oozes from the end of the rein.

The start is a full half a mile away up the now sunlit turf. Cleeve Hill looks down from the cloud-spangled blue sky as it has on Champion Hurdles for nearly a century now. Down at the last hurdle we wait seven hard-trained thoroughbreds drilling down towards us and dare the glory to come in. I Like To Move It leads with Not So Sleepy behind him on the far side, Constitution Hill close behind. The favourite skips over the hurdle and with the gallop slowing actually heads the leader after the field has swept up round the bend and jumped the next. The field is still bunched as they get to the top of the hill, the pace as slow as 15 seconds to the furlong. Off down the slope and the roll is on, the fractions drop below 14, and the dross are trailing.

Constitution Hill wings ahead at the third last. State Man and Vauban are still a threat. After the second last it is only State Man, after the turn only a somersault could stop the favourite and then for a ghastly moment we nearly get it. Constitution Hill is on a wrong stride for the final hurdle. De Boinville sits still and, instead of shortening for another stride his partner leaps a full stride early. His forelegs reach forward as we wince at the drama. At this stretch horses can buckle on landing but there was only brilliance not buckling now.

“It’s just a matter of when you push the button,” De Boinville told the TV cameras with the rare delight of a man who has now completed the Cheltenham Gold Cup, Champion Chase, Champion Hurdle treble. “He’s an exceptional horse an absolute superstar.”

He turns Constitution Hill away and walks down back in front of the stands with the waves of cheering crashing in. Lee joins him with a smile so deep that his face will hurt in the morning. The applause rings again as he walks into the unsaddling enclosure. Trainer and owner join them for the photos. Someone calls out for an uproarious “three cheers”.

Mission accomplished but what missions now. With this dominance a sequence of Champion Hurdles looks Constitution Hill’s for the taking. But Buckley and Henderson are dreamers too. This is a horse with spring heels in his jumping. Send him over fences next season and he could be better yet. That treble De Boinville has already achieved on different horses could be repeated on only one. If Constitution Hill is as superior over the bigger obstacles as he is over hurdles, he might even do two of those targets in the same year.

Those are all the happiest of headaches for next year. Now is the time for celebration. As De Boinville turned to take saddle and sweat-soaked number cloth to weigh in, he smiled at Buckley and said: “You can stop worrying now.” Ah, but what wonderful worries up ahead.
having backed him on the friday of last year's festival i think i can genuinely say the only moment of worry i had in the entire 12 months was when he took off at the last.

probably speaks to the horses athletic ability he was able to do what Annie Power couldn't from the same spot and get over. but my word it was a horrendous moment for a split second there.
Constitution Hill just needs removing from the race if wants wants a rating putting on him. What did he beat? A 4 time Group 1 hurdler is what. What did Istabraq beat twice???. Theatreworld, how many Grade 1 hurdles did he win?

Without CH in the race, a 4 times Grade 1 horse, State man... beat Zanahir..a 160 horse easy 4 lengths. Vauban another 160 horse beaten another 2+ lengths. Late 150 horses beaten a street.

So it would be fair to say that State Man would be an average CH winner? A late 160s horse? Maybe be just above average?

CH hammered State Man in a Frankel like least a stone better? Not really possible to measure due to the ease of it.

State Man would have won many CH's in the last 20 years.
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CH needs sticking to hurdles, he might win 4 with a patient type like his trainer is. Hurdlers who go chasing are ten a penny, 4 times CH winners make the record books. Remember the really good hurdlers that went chasing? Ended in bad ways on may occasions. How many really good hurdlers won Gold Cups?? I remember Night Nurse, who was awesome on both codes, but always got bloody done in the big chases, then obviously Dawn Run. I could see why NN went chasing, his hurdle form dipped. I don't get the reason to put a natural hurdler over the big ones. Maybe I am wrong, but surely history does help here? Just throwing it out there for discussion.
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I doubt if Nicky and even moreso Michael Buckley have any intentions in chasing 4 champion Hurdles.It goes against Nicky's grain these days and only 3 reasons stopped him send Constitution Hill over fences this year.

His lack of racecourse experience, h the time he clocked in the Supreme compared to Honeysuckle in the Champion Hurdle and he had 2 horses to consider the other being Jonbon.

If you look at recent history EC Buveur D'Air Sprinter Sacre and Altior were his best horses at the time and all 3 went chasing the former returning to win 2 CH's after not taking to fences.

In a sense the Champion Hurdle was a bonus as will be the Aintree Hurdle and if he wins the latter impressively full of running like he could go round again there is no doubtin my mind that will seal the dal and he will be sent chasing
and probably miss the Arkle and go QMCC which looks like it could be a cake walk next seaon if Energymene and This years Arkle winner is all he'd have to beat.

Maybe I am just wishful thinking but that is how I see it.
I doubt if Nicky and even more so Michael Buckley have any intentions of chasing 4 Champion Hurdles. It goes against Nicky's grain these days and only 3 reasons stopped him send Constitution Hill over fences this year.

His lack of racecourse experience, h the time he clocked in the Supreme compared to Honeysuckle in the Champion Hurdle and he had 2 horses to consider the other being Jonbon.

If you look at recent history EC Buveur D'Air Sprinter Sacre and Altior were his best horses at the time and all 3 went chasing the former returning to win 2 CH's after not taking to fences.

In a sense, the Champion Hurdle was a bonus as will be the Aintree Hurdle and if he wins the latter impressively full of running like he could go around again there is no doubt in my mind that will seal the deal and he will be sent chasing
and probably miss the Arkle and go QMCC which looks like it could be a cakewalk next season if Energymene and This year's Arkle winner are all he'd have to beat.

Maybe I am just wishful thinking but that is how I see it.

Is there any doubt in your mind or is it just wishful thinking, it's got to be one or the other. Makes you think, you don't know what to think...

Name one horse that Nicky won the Champion Hurdle with, then took it Chasing...
Name one horse that Nicky won the Champion Hurdle with, then took it Chasing...

For all the good ones he's had - and he's had plenty - I don't think he's had one like this.

I suspect he thinks that if another Arkle were ever to emerge, this would be it. He might need to put him over fences to show his true ability. He really could be 200+ over fences.
With Frankel tucked away as the best flat horse of my lifetime I think Constitution Hill is already the best jumper I’ve ever seen and he hasn’t been out of second gear yet. Such is the hierarchy of our sport that he will never earn “The Greatest” title unless he does it over fences too and I guess the temptation to try will be overwhelming. Bring it on!!
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For all the good ones he's had - and he's had plenty - I don't think he's had one like this.

I suspect he thinks that if another Arkle were ever to emerge, this would be it. He might need to put him over fences to show his true ability. He really could be 200+ over fences.

I think you are wishful thinking there too DO. Think you want the handicapper to give him what we all see (already 200).

He's earned just over £500,000 so far, that is the outlay covered. If he were to go chasing, there's no guarantee he would be better over a fence, I know many improve, but not many top-flight horses improve. First, it would be the Arkle, so there's £150,000 he's dipped out on. Then the Queen Mother the following year another £50,000 lost, that's assuming he wins them and remains injury free. He jumps hurdles with such elan and economy, there's no way he would do that over a fence. If he were mine, he wouldn't even see a schooling fence!!

P.S; Hope you weren't sitting there yesterday, hoping Langer Dan got pipped :blink:
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For all the good ones he's had - and he's had plenty - I don't think he's had one like this.

I suspect he thinks that if another Arkle were ever to emerge, this would be it. He might need to put him over fences to show his true ability. He really could be 200+ over fences.

Couldn't agree with you more. Someone suggested in a post that it's last chance for Nicky and Michael who like us are getting on in years to reach the unltimate goal in racing, a chance that come once in a lifetime.

How sad it would be if they don't take the bull by the horns and give it a go.

If fences for some reason like Buveur D'Air fences don't suit they can simply go back and win another Champion Hurdle anyway
I think you are wishful thinking there too DO. Think you want the handicapper to give him what we all see (already 200).

He's earned just over £500,000 so far, that is the outlay covered. If he were to go chasing, there's no guarantee he would be better over a fence, I know many improve, but not many top-flight horses improve. First, it would be the Arkle, so there's £150,000 he's dipped out on. Then the Queen Mother the following year another £50,000 lost, that's assuming he wins them and remains injury free. He jumps hurdles with such elan and economy, there's no way he would do that over a fence. If he were mine, he wouldn't even see a schooling fence!!

P.S; Hope you weren't sitting there yesterday, hoping Langer Dan got pipped :blink:

I don't think you have a clue how good this horse really is. The Arkle? He wouldn't waste his time going there .

If he goes chasing money will prevail and he will go QMCC and what would even come close to beating him in that next year?

Energymene? Don't make me :lol: he'd do to him what he did to State Man without breaking sweat and even easier.

His final question before he went to sleep on Tuesday night was:- 'Why am I a little tired Nicky? I haven't been doing anything".
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I don't think you have a clue how good this horse really is. The Arkle? He wouldn't waste his time going there .

If he goes chasing money will prevail and he will go QMCC and what would even come close to beating him in that next year?

Energymene? Don't make me :lol: he'd do to him what he did to State Man without breaking sweat and even easier.

His final question before he went to sleep on Tuesday night was:- 'Why am I a little tired Nicky? I haven't been doing anything".

You sound so stupid at times.

You have your own little fantasy world in your head, with enforcing rhetoric that we all must comply with, you billow utter poppycock.

I don't think you have a clue how good this horse really is. you obviously don't read the posts..

Energymene? Don't make me :lol: he'd do to him what he did to State Man without breaking a sweat and even easier. If that isn't exactly what I just said, I don't know what is! He hasn't jumped a fence and you can call that, some crystal ball you have there!

Let me remind you of what you said about El Fabiolo after he dotted up in his first chase, without coming out of a canter....

I found nothing impressive about El Fabiolo when you consider nothing else was put into the race

The Stewards in Ireland are the laughingstock of NH racing.

Appreciate impressed me much more and does look like a Cheltenham sort to me

This is getting mixed date for me Appreicate It is the most likely Cheltenham winner........all we need to know now is where WPM decides to run him
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