While it's impossible to establish proper sectionals, my best guess as to where the marker poles are suggest they covered the last 2f in c24 secs, which (over a stiffish 5f like Newcastle) is hardly indicative of horses out on their feet.
Robot Boy looks a pace horse, rather than a quickener, so it's fairly safe to say (with only easy 5's at York and Longchamp remaining) that he won't be winning any gp1's this season. Given his capable trainer, it's not easy to predict how far he'll go eventually, but (off his new mark of 101) he's well capable of winning more handicaps - given the right circumstances.
Robot Boy looks a pace horse, rather than a quickener, so it's fairly safe to say (with only easy 5's at York and Longchamp remaining) that he won't be winning any gp1's this season. Given his capable trainer, it's not easy to predict how far he'll go eventually, but (off his new mark of 101) he's well capable of winning more handicaps - given the right circumstances.