
At the Start
May 2, 2003
McCoy is meant to be refusing to speak to RUK after Hislop questioned the ride he gave Get Me Out Of Here on his seasonal debut. Such a sensitive soul.
These guys can take a heavy fall no bother but not a question about how they have ridden or performed. Imagine every other sportsman or woman threw a little strop everytime there was any sort of negative press about them.
Was the criticism justified-what exactly did Lydia say.

Completely immaterial, for me, whether it was justified or not.

Francome was asked on C4 on Sunday to comment on the ride. He tried to support McCoy but struggled to do so. Predictably, Plunkett came on and did her bit as well.
Predictably, Plunkett came on and did her bit as well.

What did that useless bint have to say on it? How she's still on TV after that embarrassing rant about hunting a few years ago, I don't know. Absolutely appalling broadcaster.

What do the jockeys want? Establishment broadcasters like on C4 and BBC who sit on the fence and don't say anything which might offend jockeys.
Completely immaterial, for me, whether it was justified or not.

Francome was asked on C4 on Sunday to comment on the ride. He tried to support McCoy but struggled to do so. Predictably, Plunkett came on and did her bit as well.

Francome never criticises McCoy. Very rarely criticises any jockey, but never McCoy.
I suspect Lydia suggested it was a tender ride and AP has decided she was questioning his integrity !
The one at Ascot. Feck knows what happened in the Greatwood, his best form entitled him to be fighting the finish out.
The one at Ascot. Feck knows what happened in the Greatwood, his best form entitled him to be fighting the finish out.

I'd have said his best form entitles him to win. Obviously it's hard to know if, or how much Menorah has improved, but I think Get Me Out Of Here should've won the Supreme Novices.
I don't think there's any doubt about that. His momentum was stopped at a crucial time, just when he was starting to motor. I think Menorah is the luckiest animal in training.
McCoy is meant to be refusing to speak to RUK after Hislop questioned the ride he gave Get Me Out Of Here on his seasonal debut. Such a sensitive soul.

Did she question the ride to his face, or was she making comments in the studio?
They are all brave until they come up against the likes of Barney Curley.

This is exactly the point. No they are not. The racing press is blighted by the usual suspects who have been in the game for years still trotting out the tired old cliches and not rocking the boat. There are some exceptions, like Greg Wood, Lydia Hislop, Chris Cook, Chris McGrath, Steve Mellish, even Matt Chapman (made excellent point about 12f handicap that Tony Carroll had by the balls at Wolves on Monday) that will challenge the status quo and point out rides that should be scrutinised in further detail, sadly though the game remains top heavy with the other type.

Anyone that doesn't see McCoy's behaviour as childish and unreasonable really doesn't understand the wider issue that is at stake here. Lydia's style is not popular with either a number of industry figures or a number of her colleagues judging by the style of the Daily Mail piece which broke this story. That to me is a clear indication that she's in the minority of doing her job right.
Did she question the ride to his face, or was she making comments in the studio?

Is this a genuine query or are you trying to make a point?? As I understand it the comments were made during a Racing UK preview of the Greatwood at Ludlow (or such a place) during the week leading up to the race. She made a very good point, which others to their credit also picked up on that the horse was given a remarkably easy time of it.

McCoy was invited (according to RUK) to put his point across to viewers but chose not to do so.
Is this a genuine query or are you trying to make a point??

Of course it's a genuine query, and thank you for answering it.

I would have had some sympathy for him if she had been trying to question him about it while he was going about his business at the track.
This is exactly the point. No they are not. The racing press is blighted by the usual suspects who have been in the game for years still trotting out the tired old cliches and not rocking the boat. There are some exceptions, like Greg Wood, Lydia Hislop, Chris Cook, Chris McGrath, Steve Mellish, even Matt Chapman (made excellent point about 12f handicap that Tony Carroll had by the balls at Wolves on Monday) that will challenge the status quo and point out rides that should be scrutinised in further detail, sadly though the game remains top heavy with the other type.

Anyone that doesn't see McCoy's behaviour as childish and unreasonable really doesn't understand the wider issue that is at stake here. Lydia's style is not popular with either a number of industry figures or a number of her colleagues judging by the style of the Daily Mail piece which broke this story. That to me is a clear indication that she's in the minority of doing her job right.

Good post and I agree with you. About the industry came into the real world and not adhere to the fawning of the origins of the sport.