I think withdrawing VVM was very unsporting. Fair enough they only brought her over for the title, and that had gone, but once you're declared to run you're supposed to run. That's the point of declarations.
Something he said afterwards rankled with me: "I brought a big team of horses over that I didn't have to, and I don't think the stewards took that into account". So we are supposed to be so pathetically grateful that he's brought some horses to Sandown that we let him break the rules? He's brought the horses here for his own reasons and once they're here they can abide by the same rules as everyone else. He then went on to say that they withdrew her to go for a higher value race in Punchestown and they were only in this "race of much less value" because of the title. Tough titty Willie.
I've always been a Mullins fan but he went down a notch in my estimation yesterday.