Scottish Independence.....


Senior Jockey
Nov 14, 2006
......was finished as a concept a Canadian working for the English.

If it looked like a Fatneck/Nick-Knack vanity exercise before Carney's intervention, the entire endeavour looks like a total punt/crap-shoot after it......with the dice heavily-loaded against Independence.

Good - it's about time the shortbread-tin-rattling, pea-brained cu*nts had their swiss-cheese of a position fully-exposed.
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He cooly and finally dissected the stupidity and frankly arrogance of the SNP post independence proposal

ie. YOU think WE will bail out YOUR economy???

My bet is that the vote for independence will collapse next year. Scots i know in London are violently against it (especially if we follow my suggestion and seize the oil rigs, close the borders and round up immigrant scots into ginger camps) You are a practical lot up there with...ahem... half an eye on the pennies

The UK is better as one frankly
Wasn't Alex Salman partly responsible for the RBS problems? And didn't unification with Scotland only come about because we had to bail them out of an unsuccessful financial venture a few hundred years ago?? I have to keep quiet a lot of the time cause I've quite a few Scottish Nationalist friends so I seethe inwardly.
He cooly and finally dissected the stupidity and frankly arrogance of the SNP post independence proposal

ie. YOU think WE will bail out YOUR economy???

My bet is that the vote for independence will collapse next year. Scots i know in London are violently against it (especially if we follow my suggestion and seize the oil rigs, close the borders and round up immigrant scots into ginger camps) You are a practical lot up there with...ahem... half an eye on the pennies

The UK is better as one frankly

I'm dead against independence but when I hear comments like this I wonder if we'd be better off going it alone.
You cant go it alone. As tigger says, we dump scousers on you as part of the deal
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There is a dearth of competent committed politicians in these Isles. They spend far too much time -and our money - on useless self serving attempts to improve their own standing rather than dealing with the issues that most of us want dealt with. It would be a short list if one compiled a tally of those that have made a genuine contribution.
There is a dearth of competent committed politicians in these Isles. They spend far too much time -and our money - on useless self serving attempts to improve their own standing rather than dealing with the issues that most of us want dealt with. It would be a short list if one compiled a tally of those that have made a genuine contribution.

Too true, TS.
Bit sweeping that Tout and there has always been an element of self serving, going back to god knows when

Should always be remembered that some, such as Osbourne could earn a lot more and have a considerably easier life in the city. He doesnt need the money of course but its not just ego (hes apparently pretty well aware hes not easily marketable)

Trouble is that too many are "professional politicians" with no outside experience. Cameron and Milliband perfect examples. One seems devoid of any real vision and the other is stuck with a hostile north london disdain for business and those ghastly people who "make money"

I dont know what its like in Scotland but down here we have heard too much from the Salmonds of this world with their half baked proposals. The BBC has been guilty for sure

One politician who is firmly in the No camp and i have a huge amount of time for as well as being someone who has handled enormous difficulties extremely well for not substantial reward is Alastair Darling.
Wasn't Alex Salman partly responsible for the RBS problems? And didn't unification with Scotland only come about because we had to bail them out of an unsuccessful financial venture a few hundred years ago?? I have to keep quiet a lot of the time cause I've quite a few Scottish Nationalist friends so I seethe inwardly.

Errr You cannot blame "Salman" for RBS. That was Sir Fred, Broonie and Blair. They all wanted the biggest bank in the world to be a UK bank.

I'm not anti Independence, it has many social positives, but also would have some financial negatives. BUT it will never ever be voted in. In general MPs are people who can't get proper jobs, in Scotland i reckon most would stuggle to cross the road unaided.
Bit sweeping that Tout and there has always been an element of self serving, going back to god knows when

Should always be remembered that some, such as Osbourne could earn a lot more and have a considerably easier life in the city. He doesnt need the money of course but its not just ego (hes apparently pretty well aware hes not easily marketable)

Trouble is that too many are "professional politicians" with no outside experience. Cameron and Milliband perfect examples. One seems devoid of any real vision and the other is stuck with a hostile north london disdain for business and those ghastly people who "make money"

I dont know what its like in Scotland but down here we have heard too much from the Salmonds of this world with their half baked proposals. The BBC has been guilty for sure

One politician who is firmly in the No camp and i have a huge amount of time for as well as being someone who has handled enormous difficulties extremely well for not substantial reward is Alastair Darling.

Alistair Darling is a talking arsehole.
Errr You cannot blame "Salman" for RBS. That was Sir Fred, Broonie and Blair. They all wanted the biggest bank in the world to be a UK bank.

I'm not anti Independence, it has many social positives, but also would have some financial negatives. BUT it will never ever be voted in. In general MPs are people who can't get proper jobs, in Scotland i reckon most would stuggle to cross the road unaided.

Reading "making it happen" about Goodwin at the moment.

Nasty piece of work but shouldnt be forgotten that the disaster was partly driven by a small minded nationlistic view that they "had to outdo London"

As an aside i love it when some go on about "colonialism" What was Glasgow known as? the second city of what exactly? These debates do get the ihatethenglish brigade twitching dont they?
It was a mix of both. with all due respect, have you read this thorough insiders account?
I said Salmond was only 'partly responsible' having 'cheered on the empire building Fred Goodwins catastrophic takeover bid for the Dutch Bank ABN Ambro' with a letter signed 'Yours for Scotland, Alex'. As a former RBS economist it doesn't inspire confidence for the future.
Careful now. Post Colonialism following centuries of asset rape is not all it's cracked up to be.

Thinking of starting a Re-unification campaign Mr Farrell?

Moehat - you are quite correct in stating that the Union was partially brought about by the failure of Darien expedition (and it will no doubt make you seethe even more to know that RBS came about as a result of the failure of that expedition - but it was most definitely not a bailing out exercise from the English point of view).

You could, however, ease yourself with the thought that England had just spent most of the previous 600 years trying to take Scotland by force and only agreed to the Union of the Crowns when it was discovered that we had a big-eared inbred who was more directly related to the last English big-eared inbred to be on the throne than any you lot had.
I said Salmond was only 'partly responsible' having 'cheered on the empire building Fred Goodwins catastrophic takeover bid for the Dutch Bank ABN Ambro' with a letter signed 'Yours for Scotland, Alex'. As a former RBS economist it doesn't inspire confidence for the future.

So anyone alive who thought having the biggest bank in the world located in the UK was partly responsible then or did he actually have something to do with it? (and there weren't too many dissenting voices on either side of the border)

And what has Alex Salmond got to do with it anyway?

It's not about individual politicians (or shouldn't be) - it's not even about whether or not we will be better/worse/much the same off financially - it's about whether the people of Scotland have the right to determine where they should be governed from and about those same people making that choice.

The English, rightly, do not have a say in it - but I would support their right to self-determination as well should that be what they want.